The Princess, Virtus Saga #7
The Princess
AUTHOR: Laura Tolomei
SERIES: Virtus Saga Book 7
GENRE: Erotica, Gay LGBT, BDSM, Ménage à Trois/Quatre, Multiple Partners, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Series, m/m, m/m/f
ISBN# 9781487400415
HEAT LEVEL: 4 flames
PAGES# 479
WORD# 132.764
RELEASED: 15 September 2014
PUBLISHER: eXtasy Books
COVER: Angela Waters
Publisher Link
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Chris needs a lesson!, Ylianor is back! Erotic MMF, Meet Mistress Ylianor! Erotic, Amazing Amazon – Download Pdf First Chapters – Download Wallpapers – Download PDF Bookmarks – Who’s Who in the Virtus Saga – Angel or Demon? Who is Lord Christopher Templeton? – Series Trailer – Virtus the Saga on Facebook – Virtus Saga on Goodreads – Leave your review on Goodreads
The book that reconnects it all—love, sex, lust, but also the princess to her power and to her men. Don’t miss the seventh and next-to-last chapter of the Virtus Saga.
The book that reconnects it all—the love, the sex, the lust, but also the princess and her amazing power. Don’t miss the latest chapter of this ongoing dark fantasy series, the Virtus Saga.
“The demon side gives you the strength to be a better angel. It’s also the source of your intoxicating fire, the very foundation of your Virt.” Duncan Caldwell
“This isn’t going to be about us.”“Then…” As the dots connected in the angel’s head, Duncan saw his eyes brightening all of a sudden. “It’s going to be about her.”
This isn’t going to be about us. It’s going to be about her. About The Princess, Virtus Saga #7.
When Prince Duncan Caldwell finds himself alone for the very first time in his life, he cannot understand what has gone wrong. From his earliest years, he had been with at least one, if not both, of the two special people he had chosen and deeply loved. Christopher Templeton, his phase mate, and Ylianor Caldwell, his father’s heart child, have always been his reference points, the two fixed stars of his evolving destiny. His insane lust for both have further strengthened his bond to them during the apparently endless time they had already spent together. And yet…no matter how much he gets of them, it’s never enough. Not of Ylianor, his adored princess, born and raised in Black Rose, his own home. Certainly not of Chris, his beloved angel, met as a mere eight-year-old on the hills of the same Black Rose that had brought Ylianor to him. So why is he alone now?
That’s just the beginning of Book 7 of the Virtus Saga, where nothing is as it seems. Not the world, since its all-pervading sex drive hides a scary lack of violence. Not the people, since soul mates Prince Duncan Caldwell and Lord Christopher Templeton share a love that is unrivaled until that fateful knock on Ylianor Meyer’s dilapidated shack.
This book picks up right where The Heat, Book 6, leaves off and reconnects the princess to her amazing power. It’s a unique connection, laced with jealousy and violence that are unknown to their world. This is not just another erotic dark fantasy series. This is the making of a trio. Of three remarkable characters that must overcome their uncontrollable lust to face the truth about themselves and their planet if they want to defeat the darkness about to devour them. To be as one whilst three! To share power and love in equal measures. This is their real challenge, the lesson they must learn. Otherwise, how will their world survive?
Erotic Romance with an Edge, Laura Tolomei, Author Laura Tolomei, LallaGatta, Lalla Gatta, literary, reading, writing, author, ebook, e-book, fiction, erotic, erotica, paranormal, dark fantasy, men-love, man-man, men-men, gay, LGBT, gay LGBT, romance, romantica, romantic, ménage, multiple partners, MM, MMF, horror, series, BDSM, Prince Duncan Caldwell, Lord Christopher Templeton, Ylianor Meyer, David Smith, Lady Cecilia Hurst, Lord Arthur Fairchild, Arthur, Chris, Duncan, Ylianor, David, Cecilia, Caldwell, Templeton, Prince, Princess, sleeping beauty, lover, Leader, Angel, masters, slave, sub, doms, dom, master, bondage, soulmate, soul-mate, soul mate, knife play, Virtus, Virts, Sendar, The Sex, The Game, The Festival, The Leader, The Pledge, The Heat, The Princess, The Lord, Not In The Game, Deleted Scenes, eXtasy Books, book trailer, Nephis Valley, three-sided pyramid, Virtus the Saga
Ylianor + Jeff (stables 140)
“Robin and I both had phases, but they were nothing like theirs…” Jeff frowned as though deep in memory. “No one could come between them, and you can ask Carl Strepton for confirmation.”
Yeah, good old Carl. No, she had not forgotten him, either.
“Carl tried separating them without success. They were as thick and tight as if they were one and understood each other even without words, like they had their own language or something. I’ve never seen anything like it, but it didn’t feel right then or much less now. Today that one is the leader and the other is pledged to you.”
No, Jeff just could not get it.
“And the leader reaffirming their love in such a public and dramatic way then nominating him as co-leader no less…makes me wonder where you fit in all this.”
M/M/F (328 The Heat Ylianor POV)
Scorched by the burning heat enflaming her every sense.
Chris and Duncan’s, too.
All the heat’s fault for bringing them together tighter than ever. Not just because she was still not pregnant, which remained the heat’s main objective—at least as far as ordinary pledges went. Their particular brand was something completely different. Awakened only when all three of them were in tune—body, mind and spirit working as one. If any one of these elements was off, there would be no heat.
So she was learning to regard it as the sign that things between them were balanced and good, particularly since it required the maximum closeness possible. With the two men plunging in her pussy at the same time, then pumping together until they spilled all their seed.
Which meant she had complete charge of them. She and only she was the mistress of the two cocks that made her climax over and over. Unstoppable, like their jets.
For their shafts never went dry or limp. Not while the heat lasted. And it often did way beyond her expectation.
Her men’s, too. Both piqued by the loss of control. That stuck them in a fixed position, while ramming her cunt together. No fooling around. No playing hard to get. No switching her around between them. No claiming her ass. No treating her as a slave, either.
Which again was shiny proof of her utter mastery over them.
That was what most galled them.
And brought her a great measure of satisfaction, however little she could enjoy it while it lasted.
The feverish craving clogged her mind, to the point she could not think straight. She could do nothing except slam her slit on both cocks and come, come, come, come all over their groins.
