The Leader, Virtus Saga #4
AUTHOR: Laura Tolomei
SERIES: Virtus Saga Book 4
GENRE: Erotica, Gay LGBT, Ménage à Trois/Quatre, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Series, m/m, m/m/f, m/m/m/m/f
ISBN# 9781771110990
ASIN# B0076U224E
HEAT LEVEL: 4 flames
PAGES: 339
WORD COUNT: 97.609
RELEASED: 1 February 2012
PUBLISHER: eXtasy Books
COVER: Angela Waters
Publisher Link
Erotic, PG, Erotic Lalla, Amazing Amazon – Download PDF First Chapters – Download Wallpapers – Download Bookmarks – Series Trailer – Who’s Who in the Virtus Saga – Who is Christopher Templeton? – Leave your review on Goodreads
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Inside their nightmares, Virtus tries to regain control. Now more than ever, they need to be three as one.
They thought they defeated Virtus once and for all. They thought they’d live happily ever after. They thought they had it all…but they were dead wrong.
“Eroticism off the charts!” Romance at Heart
The book that escalates it all—the love, the responsibilities, but also the threat and the commitments. The fourth chapter of the saga is the starting point of a new life and the affirmation of feelings long denied.
To have it all and lose it in the end
When Prince Duncan Caldwell becomes Leader of the High Council, he expects his two lovers to be at his side as the newly appointed council members. But if one returns to him after a winter spent with his family at Fair Haven, the other lies helpless and trapped inside Virtus’s bloody nightmares. And there’s no way to wake her, no way even the most powerful healer, Lord Christopher Templeton, can reach her. Still, the leader needs her. Not only because she’s the key to unraveling the mystery of Virtus and of a world where all violence becomes sex. Because Ylianor Meyer is his and Chris’s slave, so she belongs to them like no other person ever will. That’s why Prince Duncan Caldwell will do everything in his power to keep her and will never allow anything or anyone to take her away from him!
Such is the new setting of the Virtus Saga, where nothing is as it seems. Not the world, since its all-pervading sex drive hides a scary lack of violence. Not the people, since soul mates Prince Duncan Caldwell and Lord Christopher Templeton share a love that is unrivaled until that fateful knock on Ylianor Meyer’s dilapidated shack
This book picks up right where The Festival, Book 3, leaves off and escalates love and responsibilities that result in threats and commitments. It’s a unique connection, laced with jealousy and violence that are unknown to their world. This is not just another erotic dark fantasy series. This is the making of a trio. Of three remarkable characters that must overcome their uncontrollable lust to face the truth about themselves and their planet if they want to defeat the darkness about to devour them. To be as one whilst three! To share power and love in equal measures. This is their real challenge, the lesson they must learn. Otherwise, how will their world survive?
Erotic Romance with an Edge, Laura Tolomei, Author Laura Tolomei, LallaGatta, Lalla Gatta, literary, reading, writing, author, ebook, e-book, fiction, erotic, erotica, paranormal, dark fantasy, men-love, man-man, men-men, gay, LGBT, gay LGBT, romance, romantica, romantic, ménage, multiple partners, MM, MMF, horror, series, BDSM, Prince Duncan Caldwell, Lord Christopher Templeton, Ylianor Meyer, David Smith, Lady Cecilia Hurst, Lord Arthur Fairchild, Arthur, Chris, Duncan, Ylianor, David, Cecilia, Caldwell, Templeton, Prince, Princess, sleeping beauty, lover, Leader, Angel, masters, slave, sub, doms, dom, master, bondage, soulmate, soul-mate, soul mate, knife play, Virtus, Virts, Sendar, The Sex, The Game, The Festival, The Leader, The Pledge, The Heat, The Princess, The Lord, Not In The Game, Deleted Scenes, eXtasy Books, book trailer, Nephis Valley, three-sided pyramid, Virtus the Saga
PG MM (450 Harbor Town Ylianor recovering)
Mostly, he worried for Duncan, often catching him staring at her from the threshold, heart clearly breaking at the sight of the thin, frail frame lying hot and helpless on the bed, eyes closed and mind probably lost to an unreachable dimension. Chris knew the prince was trying to help her with his own blend of powerful darker energy, but he much preferred seeing him busy in the room they had set up as his office, talking to the town’s noblemen about local business or receiving dispatches from the Hall. Carried by some of the cutest young men in the service, many were also available for a quickie before running off to deliver whatever important message the leader entrusted them. No harm done anyway, Chris reasoned, licking his lips as he returned to the house with the certainty Prince Caldwell was out on one of his infrequent rides in the countryside or along the beach.
