Vision Quest
M/M shapeshifting never sounded better! Blood sex murder can the mind overcome the evil within? Great Halloween offering!
Master & slave, blood & sex & murder: can the mind overcome the evil within? Shapeshifting never sounded better!
“Two men. One connection. And time is running out!” AR
“The force of Lord Brahany’s will is more than an innocent young man can deny, but…The ferocity with which Lord Brahany and Ilenio engage each other is a complete sensual and sexual explosion for the senses.” CTR
“A well written mix of romance, history, mystique and horror!” Rose
“What more could you ask then an alpha male with wings ;0)” JBp
“Laura Tolomei keeps readers on the edge of their seats with VISIONQUEST. The horror of the killings, erotic ‘romance,’ and the paranormal element all blend together into a plot that titillates your senses. I admit I don’t normally read horror romance but once I started reading VISIONQUEST I couldn’t put it down until I knew what would happen to Illenio. He’s a nice young man whose life seems to be spiraling out of control while Seigneuros’ intentions seem to be more sinister in nature. My feelings about Seigneuros and Illenio’s relationship were conflicting for much of the story because I couldn’t figure out what part Seigneuros played in the murders. Is he somehow responsible for the deaths or can he be trusted? “ RJR rated it 4 Ribbons
“If you’re looking for a straight up happily-ever-after romance then VISIONQUEST might not be your cup of tea; but if you want a little something different, edgier, shocking even, then I can certainly recommend Ms. Tolomei’s VISIONQUEST.” RJR rated it 4 Ribbons
Shape shifting never read better!
AUTHOR: Laura Tolomei
FACEBOOK: Laura Tolomei Horror Side
GENRE: Erotica, Gay LGBT, Ménage à Trois/Quatre, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Horror, Shapeshiter, Romance, m/m, m/m/m, m/m/m/m
ISBN# 9781554877249
HEAT LEVEL: 4 flames
PAGES: 118
WORD COUNT: 29.500
RELEASED: 15 November 2010
PUBLISHER: eXtasy Books
COVER: Angela Water
Read more about Visionquest on my website
It wasn’t till he took me to his bed and made love to me, for the first time—no competition between us, no unspoken challenge, no master-slave, no blood, no death, nothing but intense emotions overwhelming me with the sheer power of his feelings, a sea so deep, a tide so strong I thought I’d drown as he took me face up, raising my legs above his shoulders and plunging deep before preying on my mouth, too, in a never-ending kiss that took my breath, not to mention my resolve, away—that in spite of everything, I gave him what he wanted most, my soul in its entirety, for I knew right there and then I was sealing my destiny forever.
Reader Jo’s review: “Visionquest is a fantastic story! Ilenio is a wonderful character full of self-doubt. The love between Ilenio and Lord Brahany, that neither will admit even to themsleces, is so well handled….from doubts to lust to doubts to love….I hope to see more from Ilenio and his Seigneuro’s world.”
Erotic Romance with an Edge, Laura Tolomei, LallaGatta, Lalla Gatta, ebook, e-book, Halloween, horror, shape-shifter, shapeshifter, Ilenio, men-love, man-man, men-men, Lord Bharton, man with wings, men with wings, winged, bloody sacrifice, paranormal, dark fantasy, ménage, multiple partners, MMF, erotica, gay, LGBT, gay LGBT, MMM, erotic, fiction, multiple partner, black arts, black magic, dark romance, extasy books, romance, romantic, , romantica, Author Laura Tolomei, literary, reading, writing, autho
Reader Mindy review: “I LOVE your books and other than the Virtus Saga, Visionquest is the best. The tales just keeps getting better and better!”
PG (555 I need you chpt. 4) (505)
“Yes, I need you to fight the darkness.”
“A great lord like you needs someone as lowly as me?” Baffled, I stared wide-eyed.
Sprawled on his giant bed in the master chamber, the Seigneuros stroked my hair, caressing and playing with the thick strands. “Aye, I do. You see, the world is full of evil dressed up in one shape or another. Some take the form of beasts, others of demons or vicious entities, though none is more dangerous than those that remain human in only outwardly, concealing their unspeakable blackness beneath apparently normal features.”
“And you fight against them? How?”
He was silent for a moment until his hand slipped around my shoulder. “Little one, what I’m about to reveal is one of the best kept secrets of Griphonis Castle.”
I raised my head, offended he could only think of me as a traitor. “I’d never betray you, Master. I swear!”
He smiled gently. “I know you won’t, because you’re as much a part of it as I am.” He shook his head. “No, I’m simply warning you the truth about me might be harder to handle than you imagine.” He took a deep breath while continuing the slow massage on my back. “What you see of me now is only half of what I am. And since the half you see can’t fight evil, I need to rely on one you can’t see right now.”
“What’s your other half like?” Though afraid of the answer, I knew I had to ask the question.
