
AUTHOR: Laura Tolomei

FACEBOOK: Historical

GENRE: Erotica, Gay LGBT, Menage à Trois, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Historical, Deities, God, Gods, m/m, m/f/f, m/m/f
ISBN# 9781554872152


HEAT LEVEL: 5 flames
PAGES: 266


RELEASEE DATE: 1 January 2009

PUBLISHER: eXtasy Books

COVER ARTIST: Martine Jardin


"Laura Tolomei easily relates the historical contexts of the periods in question, including ancient Egypt and ancient Persia, as well as Celtic England. The plotting is fairly well-paced." Rainbow Reviews


Through time and space, there’s a lot of love. But love gone wrong can turn to betrayal and seal one’s destiny forever. And destiny has the bad habit of repeating its pattern lifetime after lifetime as two men, caught in their passionate love, struggle eternally in quest of the divine.


From the ancient walls of Egypt, Us-Yri’s sexual obsession for Set gets in the way of his destiny to ascend from ruler to god of the underworld. His Spirit returns as Mitra, prince of the ancient Persian empire, to continue on struggling against his lust for Vayu in order to become …

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