However little he talked about it, the sea was an element Duncan severely missed at the Hall. That Black Rose was his only real home was something Chris had discovered early on by reading the body language he could interpret better than his own. Now with the extra energy the leader had to supply, it was the only way to refuel him…well, apart from sex, naturally.
No doubt about it, it remained their best way to evade, letting Duncan take his ass over and over. Having dipped a wet tongue to ensure a more yielding hole, he exploded from the sheer pleasure of being possessed by the most exciting man he knew. Right after their energy touched and became one, all boundaries magically disappeared, and they would float away for hours until the inevitable return—collapsed on the floor immediately asleep in front of the fire.
Yet, upon reviving, she was still the leader’s main concern, the only thing truly possessing his mind, not to mention his body. In a way it was odd, this living together that became real only at nights, the moment they would crawl in her bed. In spite of his words and earlier rage, Chris was strangely reluctant to leave her alone during that time. If at first he did it just to assuage Duncan’s guilty conscience, it quickly turned into a necessity in itself. Being physically close included her in their sexual magic somehow, as though she were screwing with them and not the unconscious witness they cuddled before twisting with cocks on fire. Sex in her presence acquired a different taste, adding new spices and extra flavors Chris hoped would speed up her recovery in the end. Eventually, whether it was the nightly dances, the energy, the herbal infusions or her will to live, it did.
PG MM (714 I don’t want to pledge)
“I don’t want to pledge.”
“Then don’t.”
“But my father insists on it.”
“Then do.” Sitting on the floor in front of the fire, Duncan stared at the flames warming his bedroom, rather than at Chris’s pale and drawn face.
“With her?”
“Hey, you’re in luck.” Sarcastic, the prince turned to confront his angel. “The Hall is full of unpledged women right at the moment, and most of them would jump at the chance to have you.”
“I don’t want another woman.” Stomping his foot, Chris came closer. “It’s not fair, lover.”
“That’s life.”
“I’m not fucking ready for it. I need more time to decide.”
“Tough choice.”
“And you’re not helping any.” With a challenging blaze, Chris dared him to prove otherwise.
“What would you want me to do?”
“Call the whole thing off!”
“The pledge or just your pledge?”
“Both.” Exasperated, Chris flashed angry eyes at him. “What’s the difference anyway? You’re the leader. You can do anything you want.”
“Not everything.” Returning the look, Duncan held his point. “I can’t go against traditions.”
“Then tell me what to do.” Sliding down to the floor, the angel crumpled beside him. “Since it’s your fucking fault I’m stuck in this mess.”
“Mine? You did it all—”
“All I did was erase her from your head, but no!” Shoving against him, Chris crunched him to the couch on which he leaned. “You had to bring her back.”
“I don’t see your cock complaining about it.” With a sudden lurch, Duncan toppled him, pinning Chris down to the carpet with his full weight. “And you’re a damn fool for making it so difficult on yourself when it’s plain obvious you can’t get enough of her—”
“It’s not her. It’s always you—”
“Liar!” Thrusting down, Prince Caldwell crushed him to the ground. “At Brickstone Crossroads you were so hard you were about to spill it before you made it to her ass. And your bloody game, isn’t it the way to have her all to yourself?” His hand pressed on the crotch to confirm what he already knew. “It makes you hot just thinking about it.”
“Damn you and her!” Despite his furious thrashing, Chris could not manage to break free from Duncan’s iron hold. “All right, what would you do if you were in my shoes?”
“Sorry, Angel.” Releasing him all of a sudden, the leader straightened up. “It’s your decision not mine.”
“Decision my ass!” He sat up, too. “My father seems to have already decided everything, he and his impeccable logic. Fuck me and my big mouth for ever mentioning a woman to him.”
“Angel, you’re a free man.” Softening his tone, Duncan rolled on a side to look him in the face. “I’m not going to pledge you unless I feel you’re one hundred percent convinced you’re ready to take on this commitment, and I’ve said so to your father, too.” He ruffled the blond hair. “Besides, aren’t you going too fast? You haven’t asked her yet.”
“What’s the use? To make a fool of myself one more time while she throws me off the saddle again?”
“Not if you give her valid reasons to accept. And no, I can’t be one of them.”
“I’m not going to tell her a lie, like I love her, just to get her to say yes.”
A lie? “She wouldn’t believe you anyway.” It’s the damn truth! “She knows better.” For her as much as for you and the sooner you both embrace it, the faster we can move on with our lives.
“The truth is there’s no real connection between us—”
“That’s a lie, and you know it.” Duncan took Chris’s face in his palms. “You feel something for her—call it hate, jealousy, competition, rage, maybe love.” Chris winced at the word. “Whatever it is, it’s growing, and all your efforts to deny it only make it stronger, like it did that night at the Turner’s, when you wanted her so bad you’d have done anything except admit it outright.”