“It’s a raptor, an eagle-like predator whose only purpose in life is to destroy the dark forces trying to obscure the world’s light.”
As suddenly as if lightning had struck me, I understood my role. “But you can’t turn into it as you’d like because—”
I need a Visionario like you, someone who sees and feels the evil as if it were part of himself, no matter where it happens, then shares it with me through thoughts, images, sensations, anything more than simple words to urge me into the necessary change.
“The nightmares!” And as strange as it sounded, it finally made sense as I opened my mouth wide in understanding.
Exactly. He nodded in agreement while placing a hand over my mouth. But use your thoughts to reach me.
I can actually hear you in my head.
Yes, little one, and I need this to transform into the beast half. You’ll have to be my hunter, the one telling me of the visions and making me turn one form or the other.
The task seemed far too big for my limited possibilities, so I started to tell him, but he had already read my mind as clearly as if I’d spoken the words themselves. You simply need training and that’s what you’re here for. I’ll have my hunters pour their experience into you until you’ll reach their level while I…
The thought trailed off as his hand closed on my ass. I’ll take care of the fun part.
But what really blew my mind away were his incredible transformation and the connection he was strengthening every day more. The first time I saw him slowly turn into a majestic black eagle-like bird—his face elongating in a beak, his body sprouting giant claws, then long elegant wings, covered with thick luscious black feathers—it took my breath away, though not as much as when I understood that I, and I alone, had the power to control him. And it thrilled me beyond words, like an excitingly heated wave coursing my entire fiber, to think he had chosen me, out of all the people he could’ve beckoned for this special service, to share his most intimate sphere.
So he soared high above the sky while I tried to follow him on ground, soon losing sight of him until the low, deep and distinctive pitch I was learning to recognize as his essence reverberated in my head like the sound of distant thunder to steer me in the right direction without using any words or forms of verbal communication. Apparently, his beast state didn’t consent any human weakness, least of all the spoken kind, and he had to submit to the same limitations animals did except for what came from the intense sharing I was growing to depend on, both in and out of bed. And while I could simply think my questions or comments in order to receive an answer from him, he relied heavily on imagery, audible signs and sensations to make sure we never lost track of each other, flashing map-like pictures of a place, if not the actual view of it, or clogging my ears with the noise associated to it.
In any case, I didn’t need his words—enough to sense him as a presence in my head regardless of the distance between us or of his appearance, bird or human making no difference in my strong perception of him—for I knew he was trying to teach me more than a silent exchange of information. What he aimed at was for our link to move beyond the physical realm to reach the indefinable sensual one that for the time being was ours only during sex. “Because, little one, our senses won’t betray us…” To prove his point, he had grabbed it and squeezed it. “Like fragile emotions or false words.”
I had no trouble believing him, not after his many lessons were plunging me into a frenzied heat that swept away my doubts, my awareness, my breath, my very life, everything and anything that wasn’t him fading in a hazy background until nothing existed besides him. And it intoxicated my soul and altered my perceptions like living constantly on the edge of a precipice, hovering between a vertical fall without safety nets and a sense of security he was instilling slowly but surely.
That’s how it all came together—the training, the connection, the hunt, the chase, the killings, the incredible transformation and the hottest sex—coalescing into the most unusual relationship I had ever experienced. It wasn’t love, of course, though I felt closer to him than to any loved one. It wasn’t work either, although we had a definite purpose and his determination drove me beyond any feasible boundary. But whatever it was, nothing expressed it better than our bodies’ fatal attraction to one another.
PG M/M/M sensual (450)
“Sorry, Brahany, I came tonight hoping to forget about him for a while.”
“And have some fun in the process?” The gray eyes flashed in understanding.
“Exactly.” Alexiander grinned, immediately fixing his gaze on me.
“And I think I know who your choice is.” Licking his lips, my master followed his direction.
They were talking about me like I wasn’t even there, standing so close they could’ve touched me had they wanted. Actually, what I read in the metal-gray eyes when I glanced at him from under my lids, was something entirely different from plain sex, as if a thought had just struck him and he couldn’t wait to put it to the test.
“I must admit he’s tempting. And his ass—”
“Is yours if you wanted it.”
Half aroused, half surprised, Lord Bharton’s eyes blazed with unsuppressed lust. “So I can have him?”
“You can at one condition.”
Reluctantly, Alexiander turned to face my master. “What is it?”
“That we share him together.”
“Sure, why not?” And a slow, smug smile curved the young man’s lips probably at the possibilities the Seigneuros had just opened up.
But, Master, we should be leaving on patrol in just—
I don’t recall asking your opinion. Now set down the tray and follow us.
And since he was the master, I obeyed.