But the second it was over, she knew they would take their revenge. The demon in particular.
So when he wrenched her hips a little tighter, Ylianor knew her time had expired.
Chris on the road (733)
“Leader, I’m tired.”
Scowl on her face, Lucy’s complaint reminded Duncan of a whining child.
“We’ve traveled all day long. Now Stella is setting.”
Following her gaze to the horizon, the prince caught the last rays spreading a dim light that would soon be gone.
“Yes, Leader.” Richard’s concerned voice seemed to echo Lucy’s whimpers, particularly when his gaze fell fearfully on Chris’s blond head.
A sight he had not been able to tear away from, during the whole damn journey long.
“We need to find a shelter.”
“Make that two.”
The angel’s curt remark was the perfect reminder of how fed up Chris was with Richard and Lucy intruding in his on-the-road time with Duncan and Ylianor. To his angel’s credit, Duncan had to admit he had tried hard to quell his irritation and be more co-leader-like. Something Prince Caldwell appreciated deeply.
Not his fault now Chris’s patience was at an end.
“Christopher, it isn’t reasonable.” Lord Ellis shook his head, pleading with the angel to stop being as moody and detached as he had been since their party had set off from Ridgeview that morning. “It’s going to be hard enough to locate a shelter here.” He glanced around at the forest closing in on every side. “Let alone two.”
This remained the fastest route to Plantimore Cliffs. No other Duncan would have chosen, knowing how little his angel cared for the two tag-along.
“Leader, there are two empty shelters up ahead.” More beautiful than ever, Ylianor indicated a clump of trees in front of them, smiling enchantingly. “Right behind there.”
“Thank you, Princess.”
Of all the day’s tension, she alone had been charming and light with everyone, refusing to allow Chris’s bad temper to affect her in the least.
And Prince Caldwell could not love her more for it.
“How can she possibly know?” Not convinced, Richard frowned.
“It’s called Virt, old man.” Sarcastic to the point of being insulting, Chris snapped, “And if you haven’t learned about it by now, after all your training, you’re really…” Stupid.
No, luckily the angel did not say it, just thought it loud and clear.
“Christopher, there’s no need to get hostile.” Offended, Lord Ellis threw back his shoulders. “Just because I haven’t been exposed to Virt as long as you have, I don’t understand why you should make fun of me.” Then embarrassed of his outburst, he glanced sideways at the prince. “I’m sure you can understand, Leader.”
“I do, Richard.” Despite the situation, his heart went out to the old man and his crushed heart. “The angel didn’t mean to be so…” Heartless? Vicious? Brutal?
All of the above, actually.
“Harsh,” Ylianor supplied. “It’s just that traveling doesn’t always agree with him.” She flashed a radiantly apologetic smile. “There have been times in the past he was awful to me.” Practically killed me, she joked, even if it was the truth. “Only because I dared trail along with him and the leader.” She giggled.
And Duncan commended her effort to ease the pressure.
Sleeping beauty, you’re wasting your breath with these two oafs. In spite of himself, her jocular intervention mollified Chris and lightened his spirit. The mere fact we’re here with them indicates how little they understand of things.
Angel, I’ve just about had enough of your nastiness today.
Your fault, lover. I told you I didn’t want to come—
Shut up, Prince Caldwell ordered. Whatever you have to say, this is neither the time nor the place.
“Lady Templeton is right.” Excitedly, Lucy pointed at two red roofs, gleaming between the bushes. “There are the shelters.”
“And not a moment too soon, Lady Penbroke.” Defiantly challenging Duncan to shut him up again, Chris did not begrudge his heavy sarcasm.
That he was asking for it was an understatement. That Prince Caldwell would soon take care of it was equally clear. At least once he dropped off the dead weight standing in the way.
Which was exactly when he arrived at the first shelter. “Richard, Lucy, you can take this one.” The second was only a short distance away. “Rest, ‘cause I think you both need it.”
So what if it was not entirely true?
“We can reconvene for dinner in our shelter. Let’s say in an hour?”
“Why don’t we make it an hour and a half, Leader?” His annoyance now impossible to hide, Chris stared at him asking for it worse than before.
Chris, Duncan, Ylianor with Richard and Lucy (407)
“So, for you, it was through sex?” Extremely interested, Lord Ellis’s shoulders straightened, his body tensing all together. “With Christopher I presume.”
“No, he had nothing to do with it.” It was just as well the conversation was taking this turn. “It was the princess.” Lovingly, he raked his hand through her thick strands, relishing the silky feeling knotting around his fingers.
“That’s why you adopted her then.” It looked as though Richard had finally connected the dots to something that had been bothering him for a long time.
“Wasn’t it because you grew up together?” Somehow, it seemed important for Lucy to establish the family connection firmly.
“Actually, it was my father’s wish.” Still playing with her hair, he tilted up her face. “He had come to love her as another daughter.” His hand slipped downward. “But the reason I agreed to do it is because I love her.” Then his lips claimed hers.
Lost. He was irretrievably lost in the sweetness of her mouth. And of her immediate surrender to his tongue demanding an entry she readily gave.
“Oh…” In front of him, Lucy writhed, her hopes sagging like a balloon that had lost air too fast, too soon.
“Well, I had no idea…” Richard cleared his throat. “I mean, after what you said and did in the attic, we all thought that Christopher—”
“All I said and did is true.” Breaking off the seductive exchange, Duncan realized his cock was more than ready for her. “I love the angel.” Over her body, he reached out to clasp Chris’s hand. “But I also love her.” His free hand squeezed Ylianor’s fingers. “And the best moment of my life was when I pledged the two people I love most in the entire world to one another.” Now he brought their hands together, their bracelets—his special gift to them—grazing as their arms touched.
“And never was I happier to pledge to the woman who has captured my heart.” Taking the cue from him, Chris maneuvered her neck so that her head rested on his shoulder.
“The way you’ve been at the Hall lately, everyone thinks you only care about the leader.” Much like Lucy, also Richard looked crushed by the declaration. “And I remember Lord Strepton during the Fitting was very skeptical. Said he’d never seen Lady Templeton before, even if he’s the closest neighbor to Black Rose—”
Ylianor is back (653)
“How is my beautiful princess today?” The concerned black eyes flashed at her.