“Well…” No, he did not dare contradict a self-evident truth. “You never warned me women could be so cunning.”
“It’s simply your bad luck I picked the most intelligent one of the lot.”
“Don’t remind me it’s your fault.”
PG MM (1.270 I don’t want to pledge take 2 no end)
“Hey, lover, do you still think pledges are mere formalities?”
“Not anymore.” Prince Caldwell shifted position. “The truth is pledges create a powerful connection between two people.”
“How powerful?”
“Enough to create life.” He leveled his gaze with Chris. “You and I can love each other to death, but we still would not be able to create life.”
“So our individual bonds will finally be equal—you with your mind connection, me with my pledge.”
“Would be about time. The three being one, remember?”
“How can I forget?” He brushed a loose strand off the leader’s face. “If only she weren’t so damn…elusive.”
“She’s like her element—water.”
“That’s why we’re at such odds.” Amused, Chris shook his head. “Fire and water don’t mix too well.”
“Actually, you attract and repel each other, like you can’t make up your minds.” A few images flashed in his head about the two of them in the heat of passion. “And it’s the most exciting thing to watch.”
“And to do.” Evidently catching the same images, Chris edged closer. “Isn’t that why you wanted two masters for the same slave?”
“I couldn’t share this exquisite pleasure with just anyone.” He rolled on top of him, and Chris spread his legs to accommodate him better. “It had to be someone at my level.” Sensually, the prince rubbed his crotch against Chris, focusing on the ass hole. “And who’d make it all the more exciting with his uncontrollable mood swings.” The seduction more effective than he anticipated, he had to attack the angel’s lips, unable to resist the throb in his growing erection.
Chris opened wide to Duncan’s tongue plunging inside to sweep what belonged to it, going as deep as the throat if only he allowed it, drawn further by his avid sucks. It seemed never ending, drowning in his angel’s mouth with the hip sway driving him crazy, only he had to stop before it became too late.
“No.” Chris detained him to avoid his pulling away. “Take me now.”
“And leave nothing for her?” His lips twisting in a snarl, Prince Caldwell rolled off him. “Can’t do it, Angel, not when you still have to pop the question.”
PG MM (345 I don’t want to pledge take 3)
“Isn’t that why you wanted two masters for the same slave?”
“I couldn’t share this exquisite pleasure with just anyone.” He rolled on top of him, and Chris spread his legs to accommodate him better. “It had to be someone at my level.” Sensually, the prince rubbed his crotch against Chris, focusing on the ass hole. “And who’d make it all the more exciting with his uncontrollable mood swings.” The seduction more effective than he anticipated, he had to attack the angel’s lips, unable to resist the throb in his growing erection.
Chris opened wide to Duncan’s tongue plunging inside to sweep what belonged to it, going as deep as the throat if only he allowed it, drawn further by his avid sucks. It seemed never ending, drowning in his angel’s mouth with the hip sway driving him crazy, only he had to stop before it became too late.
“No.” Chris detained him to avoid his pulling away. “Take me now.”
“And leave nothing for her?” His lips twisting in a snarl, Prince Caldwell rolled off him. “Can’t do it, Angel, not when you still have to pop the question.”
“Then let’s go ask her.” Enflamed, Chris scrambled to an upright position.
“Us? Angel, you’re the one who needs to ask. It’s something between the two of you.”
“All right.” Reluctantly, Chris took a step in the direction of the door. “But first, wish me luck.”
With one swift move, Duncan pinned him back down again, mouth on Chris’s, hand on the sizable bulge. “Good luck, my beautiful angel,” he breathed hoarsely. “I hope you come back a winner.”
“Given this encouragement, how can I not?” Rising to his feet, Chris went to the door.
“Oh, and Angel…”
Chris turned before stepping outside.
“One last piece of advice.”
“I’m all ears, lover.”
“If you can’t think of a good reason, screw her until she says yes.”
“Hey, it might actually work.” With one last dazzling smile, Chris was gone, his exit marked by a flashing thunderbolt and a ponderous boom from the angry night sky.
PG (432 Pledge announcement)
“If you don’t mind, I’ll take care of it,” Duncan offered, going behind the drinks counter. “Thanks, Roy. I’ll take it from here.” With a dazzling smile, he dismissed the bartender, then waited until he left the room before lining up glasses. “Because I’d like to propose a toast.” After scanning the impressive array of bottles, he chose one and opened it.
“Yes, I suppose there’s much to celebrate.” I just wish Charles was here, too.
