It was so unexpected that I couldn't believe it!
But what really got me was how the author weaved the plot and the interaction between the characters. It was all so perfect, so precise and so good that I couldn't put this book down until I turned the last page.
Hail to the Wolves of Sparta!
Take a step back and plunge into history with Wolves Of Laconia by William A. Lamon. Intriguing and interesting, the author's accurately researched and vividly detailed narration brings Ancient Greece alive again, unveiling the rigid rules and the subtle mystique that has always fascinated me.
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Wolves of Laconia - OnlineBookClub.org
Published By: eXtasy Books
Author: Laura Tolomei
Publication Date: September 1, 2012
Series: Virtus #5
Saga's chapter 5 continues the dark fantasy story of Prince Duncan Caldwell, now Leader of the High Council, Lord Templeton, his lover, and Ylianor Meyer, their woman. The tale started in The Sex, Virtus #1, with Duncan and Ylianor meeting again after ten years' estrangement. Then it continues in The Game, Virtus #2, The Festival, Virtus #3, and The Leader, Virtus #4. Given the saga nature of this ongoing fantasy series, it is advisable to read each book in sequence.
"Beaten at my own game...and by a woman no less!"
With a gasp, Chris woke up. The room was in darkness, the sole light coming from the embers in the cold fireplace. Outside,no sound broke the stillness of the night.
Shaking his head, he looked around in confusion.It had been a dream, another one, vivid and powerful, yes, still nothing real.Too bad it had left him wide-awake and with a nagging heartthrob that required getting up, and fast, too. Careful not to wake the others, Ylianor in particular who was pressing on his …
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