“She’d be better if you stopped babying her, lover.” Amused, the demon pushed away her empty plate.
Only crumbs remained of the food he had been stuffing down her throat before Duncan stepped in the tower bedroom.
Scrambling to his feet, he threw his arms around the prince’s neck. “And allowed us to continue our regular life.” His lips devoured Duncan’s mouth in a lavish kiss. “And attend council meetings.”
“If the leader in person dispenses you, I don’t see why you should be complaining.” Duncan laughed.
An entire week after her reawakening, she was not yet tired of being cooped up with her men. Both taking turns if necessary never to leave her alone. She had needed their time and energy. Mostly, their love like when she had laid sick and feverish in Harbor Town.
“Besides, you didn’t miss anything.” Prince Caldwell pressed Chris toward the bed. “After Oliver delivered his report on how his training was progressing, Darek presented a motion to keep a few of Oliver’s experts here at the Hall, so it can become the agricultural reference point for all.”
From the way his lights flashed, Ylianor knew the leader was very much in favor of the idea.
“Does that mean I’ll have Steve around here forever?” Playfully, Chris bit his lips as he went backward.
“Your two brothers can take turns, don’t you think?” With one swift gesture, the prince pulled the demon’s pants down to his ankles.
“Mmmmm…can’t wait.” Chris was quick to kick them out of the way. “And was that all?”
“There was also Richard, who looked very unhappy you weren’t there…” Teasingly, Duncan nuzzled his neck, then shifted his head to plant a hard kiss on the thin lips, half-open in anticipation. “Yes, he was definitely upset. He even asked me what had happened to you.”
“And what did you tell him?” Now it was the demon’s turn to arouse his lover. Something he did easily by opening Duncan’s fly and exposing an enormous erection, squeezing it lovingly as he kept receding toward the bed.
“That I had fucked you too hard this past week, so you weren’t up to going anywhere.” Prince Caldwell raised the stakes. Clutching the demon’s ass, he crushed the slender form to his crotch. “Least of all sitting for long hours on this tantalizing ass of yours.” Also scrunching Chris’s equally impressive cock against his stomach.
Her senses spun at the sight. For an entire week, they had denied her sensual pleasures, claiming she was too weak for them. Which she probably was.
Too bad their sex had taken no breaks, included as it was in their healing treatment. A way to strengthen her, they assured. True. If it were not for the very arousing side effects.
Now that she felt definitely stronger, her body screamed for the attention they seemed determined to withhold.
“Poor Richard.” Chris chuckled. “You must’ve broken his heart.”
Then again, they needed it and badly, too. Although neither had said a word about it, she had perceived the ugly rift that had kept them apart the few days she had been gone. And she had not liked it at all.
“Not to mention a few other vital organs in the process.” Like in a dance, Prince Caldwell kept leading the demon to the bed and torturing his ass with a steady rimming. “He had to stop several times while reading his report about the new horse force for the Shelter System.”
“Ah, the project you suggested?” The tone was extremely light, “The one that came from sleeping beauty, but you passed along as your own? Just because you want everyone to respect the chain of command?”
Ylianor knew Chris had trouble accepting this breach of the rules Duncan himself had set.
“So you can forgive me for the single exception.” As a way of punishment, Prince Caldwell stuck two fingers in Chris’s ass.
Or was it a reward?
“I suppose I could, but only if the leader orders me to.” That the demon loved it was evident from his hips’ rotation that sucked the fingers, including a third one, deep inside.
“He most definitely does, sweet angel.” Using his free hand, the prince yanked Chris’s hair and tilted his head to claim his mouth. Ravishing it long and hard. “Just like he ordered everyone to lend a hand to Richard and the second in command of this project—Lady Ylianor Templeton.”
“So someone is moving up the ladder, eh?” Again, the demon’s tone was a mix of mock and concern.
“Absolutely.” The leader charged it with a pungent sense of satisfaction.
To spite Chris no doubt!
To be honest, she had only a vague memory of Richard Ellis informing her that she would be project leader.
“Especially when Richard outlined the general details. The same he discussed with his second in command.” From Chris’s ass to his mouth, Duncan stuck his fingers to have them cleaned. “Also about choosing a shelter in the Jeruashi Mountains as the training base, the center of this new horse force. Which again was Lady Templeton’s suggestion, even if I passed it off as my own to Richard’s face.”
“Like the rest of the project,” the jealous demon was quick to add.
If she was grateful for his belated compliment, she could not remember telling Richard about it. “Then I deserve a prize.” It was all lost in the fog of that day Arthur had taken over. So completely, she had to leave for a while.
“You’ll think of one. Right, lover?” After licking Duncan’s fingers, Chris swung his butt, as if to indicate he wanted something bigger inside.
“I will.” Reaching the bed, the prince flung the demon on it. “Eventually…”
“How about now?” Hopeful, Ylianor approached them, her flesh scorching from a flaming desire she knew she could not control much longer.
“What does your healer say?” Not bothering to look at her, Duncan focused only on the blue-gray eyes blazing with excitement.
Wrapping his arms around Prince Caldwell’s neck, Chris brought him down to him. His mouth already on the full lips, his tongue battled Duncan’s for supremacy. I say she’s still too weak to be of any use.
You bastard!
Is she now? Duncan’s chuckle proved they were ignoring her on purpose. Then she can just watch. She knows our sex requires a lot of energy.
I know, and I’m ready now!
Not that they listened, caught up as they were in their endless kiss.
Don’t you need a slave? The way her cunt throbbed painfully, she would have done anything. Including beg, grovel or crawl on her hands and knees.
And the sight of the two giant shafts sliding one over the other was not helping any.
But they obviously did not need one. Or much of anything else, either, since the prince moved slightly back to aim directly for the demon’s ring of muscles.
Fuck you! She screamed it so they could not pretend they had not heard. Plenty of cocks want me out there. Whirling around, Ylianor went to the door to fly it open.
Too bad it did not budge. Not one inch.
She tried again, increasing the pressure.
Nothing. It stayed tight shut, as though some great power was keeping it so.
It was their doing. Must be. There was no other explanation, however busy they seemed to be. Now that Duncan had plunged into Chris’s rear and pumped it frantically.
