On more than one occasion, author friends who have just published their first book have asked me what they can do quickly to promote their book. Contrary to what many authors believe you cannot just write a book, publish it and expect it to make sales. As much as we’d all love for it to work that way, it doesn’t. But there are things you can do to right now in thirty minutes that will help you to promote your book.
1. Schedule three tweets using a service like Buffer right now. Consider using a quote from your book and then a shortened link to your buy page. Also, consider using a few hashtags so you can reach more people than those who follow you.

2. Grab a photo that looks like your hero, heroine or both (make sure you can use the photo i.e. public domain or one you’ve taken or drawn yourself), or a city in your book even, just something that relates to your story, and add the same quote along with a buy link and your website. You can do this in any photo-editing program or even in Canva, which is free! Now post it to FB, Instagram and Google+.
3. Post an excerpt, blurb, cover art and buy links from your latest release to your blog. If you want to get more traction out of your blog posts consider
joining tribes that match your genre on Triberr. Your fellow tribe members will share your post with their Twitter and or FB followers!
These are just three things that you can do regularly to market your book. They’re easy, fast and anyone can do them. Once you’re done you can back to the business of writing!