In his private quarters, he made me stand with my back to Alexiander. “Perhaps you haven’t noticed his best feature…” He slapped both buttocks hard. “Besides the ass, I mean.” Freeing the tight bun of hair I usually kept tied, the long strands tumbled down in a mass. Like I said, they were a nobleman’s privilege, so even if Lord Brahany had not required me to cut them, I didn’t offend the public sense by parading them around.
“By the gods, he looks like one of us!” Alexiander’s shocked tone gave me the measure of how much I defied conventions and the length to which my master had allowed me to go.
“Yes, but they’re well worth his defiance.” Lord Brahany ran his fingers through the thick strands, offering them to Alexiander’s touch while inevitably both our cocks stirred to stiff attention.
As Lord Bharton caressed the reddish-gold mass, the effect seemed even more potent on him, intoxicating almost, and it made me understand the hair’s erotic potential along with the reason for the restrictions against wearing them long. But since it wasn’t time for philosophical considerations, I melted in the caresses’ blatant sensuality until the Seigneuros pushed on my shoulders. Compliant as always, I dropped to my knees, already burying my face in his crotch to breathe deeply of his musky scent before freeing what had already hardened considerably.
BLOODY R (515)
Coming closer, the accomplice picked up Athrias, his powerful frame having no difficulty in handling my friend in spite of his fierce thrashing, and brought him to the pit, making him stand tied as he was before gagging him with a white strip of cloth. On the other side, the master supervised as his acolyte stripped my friend naked, then dropped to his knees and closed his mouth on the limp cock. Shocked, I couldn’t believe my eyes. To give pleasure seemed the last thing on these fiends’ minds, yet the man was working fast to cause an erection while his master ran his long and probably sharp claws lightly on Athrias’s chest as if wanting to caress it.
Astonished, too, Athrias didn’t react at first, just kept looking at one, then at the other unsure about what to think or do. But the blow job in progress did a lot to convince him to relax and I saw the moment he decided to ease his terror, which was the same his shaft doubled its size and chocked the avid mouth trying to swallow it. That it wasn’t one of his smartest decisions though, seemed apparent from the start for tension rose steeply as fast as his cock did, working its way into me, too, however hard I tried keeping the horror at bay. Seigneuros, if you don’t hurry, it’s going to be too late, I pleaded with renewed strength, ignoring my stomach crunching in horrified anticipation.
But it was getting more and more useless because the harder I called, the less I felt him linked to me, as if he had never been there in the first place and I’d imagined it all—the training, the connection, the chase, the incredible transformation and the hottest sex—much like the fuck with Lord Bharton. Or perhaps he had decided to abandon me after having kissed Alexiander and realizing I’d never be at his level. Either way, the sad truth was that I was alone, miserably alone, imploring something that didn’t exist simply to avoid the same fate awaiting me right after they had done with my friend who was now clearly aroused, his sizable equipment standing on its own and defying any attempt to suck it whole.
Against my better judgment, my eyes followed the tongue’s ecstatic licks on the long thick stem, curling seductively around the bulging head to draw it deeper inside despite its considerable dimension, highlighted also by the contrast between the torches’ fire and the encroaching shadows. But the real game was much deadlier as I discovered when the hot mouth pulled back to allow his master to reach the erect shaft and with a single, well-aimed swing from the top down, literally tear it off, making it fly inside the pit. Stunned, paralyzed in my spot, unable to move or think much less do, I watched blood gushing in convulsive spurts from where seed should’ve come out and coloring brilliant red the giant hole in the middle of a screaming Athrias, though the gag didn’t let any sound escape.
M/M (1.416 eXtasy)
Apparently deciding it was enough, they pulled me out of the water, bringing me to lay face down on a soft bench as another rich cottony towel rubbed me dry. Their touch not bad, if a bit harsh, thus my body reacted again with pleasure, but it wasn’t until they started applying ointment with seductive strokes that I perceived the arousal pressing on my stomach. Embarrassed, I tried to keep it hidden, failing miserably because all three obviously noticed it and seemed to take extra pains to make it grow, not stopping at the mere surface, rather exploring every crevice. Moving from my shoulders downward, they massaged all the way to my butt, squeezing and slapping both buttocks until I couldn’t feel them anymore, finally going as far as rimming my asshole with wet fingers that stirred an unknown desire. Soon after, a hot tongue made the rounds from the narrow opening to the balls while a hand gripped my cock tightly, sliding the skin forcefully to make it even harder.
I groaned, not knowing what to think. It was all too pleasurable, yet too sudden and embarrassing as well, to have men touching me like never before and to like it, too…well, it was a real surprise. And I knew I couldn’t resist much longer either.
“Enough!” A harsh voice commanded at one point.
As if they were a single man, the three stopped pampering me and stood up, crowding me to cover the source of the voice I was trying to glimpse through half closed eyes.
“Leave!” At this order, they all started to move away when he called one back. “Wait, Kristioff. Untie his hair and dry it.”