You two are really the worst! She meant it.
Their seductive rhythm increased the hunger in the pit of her stomach. Not to mention the craving to have them stuff every one of her holes. Still, if they thought they would have all the fun, they were dead wrong.
Moving away from the door, she went to the lit fireplace that was trying to dispel the humidity of a rainy summer day. Whatever she would do, she wanted to erase the sight of their tantalizing bodies. It was the reason she turned her back to them. When the fire had warmed her enough, she removed her skimpy dress, letting it fall to her ankles.
Naked underneath, Ylianor leaned on the mantelpiece to absorb more heat, deluding herself it might be the demons fiery essence playing on her skin.
So what if she knew better?
Her body was burning up with a fever all its own that her hand slipped between her legs. Her personal attempt to quench it.
Legs spread far apart. Butt lifted up in the air. She began a slow circling in the drenched cunt. The dip inside her slit was as easy as sliding two fingers along the wet walls sucking them to the hilt. And squeezing them unbearably.
The ten days of no sex had tightened it, much like it must have her ass. Any serious screwing of either would inevitably result in a searing ache the day after.
Ha, if only the demon knew. The way he loved to torture her, he would jump at the chance.
Which was precisely why she did not intend to tell him.
Which meant she had to be content with her two, now three small fingers. Penetrating her slick flesh, then gliding further back to have a taste of her ass, too.
“Looking for this, sleeping beauty?”
MM (646 Chris + Duncan)
“Your decision, Leader, is the only sensible solution.” Again, Tarek gave proof of his spunk. “And a most fair one, if I might add.”
“I’m glad to see someone can still reason among you.” The prince’s irony was for Chris alone.
“He’s just licking your ass, Leader, hoping to get more from you.” Which made Chris madder. “But if that’s what you’re aiming for, Tarek-honey…” His hand closed on the young man’s crotch. “There are better ways to go about it.”
Chris had always wanted to have sex with the young man, who was exactly his type. If this damn controversy with Brome had prevented it, now was the perfect occasion to make up for the lost time and flaunt his dominating skills in the leader’s face.
No way, Angel. “I have a better idea.” Without giving him the chance to protest, not even mentally, Duncan fixed Brome and Shydan. “They tell me you did a great show during Cecilia’s last game. Only I was too busy with my slave to see it.”
“If you’d like to see it now, you have only to ask,” Brome offered immediately.
“That’s exactly what I’m asking.” Duncan grinned.
Moving as one, the two beefy men clutched Chris. One by the hips, the other by the shoulders, they carried him in front of the fireplace.
This was too much.
Chris’s fire shot up from the pit of his stomach to the top of his head, faster than he could block it. Not that it mattered to him.
He was so out of it. He had no qualms in blowing up the entire world. If only to placate the burning eating him up inside.
So he did not fight it anymore. Simply let it go, hoping it would destroy everything in its wake.
But just as it was about to burst, an iron-tight clamp curled around it. Stopped it from going anywhere.
Stunned at this unexpected obstacle, Chris tried again, which led nowhere besides a fiercer squeeze that trapped it securely and pushed it back. His fury hurled inwardly rather than outwardly, Chris’s third attempt got him nowhere, either.
So he raised his gaze.
Still believe you’re more powerful than me? Duncan’s black eyes blazed just as a new wave of the cool energy curled around Chris’s red ray and obscured it. Or are you satisfied Arthur was lying about this as he was about everything else?
You bastard!
The man was insufferable.
And since when had he learned to manage his Virt so capably?
Chris and Ylianor had been the true masters of it. Duncan, instead, he…he would have none had sleeping beauty minded her own business!
While his energy struggled to escape, Brome and Shydan had ripped off his pants and forced him down on all fours.
You can’t do this to me!
Why not? The cruel snarl twisting his lips did not seem to belong to Duncan. I’m the master. Remember? “Don’t bother with preliminaries.” Addressing Brome and Shydan, he took a step closer to Tarek. “We all know he likes it rough.”
“It’ll be our pleasure, Leader.” Licking his lips in satisfaction, Brome stuck an already huge piece in Chris’s mouth.
“While I’ll take care of Tarek’s needs.” Clearly done on purpose, the leader drew the young man to him, placing Tarek’s hands on his groin.
Interpreting the prince’s wishes, Tarek freed the cock. With just a few massages, it became harder, on its way to the impressive size Chris adored. But the insult was too great for Chris to stand. Too hot to subdue his temper from flaring again. Too constrained to erupt.
Tightening its merciless control, Chris felt Duncan’s energy suffocating his red ray, the seat of his fiery Virt. To the point he had no choice except cooling down.
Or maybe the shaft ravaging his mouth was accomplishing what slicing Richard had not.
MMMF (785 Chris + Duncan with Lucy and Richard)
Lover, are you in? Chris’s hoarse whisper echoed in his head, Can I disturb you?
By all means, Angel. Anxious for the change, Duncan fixed his gaze on the door while it opened slowly. Noiselessly, too. As though Chris had the sense of what was going on.
And he probably did, judging from the great care he put into closing the door without making a sound, then halting above the two steps. My, my, she’s really putting in her all.
Their eyes crossing, Prince Caldwell read all his lover’s loathing for the young woman.
But she’s not even coming close to making a decent job out of those blows.
If you don’t shut up about it, I might order you to take her ass. He chuckled. That ought to improve her sucking.
No way, lover. You’ve made her your responsibility, and I’m not going to help. A heart-stopping smile split his handsome face. I’m already sharing one woman with you. I don’t need another.
You are a heartless bastard, Duncan teased. Your leader is in trouble, and you don’t lift a finger to help him—
I didn’t say that. The blue-gray eyes flashed maliciously. In fact, I’m more than willing to lend you a hand.
Sure, you will. By standing there and—
The sudden pull cut off Prince Caldwell’s words. His breath, too. His very spirit seemed to split away from his body. But when he felt Richard Ellis dragging him to a hidden side room, he realized Chris was making him relive a past experience.
One that happened barely ten minutes ago.
Too stunned to stop the exciting flow or wonder how the angel managed to convey the sensations, Duncan lived them as if he were Chris himself.
