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Halloween shape-shifter
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The Druid, the hunter, his apprentice: sex, power and transformation…what else?
“If you are looking for a dark fantasy book with a large dose of suspense and erotic play, then Bloody Passion is certainly the book for you. I look forward to reading more from Laura Tolomei.” DDR rated it 4 ½ Divas
“Bloody Passion by Laura Tolomei was a dark story full of magic and bloody dreams that can take you to the edge of sanity. I loved it! Laura keeps you at the edge of your seat trying to stay one step ahead of the characters in her book.” BBB rated it 4.5 Tombstones
“There are a lot of emotions, sex (m/m – m/m/m – m/m/m/f), quests, and sensuality in Bloody Passion for me to go into detail, so I will just say; I honestly loved this story, far more than I thought I would. Laura Tolomei has created a diamond in the ruff, well worth experiencing for your-self. The only thing is we will have to wait for a sequel. (pout). Thank you, Laura, for the intense pleasure and sweltering heat you have given me by reading your book. I look forward to any of your stories in the future.” Amy Ramsey’s Review
AUTHOR: Laura Tolomei
FACEBOOK THREADS: Laura Tolomei Horror Side, Historical
GENRE: Erotica, Gay LGBT, Ménage à Trois, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Horror, Shapeshiter, Holiday, m/m, m/m/m, m/m/m/f
ISBN# 9781554874170
HEAT LEVEL: 5 flames
PAGES: 158
WORD COUNT: 39.500
RELEASE DATE: 31 October 2009
PUBLISHER: eXtasy Books
COVER ARTIST: Martine Jardin
There’s a hidden treasure inside everyone. Some show it, but only a few can afford it. Sometimes, you only need to know how to manage other’s treasures, even if self-destructive. But in the end, it’s like seeing yourself in a mirror. So how to explain the violence?
Tall, short, thin, fat, blond or dark-haired, it made no difference to me since all I really wondered about was their sex.
Of course, I couldn’t stand women, even if I wasn’t too choosy with what came my way as long as it had a bulging head, a long firm stem and a set of balls, hopefully full to the rim.
Erotic Romance with an Edge, Laura Tolomei, LallaGatta, Lalla Gatta, ebook, e-book, Halloween, horror, shape-shifter, shapeshifter, Cedric, Druid, hunter, Celtic Britain, Celts, men-love, man-man, men-men, Rory, Red, bloody sacrifice, historic, paranormal, dark fantasy, ménage, multiple partners, MMF, erotica, slave, master, gay, LGBT, gay LGBT, MMM, erotic, fiction, multiple partner, black arts, black magic, dark romance, extasy books, romance, romantic, mystery, suspense, romantica, Author Laura Tolomei, literary, reading, writing, author
And as you know, recognition is the first step to mastering.
Even if some clearly preferred men over women, they had the obligation to marry and have a regular family in order to prove to their society, they were dominant males. The Celts had no such limitations. We were men regardless of whom we liked to fuck.
Silly me, I’d forgotten tonight was All Hallows Eve, the night devoted to ghosts, spirits, elves, gnomes and whatever evil creatures had the yearning to have some fun at the human’s expenses.
“Do you think it’s her?” Rory asked softly.
He was kneeling, studying each wound closely, inspecting the measures and depth of each cut. “I said, do you think it’s her?” he repeated.
He turned his head to look at me. I was still standing, unable to bend on my knees to take a closer look as he was doing. “The girl we were with last night. What’s her name?” He frowned in search of a name.
“Beryl,” I supplied, dropping on my ankles next to him.
“Right, Beryl.” He looked at her head. The killer had taken his swings at her face, too, slicing thin red lines on her cheekbones, under her eyes, on her chin and forehead. The final effect though, didn’t convince me at all. At a superficial observation, the killing looked like the consequence of a fit of rage, the murderer striking hard, furious and blind. Yet, despite the dried blood covering the marks, the complicated pattern I glimpsed was hardly casual or random, more similar to a premeditated design than to a madman’s strikes. Anger or cold-blooded murder? I wondered. “It doesn’t look like her,” I said, turning to Rory, “at least as far as I can tell.”