“Yes, Seigneuros.”
I felt his rough handling remove my pin, the only worldly possession I treasured, and wet strands tumbled disorderly on my shoulders. Wrapping them in a towel, the man administered a series of vigorous friction, making my head shake from side to side.
“All right, now leave.” Assertive in his tone, the Seigneuros indicated the staircase after he judged me ready.
In single file, I saw them leave, the sound of their feet shuffling on the first steps reaching my ears until I could hear nothing except the soft tide lapping the stone edges of the pool. And then I was alone with him.
Paralyzed by fear, I couldn’t move or breathe. What he wanted from me seemed now clear enough, but I didn’t know if I had the heart, or the stomach for that matter, to satisfy him, even if my family hung in the balance. But his slow pacing around my sprawled figure distracted me to the point I began wondering what he could be thinking while his gaze traveled over my every line and curve, which of course tensed me only more for I expected requests I wasn’t familiar with, especially considering how little my experience was.
Instead, he surprised me by running his hand through my hair, down their length, closing his hand around the thick strands as if to feel the silky, luscious consistency. “You’re right to be proud of such hair.” He breathed softly as he sat next to me on the bench. “Even if you have no title to wear them.”
“I didn’t know there was a law against it.” I scoffed defiantly, piqued at his comment.
“Not a written one, no, it’s just good manners and you obviously have none.”
“I do have manners!” Even more annoyed at this remark, I tried to turn my head to gaze straight in his eyes. “Just because I was brought up in a village doesn’t mean—”
Pinning my shoulders to the bench, he pressed down on me, cutting off my words, not to mention my breath. “It means you’re mine, little one, bought this morning for a hefty lump of gold and for my pleasure alone.” His free hand slipped to my butt and I felt him center the hole at the end of the cleft.
This time though, I didn’t intend to keep still while yet another one played with my ass, even if it was the Seigneuros in person. Raising my shoulders, with a violent shove I tried pushing him off my back, but hardly managed to move him. As if endowed with the strength of a bear, he resisted every one of my pitiful attempts until I was too exhausted to continue.
With one final heave, he immobilized me once more. “Had your fun?” He sneered in my ear. “Now it’s my turn.” Again, his fingers slid to my asshole, this time rimming its border sensually. “And this is my pleasure.” Following his curt announcement, he stuck the same fingers in my mouth. “For your own sake, I suggest you make them thoroughly wet.” And after I complied with a lavish suck, he resumed the slow circles on my narrow entrance, moistening it without dipping inside.
“I’ve never done it!” Embarrassed and ashamed, I wriggled to get free. “Really, Master, I’m no good in this kind—”
“Hush, little one, let me be the judge of that.” Lightening his hold, Lord Brahany pulled back slightly. “And if I want to make it pleasurable for me, I’ll have to make it for you, too.” With an elegant swing, he ducked down to my rear, his long hair tickling all the way, and his hot tongue resumed the tantalizing rub I had already enjoyed thanks to his servants. Of course, he was much better, seemed more experienced, too, his wet attentions stimulating rather than just forcing their way into my tight opening. I loved the feel of the drenched tip caressing the borders before edging inside to enlarge the space that sucked it in effortlessly, almost as if it asked for more.
I had never done it myself to the girls I’d been with, all experienced enough to dispense with any particular incitement before opening their ass to a man’s craving. But evidently, the Seigneuros had dealt with difficult cases, I realized as a flaming desire surged through my bloodstream each time he landed a well aimed tongue lash into my now hungry narrow hole. And unconsciously, I began to push up and sway my ass as a sort of unspoken required.
“Need something bigger?” Amused, he quickly discarded his robe to cover me stark naked.
Actually, I wasn’t sure what I wanted. I only knew my cock was stone-hard, throbbing in anticipation on my stomach, smothered by the thick towel on which it lay, and my asshole contracted, then relaxed uncontrollably in a continuous tempo I couldn’t stop.
Pushing his way to enter, I felt the tip of his erection penetrate the outer rim just as searing pain enflamed the hole. With a muffled cry, my butt slumped, trying to slide away from him despite his firm hold on my hips. “I know it hurts the first time.” He whispered in my ear while easing the pressure on my behind. “But it’ll pass soon if you trust me.”
“Trust you? You’re the one who’s hurting me.” I raised my voice angrily.
“A necessary pain.” At this philosophical statement, his cock twitched in its twisted pleasure as it nudged the entrance again.
Had I wanted to escape, I couldn’t have gotten very far considering the iron grip with which he held me, so he shoved once more, easily breaking through the entrance. This time though, it didn’t hurt as much. I couldn’t say it was a real pleasure, but my ass seemed to adapt to his shape slowly, finding more space for it as he fitted deeper—an inch at a time, stopping if I tensed, then resuming the moment I relaxed—until it held it entirely in its snug embrace.