“Oh, more than you think, Lord Templeton.” The velvety black gaze twinkled in anticipation as he began pouring an amber liquid into every glass. “But the first one is for us.” With Chris’s help, he distributed each a glass, then raised his. “To our families that share a long tradition of friendship and…”
Love. Yes, he heard the word clearly in his head.
“Close relations.”
Confused, James looked up at Prince Caldwell for what he actually said was less…radical, in spite of the unmistakable glance he sent Chris.
“May it always continue in time.” Tilting the glass in everyone’s general direction, the leader concluded his speech, and after a general mumble of consensus, they all drank.
“Now another toast because I know our close ties are destined to become even closer.”
“What do you mean, Prince?” Glass still halfway up, James neared him.
“I think it’s the angel’s turn to speak.” And the leader nodded to Chris.
“Yes…well…” A wistful look at his lover, then his son cleared his throat. “I’ve asked Ylianor to pledge to me…” Fixing his gaze on her, he stretched out a hand. When she took it, he pulled her over his side. “And she has accepted.”
This time the room resounded of loud cheers and congratulations, Claire also embracing Ylianor tightly.
“This is really wonderful news!” Holding Chris at arm’s length, James found it hard to contain his joy. “I’m so glad for you, for your future mate…” He hugged Ylianor, then moved closer to the leader. “And for both our families.” Then he lowered his voice so that only Duncan could hear. “Thank you, Prince.”
“I didn’t do anything.” But he did not fool James one second. “They did it all by themselves.”
“Hey, Chris, you’ve fooled us all this time.” Steve slapped his shoulders.
“Yeah, for years you claimed you didn’t care about women,” Bran teased. “Then you go and pick the prettiest one of all.”
Chris turned red.
“No offense, Lady Caldwell.” Bran winked at her.
“None taken and please call me Ylianor.”
“I’m so glad, dear. You’ll be a part of our family.” Claire embraced her again.
PG (210 Pledge announcement part 2)
“Up to your usual tricks, Princess?” The leader’s gaze strayed to her plate, too, and there was a note of concern in his voice.
“I’ll take care of her,” Chris offered immediately, with the knife poised over the cheese platter.
“Yes, please.” Ylianor sent him a radiant smile—and by the gods, it was Charles smiling at him. “I’d like a piece of—”
“I know exactly what you want, sleeping beauty.” After carefully selecting one, Chris sliced a piece and handed it to her at knife’s point.
She did not just take it. Oddly, she also ran a finger on the blade, only for a quick second, before swinging her gaze back to Chris. “Thank you, Demon.”
The look he sent her confirmed in James’s heart this was no convenience pledge, no last-minute scramble to comply with tradition. No, there was something deeper between the two of them, not anything like what his son shared with the leader—that was a one of a kind, which made Chris’s heart stand still. Yet there was a strong connection in development with the woman his son had chosen, and James was only glad he was so lucky to have found not one, but two people who would surely stand by him.
PG MMF (543 angry after James’s swoon)
When Ylianor opened the door, she looked at them for a long second.
“What do you want?”
“Just talk.”
“The killer bitch isn’t interested in talking.” She scoffed. “Not when her word’s in doubt.”
“I believe you, Princess.”
“Then let me say this one more time.” Ylianor raised her gaze to level with him, ignoring the demon on purpose. “Whatever happened, I’m sorry, but it’s not my fault, really. It’s like something takes over me and…forces me out until somehow I’m back again without any memories of what happened while I was gone.” She shook her head frustrated. “I know it doesn’t make sense, and it’s hard to believe…” She sent a furtive glance in Chris’s direction, quickly swinging back to Duncan. “But it’s the only explanation I can offer.”
“Maybe we should continue this conversation in your room, rather than standing in the middle of the hallway.” The leader sent her a dazzling smile. “What do you say? Can we come in?”
“You can, while he…” She glared at Chris icily. “He’s not welcome.”
“Come on.” The black eyes flashed seductively. “This is a peace mission.” And I’ll make it worth your while. I promise.
All right, but I’m doing it just for you. Stepping aside, Ylianor let them inside the cold room with a lonely candle to fight against the encroaching darkness. “What are your terms?”
“Sex first…” He was on her before she had time to react, his tongue tracing her lips tantalizingly. “Then we talk.” The sensual rub deepened into a kiss with Duncan’s body pressing a straining bulge on her stomach. “Isn’t that what we always do to solve our controversies?”
“Not with him, though.” She was adamant. “Not this time.”
“Dare you refuse your master?” It was the demon’s hot breath on her neck, clutching her from behind, still angry as she had seen from his flashing red aura, yet less than in the dining room. Hardly surprising then, he, too, had something hard and demanding grinding on her ass.