The hunter nodded slowly. “Yeah, doesn’t seem to me either, but she looks a lot like Beryl.”
“Most girls her age look almost the same,” I pointed out tartly.
Rory grinned despite the situation. “I forgot you don’t like women, but I thought you could at least distinguish one from the other.”
“I can’t tell the differences,” I scoffed. “Not my fault they all dress alike and try to look as much like each other as possible.”
Rory sighed. “Maybe you’re right,” he agreed at last, turning his scrutiny back to the lifeless body. “Strange, don’t you think, lover, the way these cuts go?”
“What do you mean?”
“Apparently, they seem to be random, sprung out of a furious rage. But if you study them carefully, there is a sort of—“
“Pattern as if someone was copying a picture from his head.”
Rory nodded. “So you see it, too?”
Newlyn hadn’t said a word, staring intently into the fire, apparently unaware of the conversation. But he didn’t fool me one bit. Upon coming to the scene, I had immediately perceived his body tensing from the strain to feel the hunter’s intimate touch, the same way I recognized his annoyance now at my presence, which obviously upset his plans.
Rory grinned, his eyes sparkling mischievously. “Too bad our young friend isn’t as receptive.”
“Come on, Red, it can’t be all that bad,” I teased, my gaze catching the hunter’s and holding it steady. “There must be something he’s good at.”
The green eyes flashed. “Well, maybe there is, but despite numerous…break-throughs, it’s still far from perfect,” Red added, his tone suddenly growing huskier. At his innuendo, everything faded in the background, the forest, the fire, even Newlyn, leaving Rory and I alone to play the seductive game of hunter and prey, where the latter was as yet unaware of its destiny. “In fact,” he continued, licking his lips, “I could use an extra hand to explain my technique in greater detail.”
Feeling the excitement mount, my body having gone hungry for far too long, I stared even harder at Rory’s handsome face. “I thought hunting was a solitary game,” I provoked.
Rory reached out to tousle Newlyn’s hair. “Wrong, Druid. The more to play the game, the better it is as you must have learned from all your solitary observations in the forest.”
Very hot in the face, I understood he had known about my spying all along, not only liking it, but turning it into a game between us. “Some animals prefer not to be disturbed during their…playtime,” I argued reasonably.
Rory shook his head, his hairy red mass flying all around. “On the contrary, Druid, there are some that appreciate more players and not just silent watchers.”
“Tastes differ…” I started slowly.
“Nonsense! A game is a game,” the hunter scoffed, grabbing Newlyn and pulling him close. “Right, puppy?”
Taken aback, the young man fell on Rory’s crotch. “I guess so, Master,” he mumbled confused.
“And the game requires an active participation from all its players. Wouldn’t you agree, puppy?”
Probably getting the first inkling of Rory’s drift, I saw the young man’s body tense. “I’m not sure I do, Master.”
“Of course, you do, puppy.” Grabbing his hair, Rory pulled Newlyn’s head up. “Cedric, here, is a dear friend and he’s as much interested in your training as I am. Don’t you think it’s time to show him just how much you’ve learned?”
“The buck’s probably scared,” I challenged.
“I’m not!” Newlyn spat, sounding offended.
“Then he’s simply inexperienced,” I concluded.
The hunter fixed his gaze on Newlyn. “Are you going to let him believe such lies?”
The young man shook his head.
“Then prove him wrong.” Rory threw him to me and Newlyn was quick to grab the opportunity.
I looked at Rory and knew the time had come. “Relax, buck,” I said, going to a dark corner. “We’ve invited you to join us for a very special ritual.”
Newlyn relaxed altogether. “Something to fight off the demons?” he asked, relieved I’d finally do something to assuage his fear.
“Exactly,” I confirmed, grabbing my wolf skin and putting it on, the head coming down on my hair partly covering my face. With a sweeping gesture, I made the fire go cold altogether and our camp plunged into darkness. More wolf howls rose in the night and I smelled the buck’s fear, its sour scent penetrating my nostrils at the same instant I began changing into my new shape.