In spite of my discomfort, I had to admire his learned slides, even going as far as to enjoy them after he begun thrusting in a way that my cock’s skin slid, too, like someone was jerking it off. The more he accelerated, the faster the skin glided and rubbed on the silky towel, taking my excitement to a peak. And his obviously, for I heard him groan with pleasure just as something hot and dense shot up my ass.
Oddly enough, it didn’t just feel like a man’s usual fluid. Something else of an entirely different nature seemed mixed with it, a fiery ball that uncoiled from my butt to explode in my brain. Now, little one, do you understand what I need you for?
M/M SHIFTING (656 long)
But what really blew my mind away were his incredible transformation and the connection he was strengthening every day more. The first time I saw him slowly turn into a majestic black eagle-like bird—his face elongating in a beak, his body sprouting giant fangs, then long elegant wings, covered with thick luscious black feathers—it took my breath away, though not as much as when I understood that I, and I alone, had the power to control him. And it thrilled me beyond words, like an excitingly heated wave coursing my entire fiber, to think he had chosen me, out of all the people he could’ve beckoned for this special service, to share his most intimate sphere.
So he soared high above the sky while I tried to follow him on ground, soon losing sight of him until the low, deep and distinctive pitch I was learning to recognize as his essence reverberated in my head like the sound of distant thunder to steer me in the right direction without using any words or forms of verbal communication. Apparently, his beast state didn’t consent any human weakness, least of all the spoken kind, and he had to submit to the same limitations animals did except for what came from the intense sharing I was growing to depend on, both in and out of bed. And while I could simply think my questions or comments in order to receive an answer from him, he relied heavily on imagery, audible signs and sensations to make sure we never lost track of each other, flashing map-like pictures of a place, if not the actual view of it, or clogging my ears with the noise associated to it.
In any case, I didn’t need his words—enough to sense him as a presence in my head regardless of the distance between us or of his appearance, bird or human making no difference in my strong perception of him—for I knew he was trying to teach me more than a silent exchange of information. What he aimed at was for our link to move beyond the physical realm to reach the indefinable sensual one that for the time being was ours only during sex. “Because, little one, our senses won’t betray us…” To prove his point, he had grabbed my hard cock and jerked it. “Like fragile emotions or false words.”
I had no trouble believing him, not after his many lessons were plunging me into a frenzied heat that swept away my doubts, my awareness, my breath, my very life, everything and anything that wasn’t him fading in a hazy background until nothing existed besides him. And it intoxicated my soul and altered my perceptions like living constantly on the edge of a precipice, hovering between a vertical fall without safety nets and a sense of security he was instilling slowly but surely.
That’s how it all came together—the training, the connection, the chase, the incredible transformation and the hottest sex—coalescing into the most unusual relationship I had ever experienced. It wasn’t love, of course, though I felt closer to him than to any loved one. It wasn’t work either, although we had a definite purpose and his determination drove me beyond any feasible boundary. But whatever it was, nothing expressed it better than our bodies’ fatal attraction to one another.
It usually happened after he turned back, both so aroused, I’d simply drop to my knees to engulf his huge cock the moment he became human again. And even if it was a dispensable preliminary since we were too hot to make it last long or waste time with my mouth’s still inexperienced efforts to suck him to the balls, it gave him the necessary time to recover his humanity. As for me, I couldn’t help myself. Despite my initial resistance, I wanted him every day more, his body alone capable of quenching the insidious sensual tension he managed to build up, even if he wasn’t actually there. So I blew him until he was himself again, ready to push me to the ground out there in the open, darkness cloaking us, and demand what was his by right and rank. One push and he slid into my yielding ass, wedging his way to an explosive release, which inevitably came the second after mine.
M/M SHIFTING (480 short)
But what really blew my mind away were his incredible transformation and the connection he was strengthening every day more. The first time I saw him slowly turn into a majestic black eagle-like bird—his face elongating in a beak, his body sprouting giant claws, then long elegant wings, covered with thick luscious black feathers—it took my breath away, though not as much as when I understood that I, and I alone, had the power to control him. And it thrilled me beyond words, like an excitingly heated wave coursing my entire fiber, to think he had chosen me, out of all the people he could’ve beckoned for this special service, to share his most intimate sphere.
In any case, I didn’t need his words—enough to sense him as a presence in my head regardless of the distance between us or of his appearance, bird or human making no difference in my strong perception of him—for I knew he was trying to teach me more than a silent exchange of information. What he aimed at was for our link to move beyond the physical realm to reach the indefinable sensual one that for the time being was ours only during sex. “Because, little one, our senses won’t betray us…” To prove his point, he had grabbed my hard cock and jerked it. “Like fragile emotions or false words.”