“Shut her up, lover.”
The mouth closing on hers did the trick or more appropriately, it was the fire bursting from her flesh with a raw desire she did not even know she had, until they touched her. Cunt suddenly drenched, she rubbed against the prince, throwing back her ass at the same time to feel more of the thickness wanting to claim it.
Princess, I want you so fucking much it’s driving me crazy.
Since their channel was open like they had agreed, he flooded her with a wave of physical desire for wet pussy and hard cock that left her breathless and trembling at his mercy. Oddly, it was Chris who picked Ylianor up and brought her to the prince’s room, his hot tongue replacing Duncan’s to keep her silent and fuel her craving to a fever she could neither recognize nor explain rationally.
Then he threw her on the bed inside the fire lit room. “And now for the penalty.”
“What penalty?” Ylianor rolled on a side to stare him in the face.
“Something delicious and—”
“That won’t impair her from servicing me, Angel.” Reaching him from behind, Prince Caldwell’s arms surrounded the lithe body, hands stroking the erection.
PG MMF (1.047 Ylianor turn man)
When Ylianor opened the door, she looked at them for a long second.
“What do you want?”
“Just talk.”
“The killer bitch isn’t interested in talking.” She scoffed. “Not when her word’s in doubt.”
“I believe you, Princess.”
“Then let me say this one more time.” Ylianor raised her gaze to level with him, ignoring the demon on purpose. “Whatever happened, I’m sorry, but it’s not my fault, really. It’s like something takes over me and…forces me out until somehow I’m back again without any memories of what happened while I was gone.” She shook her head frustrated. “I know it doesn’t make sense, and it’s hard to believe…” She sent a furtive glance in Chris’s direction, quickly swinging back to Duncan. “But it’s the only explanation I can offer.”
“Maybe we should continue this conversation in your room, rather than standing in the middle of the hallway.” The leader sent her a dazzling smile. “What do you say? Can we come in?”
“You can, while he…” She glared at Chris icily. “He’s not welcome.”
“Come on.” The black eyes flashed seductively. “This is a peace mission.” And I’ll make it worth your while. I promise.
All right, but I’m doing it just for you. Stepping aside, Ylianor let them inside the cold room with a lonely candle to fight against the encroaching darkness. “What are your terms?”
“Sex first…” He was on her before she had time to react, his tongue tracing her lips tantalizingly. “Then we talk.” The sensual rub deepened into a kiss with Duncan’s body pressing a straining bulge on her stomach. “Isn’t that what we always do to solve our controversies?”
“Not with him, though.” She was adamant. “Not this time.”
“Dare you refuse your master?” It was the demon’s hot breath on her neck, clutching her from behind, still angry as she had seen from his flashing red aura, yet less than in the dining room. Hardly surprising then, he, too, had something hard and demanding grinding on her ass.
“Shut her up, lover.”
The mouth closing on hers did the trick or more appropriately, it was the fire bursting from her flesh with a raw desire she did not even know she had, until they touched her. Cunt suddenly drenched, she rubbed against the prince, throwing back her ass at the same time to feel more of the thickness wanting to claim it.
Princess, I want you so fucking much it’s driving me crazy.
Since their channel was open like they had agreed, he flooded her with a wave of physical desire for wet pussy and hard cock that left her breathless and trembling at his mercy. Oddly, it was Chris who picked Ylianor up and brought her to the prince’s room, his hot tongue replacing Duncan’s to keep her silent and fuel her craving to a fever she could neither recognize nor explain rationally.
Then he threw her on the bed inside the fire lit room. “And now for the penalty.”
“What penalty?” Ylianor rolled on a side to stare him in the face.
“Something delicious and—”
“That won’t impair her from servicing me, Angel.” Reaching him from behind, Prince Caldwell’s arms surrounded the lithe body, hands stroking the erection.
“That reduces my options for sure.” He grinned, half turning to press his lips to Duncan’s. “But first, let’s get her undressed. Somehow I think more clearly when my victim is naked.”
“Your victim?” He grinned. “What an interesting choice of words. She’s already our slave. Isn’t that enough?”
Chris’s gaze ran to Ylianor. Treating her as an object was part of the game to which she had no objection, always pretending to leave all decisions up to them.
“All right, I’ll settle for the slave alone.” Chris nodded at last. “But she can’t communicate, not by words, not by thoughts. Is that understood?”
“Mmmm…no sharing thoughts, you say?” Duncan deepened the touch in a momentary pause, as though he wanted to think about it. But it was all pretense. She read it in his lights. “All right, Angel, it’s a deal.”
“Who gives the commands?”
