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Category: Romance

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TRR Review – Virtus Sex

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Between the amazing world building, plentiful sex, great characters, and well-developed plot, this book is the start of something special!

That the Virtus Saga isn't just another dark fantasy series will become apparent upon reading all the reviews. It's central theme is about the making of a trio, which remains the main focus also in the rewriting of the first two books of the series. That's why I present The Sex's reviews under the Virtus Sex cover, for the two are essentially the same book. Virtus Sex is, in fact, a newer, more polished version of The Sex, with the same storyline enriched by the addition of more sex scenes and more explanations on how the three-way relationship comes together and grows.

I hope you enjoy reading the reviews as much as the books themselves!




Title: Virtus Sex
The Sex: Author's Cut
Series: Virtus Saga, Book 1
Author: Laura Tolomei
Publisher: eXtasy Books
ISBN: 9781487424824
Released: April 2019
Format: Ebook, Paperback
Price: $5.43, $17.75
Length: 459 Pages
Genre: Fantasy Romance, Erotica, Gay LGBTQA+, Ménage à Trois, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewer Name: Rho
Reviewer: The Romance Reviews




The World …

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Blackraven’s Review – Virtus Sex

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Dark, edgy, and raw! Bravo Ms. Tolomei!

That the Virtus Saga isn't just another dark fantasy series will become apparent upon reading all the reviews. It's central theme is about the making of a trio, which remains the main focus also in the rewriting of the first two books of the series. That's why I present The Sex's reviews under the Virtus Sex cover, for the two are essentially the same book. Virtus Sex is, in fact, a newer, more polished version of The Sex, with the same storyline enriched by the addition of more sex scenes and more explanations on how the three-way relationship comes together and grows.

I hope you enjoy reading the reviews as much as the books themselves!



Author Review: The Sex by Laura Tolomei


Title: Virtus Sex
The Sex: Author's Cut
Series: Virtus Saga, Book 1
Author: Laura Tolomei
Publisher: eXtasy Books
ISBN: 9781487424824
Released: April 2019
Format: Ebook, Paperback
Price: $5.43, $17.75
Length: 459 Pages
Genre: Fantasy Romance, Erotica, Gay LGBTQA+, Ménage à Trois, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal
Rating: 5 Ravens
Reviewer Name: AJ
Reviewer: Blackraven’s Reviews


Recommended Read


If Sendar stood a chance, perhaps it …

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Romance at Heart Review – Virtus Sex

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Very high heat levels for man-love romance!

That the Virtus Saga isn't just another dark fantasy series will become apparent upon reading all the reviews. It's central theme is about the making of a trio, which remains the main focus also in the rewriting of the first two books of the series. That's why I present The Sex's reviews under the Virtus Sex cover, for the two are essentially the same book. Virtus Sex is, in fact, a newer, more polished version of The Sex, with the same storyline enriched by the addition of more sex scenes and more explanations on how the three-way relationship comes together and grows.

I hope you enjoy reading the reviews as much as the books themselves!


Title: Virtus Sex
The Sex: Author's Cut
Series: Virtus Saga, Book 1
Author: Laura Tolomei
Publisher: eXtasy Books
ISBN: 9781487424824
Released: April 2019
Format: Ebook, Paperback
Price: $5.43, $17.75
Length: 459 Pages
Genre: Fantasy Romance, Erotica, Gay LGBTQA+, Ménage à Trois, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal
Reviewer: Romance at Heart


The Sex: Virtus Saga: Book 1 by Laura Tolomei is the first in a series of novels that describes a three-way relationship and the problems …

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