“Let me go, old man.” And he seemed to have no intention of submitting to Richard’s cravings. “I’m kind of busy—”
“You’re always too busy for me, Lord Templeton.” Displaying a surprising show of strength, Lord Ellis hauled him inside a room, hidden behind a giant tapestry. “And I’m getting tired of this attitude of yours.”
At Chris’s new protest, something similar to an emotional crunch closed his mouth.
By the gods, the old man tried to use his Virt on you. Duncan did not know whether to laugh or be concerned.
That those subjected to a form of training were experimenting with their powers was nothing new. That the reason should be a sexual one was not exactly comforting.
Ridiculous, wasn’t he? A supercilious look communicated all of Chris’s scorn.
I don’t see you getting any laughs out of it. Hard to restrain his sarcasm at the sight of his angel forced down on his hands and knees.
I let him think he had control over me, ‘cause I was intrigued.
True, his angel could have easily disintegrated Richard and his feeble attempts at gaining the upper hand.
I wanted to see how far he could go.
Now that was a joke. What could a mere emotion restrainer possibly do against a smoldering pyre of pure energy?
I suppose you got more out of it than you thought. Aroused by the situation and the feelings running in his body, the prince grabbed his cock and began a steady flicking.
Which restricted Lucy’s fumbling attempts to the fat crown alone.
See for yourself. Judging from the level of his excitement, it had been above and beyond average, particularly when Richard bared his ass and stuck a couple of fingers inside.
“What you don’t understand, Lord Templeton…”
At the brief pause, the warm wetness of a tongue lavishly lapping his narrow hole hit Duncan’s senses. Same way it had Chris. In both cases, it set-off a burning desire for something more.
“Is that I can give you so much more than that rowdy bunch you run around with.” The finger penetration spread moisture from the edges to the inside. “If only you stopped to savor me properly.” His other hand opened his fly to free an enormous piece, made huger by its extreme rigidity.
Hot damn! Duncan could not help the expression. Now I understand your interest.
Have to agree. A cock like that is hard to beat. Duncan detected a strange note of pride. But don’t go bragging about it to sleeping beauty, or she’ll want a piece of it. The remark was half amused, half worried.
As though their game of stealing lovers from one another was more serious than either admitted.
It’ll be our secret. So he played along. But just for the record, she likes them younger. In case you haven’t noticed, hers rarely go beyond twenty.
Don’t remind me, lover, we’re the oldest she’s having sex with.
MMF (328 Duncan Chris Ylianor)
“Once the tornado that is the phase calmed down, I realized that, as much as I loved the angel, I had to have her, too.” His hand ran to her breast, circling it lightly.
“Same as I.” More forward, Chris pulled up her shirt to reveal pointy nipples begging for attention. “That’s when I discovered how much I loved her.” His tease raised Ylianor’s excitement.
Nothing comparable to when he bent and took one nipple in his mouth.
Gasping, she threw back her head.
Which was the perfect occasion for Duncan to lift up her skirt and dive into the naked flesh between her legs. Parting them, he brushed the velvety softness of her dripping cunt, already throbbing in anticipation.
It was just a pity that, given their present positions, neither he nor Chris could use her delicious mouth. Something he set about rectifying immediately, sliding her to the floor until her back reclined against the bottom of the sofa, her head on his lap.
Mmmmm, lover, can I take advantage of this? Chris’s shaft was about to burst out of his pants on its own.
She’s all yours, once you’ve helped me undress her. Wrenching the hem of her shirt, he pulled it off.
The angel shed her skirt, discarding it on a side.
“Richard, Lucy, would you mind moving the table aside?”
They complied on the double.
Yes, it spoiled their new position. He wanted Ylianor to be at their mercy—naked and beautiful in front of the fire, half on the thick rug, half against the couch where Chris fed her his huge thickness.
To Duncan watching from behind, it was very interesting to observe how the angel had taken advantage of her position. Straddling her, he weighed on his arms, his face buried in her pussy. From where he was, Duncan could only see the monster sliding in and out of her mouth, choking at every thrust in its decisive reach for her throat.
MMF (507 Chris, Duncan, Ylianor)
Clamping her neck, Chris unglued her lips from the prince, then drove her head to Duncan’s lap. Try here. His sarcastic tone grated her nerves. You’ll get better results sucking his cock rather than his tongue.
I didn’t mean to—
Shut up, sleeping beauty, and suck, his voice grew harsher.
She obeyed immediately. Unlatching his fly, she pressed her face on the still limp shaft, which twitched in recognition. As small as it was, it was easy to take it all inside, nearly swallow it in one gulp, together with the balls. But after rolling it under her tongue a couple of times, it began to grow, or perhaps the demon’s fiery kiss, with tongue stuck down to the throat, was stirring it into a rigid erection. One that Ylianor was having increasing problems to hold all inside.
By now, most of it had fallen out. Only the fathead and little besides it found accommodations in her wet cavity. Cramped as it had become, she had to struggle to avoid choking on it. The lurches forward sometimes hit her cheeks, other times her palate, most of the times her stomach, when not her ass outright. At least that was where Duncan’s precise aim directed them. To no avail did she also glide the soft skin up and down the very long length. Not just to heighten the prince’s pleasure, it served as a measure of control. Something that was fast slipping away from her to be totally in Chris’s hands, since he kept pushing her head down on his lover’s thickness.
Now take his pants off and rim his ass. The assured tone indicated how much Chris was taking charge.
And the fact Duncan made no objections at Ylianor sliding the pants down to his ankles was a clear sign the leader was leaving it all to the demon.
After removing both shoes and trousers, Ylianor hurried to comply with the new order.
The prince gave her full access, slipping down on the couch and bringing his butt forward.
Cock and ass—her tongue ran from one to the other, lapping the stretched stem at every round trip, after stopping on the narrow hole enough to wet the edges, then penetrating it with anxious fingers every time she returned to quaff the fat crown or the balls.
Everything was so damn exciting, from plunging in the tiny entrance spreading to her seductions, to enlarging it with two or three fingers, however small they were if compared to what awaited it.
Glancing up, she spotted Chris’s cock about to explode from inside his pants. Not that he seemed to notice. He had made no move to have it pampered, just continued kissing the leader, raking his hair with the hand that was not forcing her head down to her task.