“I do. I’m still the first master.” Tilting the blond demon’s head, Duncan stuck his tongue into the half-open mouth. True, they could not share thoughts, but the sensation of sweeping the wet cavity, with the possessive undertone the prince always put into it, hit her as hard and as far down as her swollen clit throbbing in excitement. His spoken words, instead, were simply a court order. “Get naked.”
Scrambling to her feet, she moved to the fireplace so that the flames could play on her skin and hide none of her show. Chris was her main target and since he accused her of impersonating a man, tonight she would do it consciously. That was all he wanted after all, so that was what he would get from her. Concentrating, she conjured the craving to be a man and have the choice women had not—to give or take as they pleased, brandishing their hard equipment at will. Nothing she could achieve in the physical sense of it, but her Virt of working with aura supplied her with a few extra tricks. It was all in the mind anyway where she modeled her body to the demon’s tastes, losing all softness and straightening her curves, replacing them with hard edges. Then she worked on the mind, getting that male feel she had caught from Duncan the few times she had switched with him. In the end, it was simply a matter of projecting the right image, believing in it without hesitations until others found it believable, too.
She was particularly good at it as she turned to place her hands on the fireplace, pushing out the backside. The heat was delightful, and she swayed, letting her hair fall now on one side, now on the other, while her ass moved to the rhythm of the fire’s crackle. She knew she had their complete attention by now, so she stood up to unclasp the many tiny latches that divided the dress into two separate halves, until it crumpled to the floor. And since Chris had forgotten to bring her clean underwear, she remained naked to await further instructions.
PG MM (232 Trent & Chris)
“How the fuck do you always manage to land on your damn feet?” Having the misfortune of coming against Trent Hamilton in the hallway, the pompous ass lost a great chance to keep his mouth shut.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Chris lied smoothly, trying to by-pass him on his way to the men’s party.
“About the leader.” Without letting down his guard, the son of a bitch cornered him. “First Arthur—”
“Not my fault he liked me more than he could ever stand you.” Chris sneered cruelly.
“He liked me well enough until you showed up.” Trent pushed him to the wall. “But I thought once he was dead, you’d be history.”
“Just your bad luck my phase mate got called to be the new leader.” An ironic smile curved his lips.
“I bet it was all your doing.” Trent took a step back, his face green with envy. “How the fuck did you convince Arthur to nominate him?”
“I didn’t. As strange as it sounds, I had no idea Duncan was supposed to replace him.” Elegantly, he sidestepped Trent. “The news came as a complete surprise to both of us.” He started to move away, only to retrace his steps and press his lips on Trent’s ear. “But be sure I’ll take full advantage of this unexpected promotion, so I’d watch my back if I were you.”
MM (1.367 David calls them)
“By the gods, did I miss your mouth!” The prince’s deep voice echoed in the silence. “You’re just too good with it.”
“Me?” Chris raised his gaze. “You made me come after only two sucks.”
“I guess we’ve been apart too long.” Returning to his original position, Duncan stretched out to Chris’s cock. “So now’s the time for the real fun.” Before letting Chris’s mouth close on his shriveled shaft, the prince flipped him over, pressing his legs close to the angel’s face, while reaching for the other limp cock.
Chris immediately set to work on his end, well knowing the prince would recover his full appetite in less than a minute. With a gulp, he took the entire thing into his mouth, his tongue wrapping around it to hold it firmly in place while stimulating its interest. As expected, it did not take long for it to grow again, reaching its previous hardness the second Duncan slid further down to Chris’s ass, which made all the difference for both erections, now straining to get into action.
Undoubtedly, the butt was Chris’s weak point as Prince Caldwell knew well enough. Just to have the moist tongue tipping into the narrow hole made Chris groan loudly and spread his legs wide. Then the rimming started, teasing the tight entrance into a submission it was more than willing to grant. So Chris made no mystery of it, pushing up to signal his readiness while trying to get something bigger than the tongue tip dipping inside as it traced the borders in convulsively tighter circles that drove him mad.
Unable to stand the tension, he let the huge cock fall out his mouth. “Fuck me now, please. I can’t take another second of your torture.”
“You can’t?” With a decisive thrust, the prince stuck two fingers inside the narrow hole, which received an immediate enthusiastic welcome from the flesh wrapping around them.
“Just give me your damn cock before I go crazy.”
“You just want to suck me dry again.” Straightening, Duncan turned to face Chris, kneeling between his spread legs. “Probably as fast as before.”
“Oh, no.” Chris edged his butt closer to the rigid shaft. “I’d go even faster, if you just allow me.”