That’s how it all came together—the training, the connection, the hunt, the chase, the killings, the incredible transformation and the hottest sex—coalescing into the most unusual relationship I had ever experienced. It wasn’t love, of course, though I felt closer to him than to any loved one. It wasn’t work either, although we had a definite purpose and his determination drove me beyond any feasible boundary. But whatever it was, nothing expressed it better than our bodies’ fatal attraction to one another.
It usually happened after he turned back, both so aroused, I’d simply drop to my knees to engulf his huge cock the moment he became human again. And even if it was a dispensable preliminary since we were too hot to make it last long or waste time with my mouth’s still inexperienced efforts to suck him to the balls, it gave him the necessary time to recover his humanity. As for me, I couldn’t help myself. Despite my initial resistance, I wanted him every day more, his body alone capable of quenching the insidious sensual tension he managed to build up, even if he wasn’t actually there. So I blew him until he was himself again, ready to push me to the ground out there in the open, darkness covering us, and demand what was his by right and rank. One push and he slid into my yielding ass, pumping his way to an explosive release, which usually came the second after mine.
M/M/M Alex (530 blow)
Compliant as always, I dropped to my knees, already burying my face in his crotch to breathe deeply of his musky scent before freeing what had already hardened considerably. As I opened my mouth to engulf it entirely, gagging immediately in the haste of my hunger, Alexiander circled us—running his hand now on my hair, now on Lord Brahany’s, fascinated by both, or maybe trying to decide which he liked best—while his own erection grew noticeably, straining against the tight cloth holding it prisoner. Busy with the huge cock plunging almost to my throat, having to block it with my tongue brushing its sturdy length in repeated laps, I wondered briefly whether I should take the other one, too—
No, I’ll handle him! The master’s imperious voice boomed in my head. Just suck mine for now.
So I renewed my pampering, drawing the bulging head deeper with each sensual lick of the soft, bumpy skin crossed by thick veins that enlarged it even more. Following the same rhythm, my hands slid to accompany the bobbing head to increase his pleasure.
“You certainly trained him well.” Alexiander’s voice caught me off guard, intent as I was in swallowing the entire cock, almost to its balls, before a choking convulsion made me cough and draw back.
“Oh, he can do better than this.” Pushing my face against his crotch and holding it still with an iron grip, the Seigneuros shoved his thick equipment straight down to my throat, packing to get it all inside while I couldn’t breathe, pulling away only before I asphyxiated. Then without giving me time to recover, he thrust again hard and deep, repeating the same dangerous sequence as if he wanted to prove to Lord Bharton I could actually swallow it whole. “But you ought to try it yourself.”
Yeah, especially if he wants to see me dead. I couldn’t help the sarcastic comment, half teasing and half serious at the way he was treating me.
Again, I didn’t request your opinion. But he couldn’t hide a faint grin before pushing my head back on the demanding shat, making it slide all the way down to his balls and blocking it on the position. But I’ll spare your life. Knowing what a good swimmer I was, he had calculated down to the last second how much air I could hold, so released his hold just in time. Now if you get over yourself, I’ll let you suck on your own.
Too gracious, Master.
But situations changed rapidly with him, so with his usual imperious style, he called me back to my duties, so I hurried to their side, noiselessly, as he freed the cock straining to the point I thought it would burst even before I had the chance to wet it. But I wasn’t supposed to touch it, I realized immediately, simply to suck what the Seigneuros controlled as if it were his. He held it for me to wrap my mouth around, then shoved it to make me swallow it, pushing Alexiander’s ass forward with his own crotch, so the young man had only to stay still while we did all the work.
M/M/M Alex (598 fuck)
With his usual imperious style, he called me back to my duties, so I hurried to their side, noiselessly, as he freed the cock straining to the point I thought it would burst even before I had the chance to wet it. But I wasn’t supposed to touch it, I realized immediately, simply to suck what the Seigneuros controlled as if it were his. He held it for me to wrap my mouth around, then shoved it to make me swallow it, pushing Alexiander’s ass forward with his own crotch, so the young man had only to stay still while we did all the work.
“Then we don’t need him.” And yet, Alexiander pushed his hips forward to drown in my wet cavity, which only made me feel sadder to think I’d be sent away while all I wanted was for someone to stick a hard cock in my ass and hammer it long and hard.
“Oh, no, he’s my present to you and that’s why we need him.”
Puzzled at his answer, I raised my gaze, but the only answer I received was that he grabbed me and brought me to a couch, removing my pants on the way. Then he made me kneel facing the wall, propping my ass out and briefly sticking a couple of moist fingers to check if a cock could slide inside without too much friction. Unsurprisingly, the hole gave in immediately to his pressure, sucking him effortlessly, proving once again that my treacherous flesh didn’t give a damn about feelings, wanting only to be used by a powerful shaft—the bigger, the better—capable of hammering whatever sense it lacked deep into it.