Well, she could hardly wait for Chris to carry out whatever fantasy he had conjured up, even if it meant excluding her like he had countless times in the past, like he most certainly would—
Wrong, sleeping beauty.
EROTC M/M/F (1.568 @lallagatta Ylianor wakes up)
“How is my beautiful princess today?” The concerned black eyes flashed at her.
“She’d be better if you stopped babying her, lover.” Amused, the demon pushed away her empty plate.
Only crumbs remained of the food he had been stuffing down her throat before Duncan stepped in the tower bedroom.
Scrambling to his feet, he threw his arms around the prince’s neck. “And allowed us to continue our regular life.” His lips devoured Duncan’s mouth in a lavish kiss. “And attend council meetings.”
“If the leader in person dispenses you, I don’t see why you should be complaining.” Duncan laughed.
An entire week after her reawakening, she was not yet tired of being cooped up with her men. Both taking turns if necessary never to leave her alone. She had needed their time and energy. Mostly, their love like when she had laid sick and feverish in Harbor Town.
“Besides, you didn’t miss anything.” Prince Caldwell pressed Chris toward the bed. “After Oliver delivered his report on how his training was progressing, Darek presented a motion to keep a few of Oliver’s experts here at the Hall, so it can become the agricultural reference point for all.”
From the way his lights flashed, Ylianor knew the leader was very much in favor of the idea.
“Does that mean I’ll have Steve around here forever?” Playfully, Chris bit his lips as he went backward.
“Your two brothers can take turns, don’t you think?” With one swift gesture, the prince pulled the demon’s pants down to his ankles.
“Mmmmm…can’t wait.” Chris was quick to kick them out of the way. “And was that all?”
“There was also Richard, who looked very unhappy you weren’t there…” Teasingly, Duncan nuzzled his neck, then shifted his head to plant a hard kiss on the thin lips, half-open in anticipation. “Yes, he was definitely upset. He even asked me what had happened to you.”
“And what did you tell him?” Now it was the demon’s turn to arouse his lover. Something he did easily by opening Duncan’s fly and exposing an enormous erection, squeezing it lovingly as he kept receding toward the bed.
“That I had fucked you too hard this past week, so you weren’t up to going anywhere.” Prince Caldwell raised the stakes. Clutching the demon’s ass, he crushed the slender form to his crotch. “Least of all sitting for long hours on this tantalizing ass of yours.” Also scrunching Chris’s equally impressive cock against his stomach.
Her senses spun at the sight. For an entire week, they had denied her sensual pleasures, claiming she was too weak for them. Which she probably was.
Too bad their sex had taken no breaks, included as it was in their healing treatment. A way to strengthen her, they assured. True. If it were not for the very arousing side effects.
Now that she felt definitely stronger, her body screamed for the attention they seemed determined to withhold.
“Poor Richard.” Chris chuckled. “You must’ve broken his heart.”
Then again, they needed it and badly, too. Although neither had said a word about it, she had perceived the ugly rift that had kept them apart the few days she had been gone. And she had not liked it at all.
“Not to mention a few other vital organs in the process.” Like in a dance, Prince Caldwell kept leading the demon to the bed and torturing his ass with a steady rimming. “He had to stop several times while reading his report about the new horse force for the Shelter System.”
“Ah, the project you suggested?” The tone was extremely light, “The one that came from sleeping beauty, but you passed along as your own? Just because you want everyone to respect the chain of command?”
Ylianor knew Chris had trouble accepting this breach of the rules Duncan himself had set.
“So you can forgive me for the single exception.” As a way of punishment, Prince Caldwell stuck two fingers in Chris’s ass.
Or was it a reward?
“I suppose I could, but only if the leader orders me to.” That the demon loved it was evident from his hips’ rotation that sucked the fingers, including a third one, deep inside.
“He most definitely does, sweet angel.” Using his free hand, the prince yanked Chris’s hair and tilted his head to claim his mouth. Ravishing it long and hard. “Just like he ordered everyone to lend a hand to Richard and the second in command of this project—Lady Ylianor Templeton.”
“So someone is moving up the ladder, eh?” Again, the demon’s tone was a mix of mock and concern.
“Absolutely.” The leader charged it with a pungent sense of satisfaction.
To spite Chris no doubt!
To be honest, she had only a vague memory of Richard Ellis informing her that she would be project leader.
“Especially when Richard outlined the general details. The same he discussed with his second in command.” From Chris’s ass to his mouth, Duncan stuck his fingers to have them cleaned. “Also about choosing a shelter in the Jeruashi Mountains as the training base, the center of this new horse force. Which again was Lady Templeton’s suggestion, even if I passed it off as my own to Richard’s face.”
“Like the rest of the project,” the jealous demon was quick to add.
If she was grateful for his belated compliment, she could not remember telling Richard about it. “Then I deserve a prize.” It was all lost in the fog of that day Arthur had taken over. So completely, she had to leave for a while.
“You’ll think of one. Right, lover?” After licking Duncan’s fingers, Chris swung his butt, as if to indicate he wanted something bigger inside.
“I will.” Reaching the bed, the prince flung the demon on it. “Eventually…”
“How about now?” Hopeful, Ylianor approached them, her flesh scorching from a flaming desire she knew she could not control much longer.
“What does your healer say?” Not bothering to look at her, Duncan focused only on the blue-gray eyes blazing with excitement.
Wrapping his arms around Prince Caldwell’s neck, Chris brought him down to him. His mouth already on the full lips, his tongue battled Duncan’s for supremacy. I say she’s still too weak to be of any use.
You bastard!
Is she now? Duncan’s chuckle proved they were ignoring her on purpose. Then she can just watch. She knows our sex requires a lot of energy.
I know, and I’m ready now!
Not that they listened, caught up as they were in their endless kiss.
Don’t you need a slave? The way her cunt throbbed painfully, she would have done anything. Including beg, grovel or crawl on her hands and knees.
And the sight of the two giant shafts sliding one over the other was not helping any.
But they obviously did not need one. Or much of anything else, either, since the prince moved slightly back to aim directly for the demon’s ring of muscles.
Fuck you! She screamed it so they could not pretend they had not heard. Plenty of cocks want me out there. Whirling around, Ylianor went to the door to fly it open.