Raising Chris’s legs above his shoulders, Prince Caldwell nudged the entrance with the tip of his erection before breaking through, sliding inside an inch at a time. For the first moment neither spoke, pleasure washing over Chris in repeated waves, which left him wondering how he would manage to resist. All Duncan’s fault, undoubtedly for none of Chris’s other partners having ever made him lose control simply with a few well aimed thrusts.
“Damn you, Angel.” The soft curse escaping his lover’s lips caught Chris by surprise.
“Why?” Fascinated, he searched the piercing heart-stopping black eyes.
“You already want to come, and I won’t be able to resist either.”
“Now who’s too good between us?”
“Nah, there’s no competition.” Dropping down to cover Chris, Duncan’s full weight pressed on him. “Nobody will ever beat this slut lover of mine.” The soft whisper reverberated huskily in Chris’s ear. “No one will ever have a more nimble mouth or a more broken-in ass.” He shoved harder, penetrating all the way to the balls. “And your ass really takes the cake, Angel.”
“Yeah, especially when you’re dancing in it.”
“I’m just taking what’s mine.” Another powerful thrust and Chris thought he would reach his throat directly from the back way. “I just wish it would never end.”
“Ha, you’re not that strong, lover.” And reaching for his lips, Chris pulled him into a fierce kiss intended to make them lose control faster.
Not that there was any need. Their bodies were working their own special magic as Chris swayed against him, his ass trying to match every thrust and speed up the rhythmical pumping, so the scorching heat would enflame both of them.
Then the energy play kicked in, and it all became irresistible. Fire overstepping its boundaries, it wound around Duncan’s cooler Virt, much like his burning flesh squeezing the cock tighter with each repeated shove. Hardly surprising they came again, together once more, at the end of a powerful slam that literally broke Chris’s ass, releasing its load in a muffled groan.
“By the gods, I did miss you, Angel.” Recovering his wits, Duncan rolled to lie on a side and pulled Chris on top of him, the big bed almost too small to contain their drive.
“I can’t believe a whole winter has gone by without us being together.”
“Yeah, never again.” Duncan tousled the blond hair. “It was just too painful to have you so far away.” Holding him close, the black eyes searched his face. “I never want to repeat it.”
Chris kissed him. “Then don’t ever send me away again.”
“I won’t, promise.”
The kiss deepened and the stirring began again. Like a starving man, Chris could not get enough of him, the little they had already shared only wetting his appetite for more. And since Duncan was hard, too, Chris wasted no time to screw the scrumptious erection straight up his ass while straddling him. Again, it felt delicious and unreal to have him inside, the pleasure as overwhelming as before, yet this time he could exercise a tighter control on it, sliding up and down to meet the prince’s forceful upward thrusts at least until Duncan flipped him over.
Changing position, the prince took him from behind, ass pushed back while Chris rested on his knees and elbows, and the dance resumed immediately with harder pumping, the friction unbearably hot as the thick shaft penetrated deeper than before, until it became necessary to switch again if they wanted to continue. Up against a wall, lying on a table or sprawled on a couch, they moved around the room, Chris tensing the most to resist the urge to surrender to the intense sensations already wrecking his body while his lover taunted him on his scarce resistance. But it was just for show. Chris knew it all too well, feeling the same urge coursing through his beloved’s powerful frame to increase the force of his shoves until it was simply impossible not to fall over the edge.
Standing against a wall, back bent to throw out more tight ass—well, not as narrow as before—squeezing like crazy the rigidity stuck inside and sensing the quiver of anticipation, breath coming short to announce the burst, his hand lowered to grab his cock and accelerate his own come, but Prince Caldwell beat him to it. With a firm grasp, he wrapped his palm around the long length and two slides were enough for the blast of pleasure exploding in sweet, exquisite jets flooding his hand and part of the wall just as Duncan, too, drowned his ass in a loud gasp he obviously could not hold back.
At the same moment, a knock cut them short. Neither dared move, not Duncan—cock still stuck in Chris’s ass, however little it was becoming, and his hand continuing to hold the other limp and wet shaft—not Chris—legs wide open, bent back, one hand to the wall, the other to cover the leader’s as if wanting to share the seed.
Then Prince Caldwell breathed slowly, turning to the door, long, black hair flying around his shoulders. “Yes?”
“My leader, it’s almost the thirty-first hour.”
“Thanks, David. We’ll be right down.”
The sound of feet on the stairs got lost in the distance.
“You told him to call us?” Surprised, Chris swung around, cock flopping out of his ass, to look at his lover.
“Of course, Angel. I know when I’m with you, time loses all meaning.” Pulling up, he was about to move away, only Chris clasped him, arms slipping under his shoulders to embrace him tightly, face buried in his broad chest, before letting him go. “Come on.” Gently, Duncan stepped back, tousling the blond hair. “Your father’s waiting.”