And the master must’ve reached the same conclusion for he slapped the round buns, to him a sign of satisfaction with my doings, before returning to Lord Bharton’s side. “And his ass is definitely something you don’t want to miss.”
“But I want you to take me.”
“One doesn’t exclude the other.” Taking a firm hold of Alexiander’s hand, he pulled him to me, then nudged the tip of the erection against my butt’s entrance. “And this is just the first step.” Having taken complete charge of both of us, neither of us opposed him as he spread my buns wide apart and thrust the shaft through the tender opening, hard, maybe a bit too much at first, to get it fast inside.
A puppet in his hands, Alexiander groaned the deeper his cock reached, cramming my rear rhythmically in obeisance to Lord Brahany’s commands, though only after the Seigneuros aimed his erection at Alexiander’s ass did I feel him really twitch in pleasurable anticipation. Then his weight crashed on me, pushed over by my master’s forceful entry, the moan of pleasure escaping young Bharton’s lips unmistakable, and the real ramming began, starting from the Seigneuros’s powerful shoves that seemed to end directly in my ass as if there wasn’t another body between us. In my frenzied state, it all seemed one single movement, not two separate ones, yet with the strength of both, pushing inside me and penetrating so deep I thought they’d come out of my mouth. Slamming frantically, they rubbed the flesh to a scorching point, not just the tight walls squeezing the demanding shaft to keep it satisfied, but also my stomach, my balls, every muscle I could count enflamed by the possessive friction until it all whirled together and I literally burst like a balloon with too much pressure, flooding couch and hand with gallons of fluid.
M/M/M/M/M (825 long)
As if they were waiting just for those words, the three grabbed me and brought me to my knees. No erotic preparation this time, no sensual arousal except for theirs, I realized falling on the hard ground while Threstian pressed my face to his crotch, his hands working fast to free the stirring erection from its confines. A slave to their passion, this was Lord Brahany’s wish all along, I thought, trying to steal a glance at him.
And that’s exactly what you are today. A smug satisfied smile curved his lips, well knowing the three hungry cocks wouldn’t allow me any distractions, not even for a second, keeping my mouth busy with their pressing demands.
Since there were three of them, I couldn’t dedicate too much time to anyone in particular. To be honest, they were all magnificent specimens, which I couldn’t help admire in spite of my tastes. Having sex with milord hadn’t changed my inclinations one bit, I reassured myself more than once during the first long winter I spent at the castle. Cunts, not cocks, remained my first choice, even if they were as huge, thick and well-shaped as these three trying to fuck my mouth all together in one single stride. Opening wide, I swallowed the first one and since it slid straight to my throat, I wrapped my tongue around the bulging head to stop its devious move as I was learning to do with my master who had an insatiable appetite for my warm mouth. At the same time, I jerked off the other two hard cocks pushing on my cheeks, trying to keep them satisfied by sliding the skin up and down. Hardly pleased, Kristioff grabbed my head and shifted it to his convenience, shoving his erection deep until he almost gagged me since he was blocking me to hinder any escape while he banged as fast as he liked, with the predictable result I choked every time he came crashing in, pulling out the second before I threw up. Luckily, Threstian felt his turn had come, so he stole me from his friend, sticking another thick piece of flesh into my bruised mouth, even if I had to admit he had much gentler manners. To thank him, I sucked hard, running my tongue up and down his long length, trying to enfold his balls, too, before Kadrisky claimed his turn again.
They passed me around, never letting me linger on any single equipment, almost fighting among them to have my mouth’s complete attention. I sucked, licked, lapped, teased, brushed, stroked, wrapped, held, clasped, gripped, jerked, slid, swallowed, gagged, choked along their every whim until my jaw, not to mention everything else, was sore from their harsh treatment, although my cock didn’t seem to mind. To set the record straight, it strained painfully in the open air, standing high in its proud splendor to show the world how much I was enjoying it.
After having followed my head bobs, Kristioff licked his lips as he raised his gaze to the Seigneuros. “Mmmm, he looks delicious.”
“You can’t tell until you’ve tried his other hole,” the master instructed thickly.
“We can?” Threstian eyes grew large in excitement, squeezing his shaft in anticipation.
From his tentative tone and the fact no one had touched my ass so far, I understood the Seigneuros didn’t often give them such liberties, perhaps making them stop at a simple blow job, rather than go all the way. And the permission aroused all three to a spasm.
“You must,” Lord Brahany ordered curtly, “because the puppy has to learn what it means to receive.” And you’re going to receive more than your fair share.
I couldn’t even argue my point. A pair of strong hands had grabbed my ass to spread the buttocks wide apart. “I’ll be the first.” I heard Kristioff’s voice tell the others before addressing whoever was holding my butt. “And you, keep it wide open.”
“Sure, Kristioff.” It was Threstian talking. “And maybe you even want me to stick it in for you.”
