Do you have an author’s newsletter? Do you want one if you don’t have one, but don’t have a clue about what to put in it? Either way, here are some great ideas for what you can put in a newsletter to your subscribers!

1. Sneak Peeks: Readers love sneak peeks of upcoming stories. So pick a short excerpt from your upcoming story and post it in your newsletter.

2. Cover Reveals: Just got your new cover? Then here’s your chance to have a cover reveal that only your newsletter subscribers get to see. Be sure and put a smaller version so you don’t take up too much space in your newsletter. Remember, reader’s attention spans are short, if you put too much in your newsletter they’re going to click away.

3. Free short stories: Free short stories are one of my favorite ways to pay back readers for buying my books. Now keep in mind a free short story can be as short as a few paragraphs. In fact, I recommend flash fiction rather than say a five-page short story for author newsletters.

4. Character Interviews: Think your readers understand your characters? Well…probably not as much as you do. Consider doing a brief character interview for one of your main characters to both titillate new readers/subscribers and help your current ones understand your character better.

5. Newbie author advice: While your subscriber list will most likely comprise mostly readers, chances are you have a few wanna-be writers/authors in there too. That being the case it for you the experienced author to provide a bit of advice to those readers who want to also be authors someday. Just be sure and keep your articles simple and to the point. Your readers will thank you for it!

While you can add other things to your newsletter, these ideas are the ones that most readers are looking for and will enjoy the most from you their favorite author!

And even if I don’t have a newsletter of my own, I recognize the value of giving my readers first-hand news about my upcoming releases. Like right now, I’m doing the happy dance because the first book of my Virtus Saga, The Sex, will be out in print! And that’s some great news I can’t wait to celebrate with all my readers! So here’s an exclusive sneak preview MM erotic excerpt and at the end of the excerpt, you can also read the entire NEW first chapter, which I have rewritten for the print version.


“Hello, lover.” Halting in front of him, the blue-gray gaze ate him up. Literally. “Missed me?”

“I can’t even begin to tell you how much.” Out of breath, Duncan could not avoid the painful lurch of his cock.

If anything, Chris had grown more splendid and desirable than ever. And his shaft’s sudden erection was proof Duncan hungered only to touch him and make love until he was too exhausted to think straight.

“I knew you would.” Gaze dropping to his groin, Chris’s smug smile of satisfaction told Duncan he had not missed the swift reaction. “Come.” Clasping his hand, Chris pulled him out of the attic. “Let’s go somewhere more private.” Hurrying to the stairs, he hesitated to search his face. “How about your room?”

“If you can find it,” Duncan joked. “For I certainly can’t.”

“Oh, I’ve got a pretty good guess of where Arthur has placed you.” Spinning around, he flew downward. “On the second floor, right?”

“Right.” Close at his heels, Duncan did not stop to wonder how the angel knew.

He just followed blindly, not surprised to notice many wistful glances in Chris’s direction. Small wonder—his blond angel inevitably attracted attention, with some even attempting to detain him in spite of his evident lack of interest. As in a daze, the prince remembered reaching his room and slamming the world outside.

The first round did not last longer than a blowjob. The pressure was simply too strong to hope for any real fun and game. It was enough for Duncan to swallow the long thick gland standing straight up in the air, while nailing Chris’s throat to the mattress with his own gigantic erection for things to get too hot, too fast. One sharp intake and Chris spilled his guts, just as he was doing all the way to his angel’s stomach.

The second round was fiercer. Pulling Chris to his feet, Duncan flattened him to the nearest wall, his fingers already probing the tender ass ring that opened up completely at his rimming. That someone had fucked Chris recently, very recently, was obvious from the enlargement sucking Duncan’s fingers to the hilt. And goddamn if! It spun the prince’s excitement to the stars.

His cock as rigid as before the explosive climax, Duncan shoved into the scorching hole and the sensation of melting inside liquid fire almost made him come again. It was something so unique no one else felt quite like Chris in or out of bed. Like he were made up of fire all over, ready to flare up and shatter the world itself at any moment. And Duncan just could not get over how much he had missed him and the sensation of riding on a scalding pyre of leaping flames.

Adjusting his position, Chris flung out his butt further, and Duncan penetrated to his guts with one swift thrust. Then wanting to take complete charge, he wrapped his palm around his angel’s swollen stick twitching in anticipation from the master’s touch. And that blew his mind away.

Not because he would be commanding Chris’s pleasure.

Because somehow, he had the feeling he, Duncan Caldwell, alone in the whole world, had the power to control the burning blaze twisting his hips to screw the prince’s monster all the way to his throat.

Which seemed absurd, but so very arousing at so many levels that he could not hold it together anymore. Ramming and jerking faster, he sped up the tempo for the both of them, spelling inevitable jets of whitish juice all over the ass and the floor.

“Oh, lover, I’d almost forgotten how good it feels with you.” Slumping against the wall, Chris tightened his asshole as though to prevent Duncan’s shaft from falling out.


Don’t forget to read also the new Chapter One of The Sex, soon available in print, by clicking HERE!