First, I felt my face push out, my nose growing rapidly as if it wanted to break free. The rest of my head was also mutating, every feature becoming longer until a nozzle replaced my human features. My teeth sharpened as they grew longer, their pointed tips grating on my tongue. All at once, I felt unable to stand, my legs too weak to hold the now excessive weight. I stretched out my arms to cushion the fall, but instead of hands, silvery hairy paws touched the ground. Gone were my legs, too, replaced by straight shiny furry animal feet, which sustained a long wolf’s body, complete of tail and pointed ears.
Newlyn screamed and backed away from the embers, trying to reach safety, stopping only when his back hit a tree. I had trouble seeing him properly, my vision now a bluish blur. Things suddenly lost their sharp details, even if I still perceived the separation between objects, helped mostly by their intense smell. And sound came in a different way, the rustle of a leaf reverberating like a drum in my head. Overall, I simply needed to adjust to these new sensual perceptions that made my world strikingly different from what I’d grown used to in my human form. But the change only made it easier to target the shape that stood out among everything else for it gave off a bright reddish hue, which proved his demon-like essence. I lurched forward, wanting to demand the truth from his lips, but the only sound that came out was an angry snarl. Cornering him to the tree, I raised my head and howled deeply, following a primordial instinct I had no idea I even possessed, then poised to jump at the buck’s throat.
“Help me,” Newlyn screamed, raising terrorized eyes to the hunter. As his hands covered his throat, I heard his heart beating wildly and his blood pump faster, which only increased my excitement. Reeling back on my hind legs, I shortened my body for the jump, determined not to fail my aim and rip the throbbing pulse driving me crazy with desire to—
“Stop, lover.” The deep voice sounded very familiar in my head so I obeyed, turning to look at the powerful frame coming my way. Without fear or hesitation, the hunter rubbed my head and I pushed up to feel more of his warmth.
“Please, Hunter, take that…beast away,” Newlyn implored, looking wide-eyed at me.
“Only if you tell the truth, puppy,” Rory contended softly.
“The truth about what?”
“About the killings.”
Newlyn’s head shook violently. “I don’t know anything about them, Hunter. I swear.”
I growled my disagreement at the obvious lie and lurched forward. Again, the stubborn human yelped in fear while Rory had simply to whisper in my direction to stop my jump.
“I know nothing of them, Hunter,” Newlyn repeated. “Please, believe me!”
“Oh, I could, puppy,” the hunter said softly, his voice unnaturally even, “but the wolf here is having a hard time believing you.”
“He just wants to kill me,” Newlyn spat, his body not displaying the same defiance he tried to put in his words.
“If you tell the truth, puppy, I promise you, he won’t hurt you.”
We were staying near a small community of farmers mostly and they had sacrificed more than their share to the beast. Many of the men had offered Rory their help, but he had refused, afraid they’d spoil his slow developing affinity with Newlyn.
Too bad he hasn’t, I thought, feeling ill at ease glancing around the empty encampment, nearly expecting to see the predator right behind me. Closing my eyes, I almost saw it, a huge wolf with a fur as black as the demons’ favorite night. I felt its hot breath on my neck, but oddly, it didn’t scare me, quite the contrary for I had the distinct impression the beast recognized me enough to refrain from an outright attack. Its red eyes sparkled in the darkness just as a piercing smell of blood clogged my senses. Nauseated, I shook my head to be free from the sensation choking me when all of a sudden, I felt Rory next to me, close, very close…no much more than just close.
I turned to stare at him, unbelieving what my eyes saw. He seemed to be a part of me, his skin adhering perfectly to mine as if I wore him like the legendary wolf skin I craved. But it was impossible because he was alive, even if attached to my body. I opened my mouth to speak, but he closed it with his hand, nodding in the wolf’s direction. Not that I expected him to see anything except an empty space for the beast had probably fled the moment it smelled the second human. Surprisingly though, it was still there, either unaware or unaffected by the hunter hiding in my shadow.
“Bend down, lover,” I heard Rory whisper, his warm breath tickling my ear.
