Virtus Game

The Game: Author’s Cut

AUTHOR: Laura Tolomei

SERIES: Virtus Saga, Book 2

GENRE: Erotica, Gay LGBT, Ménage à Trois/Quatre, Multiple Partners, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Series, m/m, m/m/f, m/m/m/m, m/f/f

ISBN# 9781487430818


HEAT LEVEL: 4 flames

PAGES: 394

WORD COUNT: 116,740

RELEASE: 21 August 2012

PUBLISHER: eXtasy Books

COVER: Angela Waters


Previously published as Virtus, The Game, this book has been completely revised and doubled in size with the addition of many new scenes.



After discovering where the missing pyramid has been hidden, Prince Duncan Caldwell goes to retrieve it, together with his lover, Christopher Templeton, and the woman whom they seem to have no choice but to bring along, Ylianor Meyer. But once they get to the hiding place, they’ll have to play an erotic game of masters and slaves before they can ever complete their mission. And once they do get their hands on the pyramid…well, they’ll wish they never had. 


"Love gone wrong hurts so goddamn much, but it’s nothing compared to the pain of repressing its memory.”


You are the master!

(PG Excerpt)

From now on, nothing private between us. That Duncan was tongue deep in Ylianor’s throat was an unavoidable yet unfortunate incident.

He could blame his lack of resistance all he liked. The truth was that, after he had succeeded in reclaiming her from Jeff’s possessive grasp, he had been overwhelmed by the need to devour her. Since sex was not an option, he had gone for the next best thing—her sweet, yielding mouth.

An unconventional move for sure, not to mention that he was probably breaking all of Cecilia’s rules on masters and slaves.

We’re going to play here in the open, where I can see you with my own eyes. Having managed, not without a great effort, to break off the lustful kiss, he reached his assigned place. I won’t touch you again, even if it kills me. Setting her down on the low table, he straightened to enforce his decision.

No matter how much you want me? Maddeningly bewitching, she taunted maliciously.

No. He grinned seductively. No matter how much you want me. No way would he fall for her coyness, not since the ferocious pounding in her cunt gave her away all too easily. Which isn’t going to make me change my mind. Studying her face, he caught her disappointment, however quick she was to suppress it. There’ll be no coming for you, not unless I say so. He made it sound final, without any grounds for an appeal. ‘Cause you’ll be nothing more than a mere object, a worthless toy people will use for their pleasure alone. Simply envisioning it, made his cock twitch. And you’ll have to service them all. ‘Cause I’m going to push you so far beyond your limits. You’ll never be the same again.

What if it sounded extreme?

The Virtus Saga


Virtus Sex