Too bad it did not budge. Not one inch.
She tried again, increasing the pressure.
Nothing. It stayed tight shut, as though some great power was keeping it so.
It was their doing. Must be. There was no other explanation, however busy they seemed to be. Now that Duncan had plunged into Chris’s rear and pumped it frantically.
You two are really the worst! She meant it.
Their seductive rhythm increased the hunger in the pit of her stomach. Not to mention the craving to have them stuff every one of her holes. Still, if they thought they would have all the fun, they were dead wrong.
Moving away from the door, she went to the lit fireplace that was trying to dispel the humidity of a rainy summer day. Whatever she would do, she wanted to erase the sight of their tantalizing bodies. It was the reason she turned her back to them. When the fire had warmed her enough, she removed her skimpy dress, letting it fall to her ankles.
Naked underneath, Ylianor leaned on the mantelpiece to absorb more heat, deluding herself it might be the demons fiery essence playing on her skin.
So what if she knew better?
Her body was burning up with a fever all its own that her hand slipped between her legs. Her personal attempt to quench it.
Legs spread far apart. Butt lifted up in the air. She began a slow circling in the drenched cunt. The dip inside her slit was as easy as sliding two fingers along the wet walls sucking them to the hilt. And squeezing them unbearably.
The ten days of no sex had tightened it, much like it must have her ass. Any serious screwing of either would inevitably result in a searing ache the day after.
Ha, if only the demon knew. The way he loved to torture her, he would jump at the chance.
Which was precisely why she did not intend to tell him.
Which meant she had to be content with her two, now three small fingers. Penetrating her slick flesh, then gliding further back to have a taste of her ass, too.
“Looking for this, sleeping beauty?”
Erotic M/M/F/F/F/F (1.963 Ylianor mistress @lallagatta @eXtasy)
“More than a drink, the leader would like a little fun and game.”
Ylianor’s soft voice took on a commanding note that surprised him and the prince, not to mention the rest of the women.
“Really?” Lucy, the first to recover from the shock, came forward to stare at Duncan with big brown eyes filled with the sickening puppy-love stuff.
“Whatever our leader requires, we’ll be glad to oblige him.” Shrewder and more accustomed to the Hall’s ways of doing things, Lilith and Doria spoke together, bowing to Duncan first, then to him. “And Lord Templeton, of course.”
Was it his imagination or did they charge his name with a trace of conceited satisfaction?
No, Angel, not your impression. Duncan’s lips twisted. They think they have you—
But we’ll change their perception. “We’ll see about what you’ll be able to do for either of them.” Don’t worry, Demon. “Right now, they require you to strip. And be quick about it.”
On snapping her fingers, the three women rushed to shed their clothes.
Ylianor took both men to sit on a very large couch, next to the fireplace. “Now come over here.”
She talked without looking at either one, busy as she was with freeing his and Duncan’s shafts from their confinements.
Chris dedicated the three naked women only a sideway glance, absolutely uninterested in anything they had to offer.
Come on, Angel. Lightly scolding, his lover’s deep voice filled his head. They’re not half-bad.
Are they now? Supercilious on purpose, he gave each another look over. Can’t begin to list what’s less appealing, their full breasts, Lucy’s plumpness and exaggerated hips—
Lilith and Doria have narrower ones.
Prince Caldwell seemed bent on making him see what he would rather not.
And they have a decent ass.
It was easy to check while they walked toward the couch.
Lucy’s is too fat and too feminine for my tastes. His critical sense of what met his very high aesthetical standards revolted at the mere idea of having anything to do with her.
The sisters’ are more to your liking, I know.
Yes, they were definitely firmer and leaner. But undoubtedly, the three naked women now standing in front of them had nothing to do with what kept his erection going. Or Duncan’s for that matter. Ylianor’s dominatrix air was doing the trick, along with her hand stroking rhythmically both rods.
“Move the table aside,” Ylianor ordered.
The three scrambled to get it out of the way.
“Now kneel and listen.”
Having freed the space, Lilith, Doria and Lucy settled on the thick rug that covered most of the room, from the fireplace almost to the door.
“These cocks are mine.” Tightening her grip on the long lengths, Ylianor emphasized her claim.
Which sent a shiver of profound pleasure and pride down Chris’s back.
“They belong to me, and I’m the only one sanctioned to have them.” To increase the tension—as if there was any need—she dipped over his erection. Swallowing it whole in one intake, she caused such an incredible jolt.
Chris was tempted to press her head on it and never let her go. He would have, too, had this game been his to command.
It was not.
A very skilled mistress was in charge.
So, gulping down his arousal, he did nothing. Merely watched her bob over Duncan’s stiffness, extremely satisfied to read his same reaction at her warm, wet cavity engulfing it all.
It’s really too bad you don’t have control for once, isn’t it, Demon? Taunting and brimming with excitement herself, Ylianor raised her head. “But I may be generous enough to share them with one of you, if she proves worthy.”
“How can we do that, Mistress?” Completely taken by her role, Lilith straightened her shoulders to push out pointy breasts with hard nipples.
“Hem…” Playing as if she had lost interest in them, Ylianor gulped down Chris’s cock again. “What do you say, Lord Templeton? What would you like them to do?”
“Screw them!” He could not take it for much longer. “I want you!” He clutched her with the intention of getting her to sit on his thickness, regardless of the tantalizing red dress that was in the way.
“Not so fast.” Gently yet determined, Ylianor unhooked his paws and turned to the three women.
Who had not budged in their kneeling positions.
“First, we have to assign them a task.”
Wanting to delay the inevitable was another tactic that was going to bring him—but also Duncan—over the edge, faster than either anticipated.
“What do you say, Leader?”
Screw them! I want you!
No, he did not think it. Just, Chris reading it on his lover’s face, even if he made an effort not to blurt it out.
“How about you reward the one who can make any of the others come without coming herself?”
“Yes, it could be an idea.” Teasing Duncan’s equipment, she seemed deep in thought.
Which did not fool Chris for a second.
“All right, girls.” As if making up her mind, she clapped her hands. “Get going.”