I obeyed and what happened next seemed even more unreal than Rory’s hide-out in my skin. With a feline jump, the hunter was on the wolf, grabbing its neck with one hand while the other brandished the sharp knife he always carried around. I only saw the glint of the blade as it arched swiftly under the wolf’s ear, circling the neck, then reappearing on the other side red and dripping wet, the hand holding it smeared in sticky liquid, too. Without emitting a sound, the wolf collapsed on its hind legs and fell on a side, blood gushing from the slit on his throat, spurting on the ground in angry convulsive throes. Looking at the red, thin line tearing the fur apart, I felt life ebbing out of him as if from my own flesh and my voice couldn’t help crying out his murder, howling pitifully to the wind, unsure if anyone bothered listening, but unable to stop until my body, suddenly bloodless, crashed on the cold, hard earth, lying deathly still.
EROTIC M/F violent
“Were you prepared for this bloodbath? Isn’t the mighty hunter afraid of what I’ve become?” I sneered, trying to offend him so he’d fulfill my death wish.
With a sudden lurch forward, Rory pinned me to the ground. “Hardly, lover,” he mused. “I’m impressed.” Pressing harder, he breathed on my neck. “This means I’m not going to kill you either, not yet anyway.”
I struggled to break free. “No! You must!” I shouted. “You don’t understand. I get this dream, had it forever it seems, the night our women are sliced up and I’m the one—“
“Hush, lover.” He tightened his hold. “I know all about your bloody nightmare.”
“What?” Taken aback, I went limp and stared wide-eyed at his grave features.
“That’s right, lover.” He pulled back a little to give me more breathing space. “In spite of your dream, you’re no beast or killer for that matter, rather the one that attracts them. Hasn’t anyone ever said you cast a shadow—“
“A bloody shadow,” I mumbled, unable to silence the echoes from the past anymore. Years had passed since Korax had told me of his fears and to be honest, I hadn’t given it much weight until lately, believing it had been an old man’s coward excuse, rather than a truth others could perceive, too. Hearing the hunter speak of the same bloody shadow drained my body from all its heat. Does this mean you’ll leave me, too? I wanted to ask. Am I cursed to be alone? “Korax said it, but I thought he meant it in a negative way. Or at least he used it as an excuse to leave me.”
Rory shook his head. “He left because he couldn’t handle it. As a Druid, he can recognize such energy, but not control it. And yours, if unbridled, is extremely dangerous.” His voice rose above the fire crackle. “To work properly, it needs a human skill to direct it, which your Korax lacked.”
“While you have it?”
A funny look crossed his eyes, the same I’d caught other times before. “I have the training to handle the same beasts you call to you.”
“You became my second skin…” I mused, remembering the incredible experience.
The hunter grinned. “Maybe that’s why I’m always trying to get in your ass.” His lips crashing on mine cut off any further conversation. I didn’t think it was strange he’d kiss me. I simply opened my mouth and sucked his tongue in as if it were his hard cock. He soon got free so my tongue flew at him, trying to grab his again, battling fiercely in a pretense war I never hoped nor wanted to win. Surrender felt blissful, to lay down my offense and let him sweep the conquered territory was a cock-wrenching pleasure I had learned to treasure.
My shaft wasn’t the only interested party to exhibit this reaction, Rory’s considerable thickness stirring into vigorous life, its hardness soon digging at my side. I longed to taste it so my hand fumbled to take it out of its confinement, but he wanted something more. Raising up, he turned around, one hand taking his shaft out to plunge it in my open mouth while his head came above my crotch. Busy swallowing his cock, I almost jumped when his mouth found my bulge anyway, his tongue wrapping around the bursting head. At that point, I didn’t know where I felt the most pleasure, if from his mouth-watering erection pressing down to my throat or from his warmth enfolding my enflamed equipment. I nearly choked every time he pushed down, his aim designed to get as deep as possible despite my tongue’s blocking attempts. Yet, I never dreamed to stop the sensual game, especially since my cock drowned in his wetness, my hips moving to keep the same rhythm he had set for his shoves. And it was only a matter of minutes before we both couldn’t resist the tide and flooded our open cavities with hot, bittersweet seed.
