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Category: @LallaGatta

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Review by LallaGatta – Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee

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Disappointing, but still…


Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee is nowhere near the excellence of her first book, To Kill a Mockingbird. But then, more than 60 years have passed between the first and the second novel. So, in a way, the Scout who is the protagonist of this book, like she was of the previous one, isn't just 20 years older. She's a lifetime older, which might explain why she feels so out of focus.

Or maybe the problem is with Mrs. Lee herself since she's obviously not an author in the traditional sense, having only one tale to tell and nothing else.

I also have an issue with the book's title, which is one of the worst I ever encountered.

Regardless of the book's shortcomings, however, there is a citation here that has made it worthwhile for me to read this book, and I'm going to share it for all:

"Prejudice, a dirty word, and faith, a clean one, have something in common: they both begin where reason ends."

Check it out on Amazon

#LauraTolomei #LallaGatta #reading #reviews

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Review by LallaGatta – The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

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So poignant, it made me cry.

The Perks of Being a Wallflowerby Stephen Chbosky has deeply touched me. Maybe it's the letter style that makes it so like stream of consciousness. Or maybe it's the innocence of Charlie, the protagonist. Either way, the emotions here are raw and go straight to the hearts of readers, without filters, without even being aware of it until all that's left to do is cry for everything that went wrong.

I definitely recommend this book to anyone wanting to re-evaluate his or her high school years.

Check it out on Amazon

#LauraTolomei #LallaGatta #reading #reviews