The words hardly out of her mouth, Lilith and Doria jumped on Lucy. Literally. Forcing her down on the carpet, back to the ground and legs widespread Doria held them as far apart as she could, while Lilith bent over from a side to lick Lucy’s pussy.
Not fair for Lucy. But sex could be a cruel game. And Chris was the last one to complain about it.
“No, Lilith, you’re not going to have it so easy.”
Not so for sleeping beauty. Her soft heart rebelled to such injustices, even when deserved.
“Give Lucy a chance, too.”
It was obvious the two sisters would work together, which to Chris was sensible thinking.
“Give her your cunt, or you’ll be out of the competition. Both of you.”
Lilith obeyed, however reluctantly. Shifting on top of Lucy’s face, she pressed her pelvis on the woman’s mouth, her lips brushing Lucy’s clit, helped by Doria’s fingers enlarging the slit.
Despite his better judgment, Chris noticed the first tongue flicks on the already drenched pussy.
“That’s not what you’re supposed to watch, Lord Templeton.” Getting up, Ylianor distracted his attention, and Duncan’s, too. Rotating her hips, she rolled the dress up to her waist, remaining half-naked. “Not when you’re going to be busy fucking me.”
Chris had to hand it to her. The erotic twists of sliding up the tight-fitting red cloth were more arousing than anything the worthless trio had done since stepping in this room. On top of it, her masterful grip of the situation and her giving him orders were driving him crazy, to the point he feared he would lose it the moment he managed to get into her. A place she alone knew and would not use until he begged for it.
Not just him. Next to him, Prince Caldwell looked ready to explode, even without sticking it anywhere.
“Get here.” Reaching out, Chris grabbed her arm and pulled her back to the couch. “I said I want you—”
“What exactly would you like of me?”
It was a trap. Pure and simple.
A trap with no way out.
“Ass or pussy?”
Whatever he answered, she knew what he really craved. And would deny him.
“You choose, Mistress.” So he did not give her the satisfaction. “Whatever you offer is fine by me.”
“Then the pussy it is.”
To her credit, she took it well.
“After all, the leader is entitled to my best piece.” Slipping away from Chris’s grasp, still facing him, she sat on Duncan’s lap.
He leaned against the arm-stand, bringing up his legs in Chris’s direction.
Ylianor settled more comfortably. Straddling his crotch, she spread her buttocks and came down to fit her butt hole right on it.
Chris’s eyes were not the only pair glued to her erotic drop-down.
Also Duncan could not tear them off, totally ignoring the three women’s less seductive tumbles.
Even if Doria was now rimming Lucy’s behind, while Lilith was concentrating all her efforts on the throbbing knot.
But who cared about them?
Ylianor was deliciously screwing her spectacular rear on his lover’s huge cock, so Chris had no other concerns.
Swaying her hips got the shaft to her guts.
And made Chris’s craving soar to the sky, particularly since she was keeping his tongue and cock hanging out for their turn.
“How does it feel, Leader?” So she pretended to ignore him.
“Fucking amazing, but it has room for improvement.” Evidently deciding to give Chris a break, the prince tugged her back to his chest, further turned on at the sight of her legs having to fan out and displaying her dripping cunt. “If you allow my phase mate to share in the fun.”
“Does he deserve it?” Ylianor sniggered. “I thought he liked men alone.”
“Mistress, you can’t say you’ve been fucked until I fuck you.” He would be damned if he begged her! “I, and only I, can show you what sex is and the exquisite pleasure of coming under my masterful cock.” To get his point across, he leaned forward, his lips so close he could have kissed her.
“I must say I am intrigued.”
No, she was thrilled out of her skin, as feverish as when they had the heat.
Which fortunately was not the case.
“Leader, if your phase mate is everything he claims to be—”
“He is much more, Mistress.” With a vigorous thrust, Duncan penetrated to the hilt. “Trust me.”
“All right, then, take me.” She said it as though it was a concession on her part. “And try to make it good.”
“I will certainly give it my best effort.”
If she detected the irony, she did not comment.
“After all, your wish is my command.”
If she expected him to rush, she would be disappointed.
Finding an unusual self-control, he aimed at her slit and inched slowly. Painstakingly slow in the moistness greedy to take him whole. Instead, he did not allow more than the tip to penetrate, pausing to drive her insane with longing.
Ylianor squirmed in palpable dissatisfaction, with the sole effect of screwing Duncan’s piece deeper up her ass. Most of Chris’s remained out.
“Am I going too fast?” Chris mocked.
“Not at all.” She did not take his bait.
“Then is something else wrong?”
“Not at all.” This time, the lie did not come out so smoothly. Still, she bit her lips and flattened herself on Prince Caldwell, probably hoping Chris would have to slide further inside.
But she was wrong.
Impassible, he held back, giving her only the inches he wanted her to have. You know, sleeping beauty, you could still beg me for more.
He loved restoring their roles to how they were supposed to be.
And I may just be nice enough to satisfy this hungry pussy of yours.
Go fuck Lucy Penbroke or the Ellis sisters, Lord Templeton. Getting a grip on herself, she snapped, Since it’s obvious you can’t fuck me.
In a hurry, Lady Templeton? Then he slammed all together.
And Ylianor opened her mouth to howl. Only he closed it with his own, trapping her scream inside his head.
Her convulsions were irresistible. Sunk into her cunt made tighter by Duncan’s furious ass possession, Chris was unable to stop the load about to discharge practically on its own. But since the purpose of the whole charade was to tease the three little vixens still rolling on one another, he pulled out in time to squirt her belly with repeated jets thrown by his wildly jerking beast.
At this, the prince also lost it, unloading with a groan everything he had in her delightfully cramped ass.
Now what?
The story picks up exactly from where The Heat left off, with Prince Duncan Caldwell having to fill the rift between his phase and pledge mate, Lord Christopher Templeton, and having to cast off his other lover’s ghost. Lady Ylianor Templeton, his other pledge mate, lies unconscious after her ghost, Lord Arthur Fairchild, confronted him and Chris, and now the leader has to figure out a way to destroy him and get his woman back. But this is only the beginning of this very long chapter in the ongoing series that is the Virtus Saga.
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Pubisher eXtasy, Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble, BookStrand, Google Play Books, Inktera, Kobo, Smashwords – LallaGatta