EROTIC M/M (671 mysterious)
“Were you prepared for this bloodbath? Isn’t the mighty hunter afraid of what I’ve become?” I sneered, trying to offend him so he’d fulfill my death wish.
With a sudden lurch forward, Rory pinned me to the ground. “Hardly, lover,” he mused. “I’m impressed.” Pressing harder, he breathed on my neck. “This means I’m not going to kill you either, not yet anyway.”
I struggled to break free. “No! You must!” I shouted. “You don’t understand. I get this dream, had it forever it seems, the night our women are sliced up and I’m the one—“
“Hush, lover.” He tightened his hold. “I know all about your bloody nightmare.”
“What?” Taken aback, I went limp and stared wide-eyed at his grave features.
“That’s right, lover.” He pulled back a little to give me more breathing space. “In spite of your dream, you’re no beast or killer for that matter, rather the one that attracts them. Hasn’t anyone ever said you cast a shadow—“
“A bloody shadow,” I mumbled, unable to silence the echoes from the past anymore. Years had passed since Korax had told me of his fears and to be honest, I hadn’t given it much weight until lately, believing it had been an old man’s coward excuse, rather than a truth others could perceive, too. Hearing the hunter speak of the same bloody shadow drained my body from all its heat. Does this mean you’ll leave me, too? I wanted to ask. Am I cursed to be alone? “Korax said it, but I thought he meant it in a negative way. Or at least he used it as an excuse to leave me.”
Rory shook his head. “He left because he couldn’t handle it. As a Druid, he can recognize such energy, but not control it. And yours, if unbridled, is extremely dangerous.” His voice rose above the fire crackle. “To work properly, it needs a human skill to direct it, which your Korax lacked.”
“While you have it?”
A funny look crossed his eyes, the same I’d caught other times before. “I have the training to handle the same beasts you call to you.”
“You became my second skin…” I mused, remembering the incredible experience.
The hunter grinned. “Maybe that’s why I’m always trying to get in your ass.” His lips crashing on mine cut off any further conversation. I didn’t think it was strange he’d kiss me. I simply opened my mouth and sucked his tongue in as if it were his hard cock. He soon got free so my tongue flew at him, trying to grab his again, battling fiercely in a pretense war I never hoped nor wanted to win. Surrender felt blissful, to lay down my offense and let him sweep the conquered territory was a cock-wrenching pleasure I had learned to treasure.
My shaft wasn’t the only interested party to exhibit this reaction, Rory’s considerable thickness stirring into vigorous life, its hardness soon digging at my side. I longed to taste it so my hand fumbled to take it out of its confinement, but he wanted something more. Raising up, he turned around, one hand taking his shaft out to plunge it in my open mouth while his head came above my crotch. Busy swallowing his cock, I almost jumped when his mouth found my bulge anyway, his tongue wrapping around the bursting head. At that point, I didn’t know where I felt the most pleasure, if from his mouth-watering erection pressing down to my throat or from his warmth enfolding my enflamed equipment. I nearly choked every time he pushed down, his aim designed to get as deep as possible despite my tongue’s blocking attempts. Yet, I never dreamed to stop the sensual game, especially since my cock drowned in his wetness, my hips moving to keep the same rhythm he had set for his shoves. And it was only a matter of minutes before we both couldn’t resist the tide and flooded our open cavities with hot, bittersweet seed.
