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Enslavement by Laura Tolomei
Enslavement by Laura Tolomei

The Enslavement Of Janet

SERIES: ReScue, instaFreebie download

AUTHOR: Laura Tolomei

FACEBOOK: ReScue Series

GOODREADS: ReScue Series

GENRE: Erotica, BDSM, Contemporary, Gay LGBT, Multiple Partners, Ménage à Trois, Series, m/m, m/m/f

ISBN# 9781533730503


WORDS# 9.614

PUBLISHER: Self-Published (but professionally edited)

RELEASED: 17 April 2016



If she thought she’d have it easy, she was dead wrong. Leon Sterling is inflexible when it comes to his slaves, as Sean Davis well knows. Only now, Sean is his fellow master, Leon’s mastery over him having turned to fiery love during the first two books of the ReScue Series, Re-Scue and Tasting Leon’s Mark. So there’ll be no pity for Janet Ramsey, nothing except total surrender will do for her two demanding Doms.


But if she’s ready for them, is she also ready for the wolves that her masters will command her to serve?