“Why not?” Kristioff replied hotly, obviously excited at the prospect. “Come on, Threstian, shove it into his sweet tight ass.”
I braced myself, feeling the bulging head stroking the narrow entrance from the outside, probably Threstian’s way to be delicate, then the brutal thrust cut off my breath. With a single push, Kristioff was inside all the way to the balls, which couldn’t fit despite his earnest attempts to get them inside, too. Instead, they tickled the sensitive spot between my ass and my balls, slamming against it every time he swung forward, his drive steady and with a precise rhythm.
When Kadrisky shoved his cock in my mouth, ramming it at the same tempo Kristioff was keeping in my ass, my hand wrapped around my rigid shaft to pamper it while the rest of me was busy sucking bulges front and rear.
“Stop him immediately, Threstian!”
M/M/M/M/M (501 short)
As if they were waiting just for those words, the three grabbed me and brought me to my knees. Since there were three of them, I couldn’t dedicate too much time to anyone in particular. Opening wide, I swallowed the first one and since it slid straight to my throat, I wrapped my tongue around the bulging head to stop its devious move as I was learning to do with my master who had an insatiable appetite for my warm mouth. At the same time, I jerked off the other two hard cocks pushing on my cheeks, trying to keep them satisfied by sliding the skin up and down. Hardly pleased, Kristioff grabbed my head and shifted it to his convenience, shoving his erection deep until he almost gagged me since he was blocking me to hinder any escape while he banged as fast as he liked, with the predictable result I choked every time he came crashing in, pulling out the second before I threw up. Luckily, Threstian felt his turn had come, so he stole me from his friend, sticking another thick piece of flesh into my bruised mouth, even if I had to admit he had much gentler manners. To thank him, I sucked hard, running my tongue up and down his long length, trying to enfold his balls, too, before Kadrisky claimed his turn again.
They passed me around, never letting me linger on any single equipment, almost fighting among them to have my mouth’s complete attention. I sucked, licked, lapped, teased, brushed, stroked, wrapped, held, clasped, gripped, jerked, slid, swallowed, gagged, choked along their every whim until my jaw, not to mention everything else, was sore from their harsh treatment, although my cock didn’t seem to mind. To set the record straight, it strained painfully in the open air, standing high in its proud splendor to show the world how much I was enjoying it.
After having followed my head bobs, Kristioff licked his lips as he raised his gaze to the Seigneuros. “Mmmm, he looks delicious.”
“You can’t tell until you’ve tried his other hole,” the master instructed thickly.
“We can?”
“You must,” Lord Brahany ordered curtly, “because the puppy has to learn what it means to receive.” And you’re going to receive more than your fair share.
I couldn’t even argue my point. A pair of strong hands had grabbed my ass to spread the buttocks wide apart. “I’ll be the first.” I heard Kristioff’s voice tell the others before addressing whoever was holding my butt. “And you, keep it wide open.”
“Sure, Kristioff.” It was Threstian talking. “And maybe you even want me to stick it in for you.”
“Why not?” Kristioff replied hotly, obviously excited at the prospect. “Come on, Threstian, shove it into his sweet tight ass.”
I braced myself, feeling the bulging head stroking the narrow entrance from the outside, probably Threstian’s way to be delicate, then the brutal thrust cut off my breath. With a single push, Kristioff was inside all the way to the balls, which couldn’t fit despite his earnest attempts to get them inside, too. Instead, they tickled the sensitive spot between my ass and my balls, slamming against it every time he swung forward, his drive steady and with a precise rhythm.
When Kadrisky shoved his cock in my mouth, ramming it at the same tempo Kristioff was keeping in my ass, my hand wrapped around my rigid shaft to pamper it while the rest of me was busy sucking bulges front and rear.
“Stop him immediately, Threstian!”
A shape shifting horror fantasy set in medieval times told by Ilenio, a young man from a small village who is chosen by the a high-ranking nobleman, Lord Brahany, to solve a series of brutal murders because he alone s the Visionario that can turn the lord into an eagle. So their connection must be as intimate as it can get, going beyond the hot sex, the wild passion and the head talking to trigger a bond no amount of evil will be able to break.
Newsletter caption: Set in medieval times, Ilenio, a young man from a small village, is chosen by Lord Brahany to become his personal assistant in solving a series of horrible murders. But can Ilenio handle the pressure, the visions and mostly the passionate sex needed to help his master?
Yesterday, Nov. 15, eXtasy Books released my latest novel, Visionquest, a passionate tale of transformation, sex and commitment in the eternal battle between good and evil.
Review Links
CTR – 3 Cups
RJR – 4 Ribbons
Tamela Quijas – 4 stars
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Publisher eXtasy
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SPANISH VERSION – Buscando la vision
eXtasy, Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble, BookStrand, Google Play Books – LallaGatta