I had no experience naturally, except the imaginary one, grown out of years of wondering how it would feel to have a warm mouth on my shaft. I recalled the exact sensations I would have loved to experience so my mouth began moving as as if it had a mind of its own, following the pattern of my dreams. In growing excitement, I held, touched, breathed, tasted, lapped, licked and sucked the vibrant piece of meat, which to my immense price turned to stone. I felt it twitch with pleasure, its thick head hitting my cheek, then bumping on the roof of my mouth as it pushed to get past all obstacles. I tried swallowing it, but getting it too close to my throat, I pulled away. Drawing the tip of the erection back inside, I also slid my hand in the same movement that brought me so much pleasure I’d often lose my mind over it. Insatiably, my tongue ran back to his hairy balls, sucking and licking them avidly as my hand kept the rhythm going. Raising my head, my lips returned upward, my mouth having to enlarge over the bulging head. It was too big to hold it all, but he didn’t seem to mind as he pushed his hips to get a closer look. I sucked harder, my tongue curling around it, partly to avoid a strangling effect, mostly to feel its firm rub, filling my senses with his taste and smell. In rapture, I would have played for hours with his savory equipment, trying to fulfill its every desire, had he not wanted more.
“Care to fill something else?” the man suggested huskily, pulling back a little.
I had seen too many scenes in the forest not to understand how the game evolved between two men, even if, “I’ve never tried it, sir,” I confessed. “But I’d like to,” I added truthfully, my asshole already throbbing in anticipation.
“Really?” His eyes blazed with excitement. Dropping down to his knees, he turned me around and I lay on my elbows as I’d seen many others do. “Don’t worry,” he assured. “It’s real easy and great fun, too,” he continued, freeing my ass from the shielding clothes. “The trick,” he continued, “is to keep it very wet.”
A cold sensation chilled my enflamed butt hole as his tongue rimmed its edges. In rapture, I surrendered to his teasing for he didn’t push inside or force his way through, simply skimmed around for the longest time, unleashing a raging fire I’d never felt before. My reaction was to throw back the ass at him while my only craving was to feel something, anything, inside to quench its burning desire. I swung in a steady rhythm, begging for his fingers, in lack of something bigger, until he satisfied my request and dipped one inside. Pleasure hit me unexpectedly as my flesh wrapped tightly around it.
“Glad you like it,” was his comment while slipping one more finger inside, then a third. I welcomed all greedily, sucking them deep much like my mouth had tried swallowing his big cock, but the game was fast moving to another level. “Now you’ll get something bigger and much better,” the Roman announced, taking his hand away. “Trust me.” He nudged the hard head at the end of my cleft and gave a firm shove.
This time it hurt. With a yelp, I jumped away, but as if expecting my reaction, he had already pulled out. “Relax,” he told me gently, rubbing the sore opening. “If you tense like this, it’ll only get worse.”
“But it hurts,” I complained loudly.
“Only the first time,” he assured. “The next time I come in, it won’t. I promise.”
As a matter of fact, the pain had lessened already, maybe because he still teased the tight entrance with wet fingers so I let him convince me and settled back in my position. To test me, his finger centered the middle of my buttocks again and true to his word, it didn’t seem so bad. Feeling the difference, he quickly replaced it with the hard thickness, pushing it to gain the entry, having no trouble this time to obtain the desired result. I didn’t move, just analyzed the new sensation of having something so big filling me completely. I relaxed like he had suggested and the demanding master slipped even further inside, almost sucked by what had now become my hungry flesh. And I liked it…a lot. But he knew how to make it better.
Reaching beneath me to grip my painfully throbbing cock, he slid on the long stem, penetrating at the same time to the hilt with a series of quick shoves, his balls tickling my ass every time he pushed forward. I didn’t immediately follow his rhythm because his firm grasp took much of my attention away from behind, focusing it to the front instead. Only when he pushed harder, did I start moving to his dance, my ass swinging back, slowly at first, then gaining momentum as my guest demanded more space.
The hunter fixed his gaze on Newlyn. “Are you going to let him believe such lies?”
The young man shook his head.
“Then prove him wrong.” Rory threw him to me and Newlyn was quick to grab the opportunity. His warm mouth found my throbbing cock just as I freed it from its confinement, pushing it deep inside the open cavity. He sucked avidly, a bit impatient to swallow it completely and I obliged by pushing his head down on it. His tongue wrapped around my bulging head, I groaned with pleasure at his forceful laps running down the thick stem. I loved the warmth enveloping the throbbing erection, which twitched with every wet lick that made my skin only more slippery and eager to find a tight hideaway.
“You’ve trained him well,” I grinned at Rory as he undressed the young man, “even if the road’s still long.”
“Just a smart ass puppy,” the hunter confirmed, slapping the round buns.
At the sight of the pale tempting mounds, my shaft jerked, turning into stone. Rory had moved closer to us, now taking Newlyn’s head and placing it over his erect cock. For a while, the young man’s head bobbed between our two demanding equipments, his lips sliding down to the balls, then a hard suck before moving to the other one. I glanced at Rory and caught a challenging look I had no trouble understanding at all. Even if no words passed between us, I knew exactly what he wanted me to do so I had no choice but to leave the exquisite confines in order to change position and settle behind Newlyn where I could admire the firm buttocks.
The hunter beamed his approval the moment I bent my head to prepare the narrow hole and, relishing the idea I was getting it ready to receive Red’s huge shaft, I doubled my efforts to drown it in saliva. The mere thought made my cock harder than ever, the scene already playing in my mind even before they had actually started. Long slow laps rimmed the edges carefully, my tongue wet the borders accurately, its slow circles round and round probably driving Newlyn crazy with desire also by screwing its tip through the entrance, feeling the pliant flesh first yield, then wrap tightly around it, welcoming the presence. I shoved further, drenching the rim copiously as I started a movement of my own, getting in and out of the narrow flesh until I burned with desire to feel it myself. But that was only one aspect of the game for resistance, however strenuous, was a prize in itself, enflaming my entire being with incandescent darts as I complied with the master’s unspoken orders, pulling away only when Rory reached me.
“You wet it through and through,” he approved, his fingers sliding inside effortlessly.
““Hey, you…” The man had been quick to grab the opportunity. “Looking for something?”
His Latin, mixed with a few words in my language, confirmed he was Roman. Luckily, I had learned the basic of their tongue thanks to Korax insatiable knowledge so I had no trouble understanding his question. Slowly, I turned to look at him, my gaze lingering on his crotch before going up to his face. “Yes, sir. I’m looking for mushrooms.”
The man grinned. “Well, I think you just found the biggest one of all,” he announced, striding forward.
My own stumbling step in his direction made me trip down to my knees, my face coming right in front of his crotch. Having gotten what he wanted, he took the beast out and it stood proudly in its hardness. As promised, it was huge, even bigger than mine, I noticed, grasping it firmly to admire its elongated shape with the thick stem that held the fat head regally as if crowned by it. I breathed deeply its intoxicating smell before nearing my lips to land a quick kiss. Even more aroused, I darted out my tongue to taste it and I liked it…immensely. Wanting more, I licked the rest of him, reaching down to the balls, then returning up to the bursting head waiting for something more. My mouth wrapped around it and I almost spilled my guts from this new pleasure.
I had no experience naturally, except the imaginary one, grown out of years of wondering how it would feel to have a warm mouth on my shaft. I recalled the exact sensations I would have loved to experience so my mouth began moving as if it had a mind of its own, following the pattern of my dreams. In growing excitement, I held, touched, breathed, tasted, lapped, licked and sucked the vibrant piece of meat, which to my immense pride turned to stone. I felt it twitch with pleasure, its thick head hitting my cheek, then bumping on the roof of my mouth as it pushed to get past all obstacles. I tried swallowing it, but getting it too close to my throat, I pulled away. Drawing the tip of the erection back inside, I also slid my hand in the same movement that brought me so much pleasure I’d often lose my mind over it. Insatiably, my tongue ran back to his hairy balls, sucking and licking them avidly as my hand kept the rhythm going. Raising my head, my lips returned upward, my mouth having to enlarge over the bulging head. It was too big to hold it all, but he didn’t seem to mind as he pushed his hips to get a closer look. I sucked harder, my tongue curling around it, partly to avoid a strangling effect, mostly to feel its firm rub, filling my senses with his taste and smell. In rapture, I would have played for hours with his savory equipment, trying to fulfill its every desire, had he not wanted more.
“Care to fill something else?” the man suggested huskily, pulling back a little.
She looked at us before returning her gaze to the hunter. “Well, Newlyn can certainly stay,” she said at last, licking her lips. As I’d guessed, she was among the wide-eyed youngsters who had looked at the buck with more than one interested stare. “But the Druid—“
“He’s non-negotiable,” Rory informed coldly. “Either you take us all or there’s no deal.”
Looking us over again, she thought about it for a second, her hand toying with Rory’s raised equipment, until something in her expression softened while her body relaxed. Interpreting it for a yes, the hunter pushed her head on his shaft. “Glad you agree, honey,” he concluded the conversation, gesturing for us to come closer. “Now, Newlyn, since you want to learn about women, I suggest you start familiarizing yourself with them.” Using both hands, he undressed her, then flipped her, back lying down on the ground. “I’d say most differences are quite visible,” he teased, his hand circling her round, firm breast as he stroked the hard nipple, jutting straight in the air.
Kneeling in front of her widespread legs, Newlyn stretched his hand eager to touch the soft flesh.
“Ha,” Rory grinned, “going right to the point.”
“Maybe we should first get to know each other,” she suggested, straightening up and moving closer to Newlyn. “You are such a tasty morsel,” she told him as her mouth closed on his in a fierce kiss.
“At least the lady doesn’t waste any time,” Rory mused, looking at me. Closing his distance, he pressed her from behind, trapping her body between them.
Beryl obviously liked it, her mouth still working fast on Newlyn’s while her ass swayed against Rory’s crotch in an enticing swirl that held my eyes glued. The hunter took shameless advantage of the firm buns rubbing his erection, his fingers probing the narrow hole through repeated insertions. In spite of her gender, just watching their seductive moves made my cock turn as hard as stone, but I didn’t move, biding my time.
Still holding her prisoner, Rory took her hands and guided them to Newlyn’s engrossed shaft. Quick to understand, she wrapped one hand around the thickness while the other fumbled behind her in search of the other hardness demanding attention. Gripping both firmly, she began sliding their skin up and down, her body continuing to brush sensually against theirs. I knew it would soon be too much for either to stand so I wondered anxiously what remedy Red would conjure, my own senses already enflamed at the mere possibilities.
I didn’t have to wait long. After a few more rubs and slides, the hunter pressed Beryl’s shoulders and the woman bent her back, throwing her butt out, her mouth already open to receive Newlyn. We all heard the loud suck as her tongue ran greedily on his entire stem, lapping the sides and the bulging head before drawing it in her mouth again. I watched fascinated, the cock disappearing, then reappearing in the bottomless cavity until Rory’s movements caught my attention.
He had kept busy, squeezing the round buttocks that now pushed in his direction. His fingers were having an easy time, I noticed, dipping in and out of the narrow flesh so he didn’t waste more time. Nudging the thick head at the end of the cleft, he shoved forcefully and was inside with just a few thrusts. She tensed, stopping her swaying, but he kept going, pushing repeatedly until her butt literally swallowed him whole. Only then he stopped, his hands dipping beneath her stomach and stroking what looked like a dripping wet trap. So moist it was, Rory’s fingers glided on the slippery flesh, unable to find a hold. But she liked it nonetheless because her movements soon resumed with a more decisive swing than before.
The Druid, the hunter, his apprentice: sex, power and transformation…what else? There’s a hidden treasure inside everyone, which not all can afford. Sometimes, you only need to know how to manage it, though in the end, it’s like seeing yourself in a mirror. So how to explain the violence?
Abandoned by his mother to a Druid’s care, Cedric grows in the forest, learning the ropes of an age-old calling, trained in the art of healing and divination. But he’s not sure he is right for the role since strange, disturbing dreams visit him often, leaving behind a bloody trail at least in his mind. But it isn’t until he meets the hunter Rhory that the nightmare spill into reality, taking a more definite and sinister shape in the form of a beast terrorizing the villages. Together, they will find a way to defeat the predator, particularly after it starts attacking humans, too, and in the process discover a bond neither would have thought possible, especially in its disturbing side effects.
AR Alternative Read (Clayton)
BBB Bittem by Books – 4.5 Tombstones
Coffee Time Romance 4 cups
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