MM (379 short)
“It’s been a long winter, Angel.” Duncan started, after having tasted Chris’s mouthwatering flavor. “Very long…” Unable to tear away, his hand pressed on the crotch, working to unlatch the fly. “Too fucking long and cold.” Now Chris’s cock was out, and all Duncan wanted was to take him to bed and make love until a new winter came. “I felt terribly alone.” His angel was simply irresistible, so he slid the soft skin on the already rigid stem, whetting his appetite with the urge to swallow him right there and then.
“I know exactly what you mean.” Chris’s hand also moved to the prince’s groin, fingering the growing erection and drawing it out of its confinement.
“What about your father?”
“Oh, he’s coming here, but we have plenty of time for what I intend to do.” With an elegant drop, he was on his knees, mouth already engulfing the bulging head.
It felt delicious to have the hot cavity surrounding his throbbing thickness again, the fiery tongue tip darting on the entire length when it was not lapping it lusciously. Wrapped around the erection to bring it to the throat, Chris used his hands, too, to induce a fast come the leader knew would not take long if the seduction did not stop immediately. “No, Angel.” Prince Caldwell removed his cock from the mouth, driving him senseless. “I don’t want to hurry or speed my way ‘cause we’ll soon be interrupted.” Pulling him to his feet, he whispered in his ear. “I want to take my time with your very capable mouth.” Sticking two fingers inside, he pushed them almost to Chris’s throat, wrapped as they were by a wet tongue sucking loudly. “Not to mention with your deliciously tight ass.” The free hand pushed Chris’s buttocks against his crotch. “To ram until you beg my cock to stop taking what’s his.” Slipping inside his trousers, the drenched fingers found the narrow hole and jammed its taut entrance.
“Do it now.” Chris groaned, leaning against Duncan and throwing back his ass to get them deeper. “Otherwise I might not control myself, not even in front of my father.” Then his mouth found the leader’s shaft, and the sudden intake took Duncan aback with the intensity of his craving.
MM (878 short)
“It’s been a long winter, Angel.” Duncan started, after having tasted Chris’s mouthwatering flavor. “Very long…” Unable to tear away, his hand pressed on the crotch, working to unlatch the fly. “Too fucking long and cold.” Now Chris’s cock was out, and all Duncan wanted was to take him to bed and make love until a new winter came. “I felt terribly alone.” His angel was simply irresistible, so he slid the soft skin on the already rigid stem, whetting his appetite with the urge to swallow him right there and then.
“I know exactly what you mean.” Chris’s hand also moved to the prince’s groin, fingering the growing erection and drawing it out of its confinement.
“What about your father?”
“Oh, he’s coming here, but we have plenty of time for what I intend to do.” With an elegant drop, he was on his knees, mouth already engulfing the bulging head.
It felt delicious to have the hot cavity surrounding his throbbing thickness again, the fiery tongue tip darting on the entire length when it was not lapping it lusciously. Wrapped around the erection to bring it to the throat, Chris used his hands, too, to induce a fast come the leader knew would not take long if the seduction did not stop immediately. “No, Angel.” Prince Caldwell removed his cock from the mouth, driving him senseless. “I don’t want to hurry or speed my way ‘cause we’ll soon be interrupted.” Pulling him to his feet, he whispered in his ear. “I want to take my time with your very capable mouth.” Sticking two fingers inside, he pushed them almost to Chris’s throat, wrapped as they were by a wet tongue sucking loudly. “Not to mention with your deliciously tight ass.” The free hand pushed Chris’s buttocks against his crotch. “To ram until you beg my cock to stop taking what’s his.” Slipping inside his trousers, the drenched fingers found the narrow hole and jammed its taut entrance.
“Do it now.” Chris groaned, leaning against Duncan and throwing back his ass to get them deeper. “Otherwise I might not control myself, not even in front of my father.” Then his mouth found the leader’s shaft, and the sudden intake took Duncan aback with the intensity of his craving.
No, he could not help the jolt of pleasure nor the fast and furious thrusts that almost brought him to the edge of bliss itself. “Oh, no.” Making the angel rise, the prince jerked the swollen shaft he had taken out before, obviously in the throes of the same imperative urge torturing him, too. “It would be too fast.” His fingers continued their seductive slide in and out. “I want to shove down your throat and up your ass without worrying about time.” Suddenly breaking away, he stuck the two fingers back in Chris’s mouth. “Now be a good boy and lick them clean.” Once the angel complied with a luscious tongue lap, he moved away. “Come here.” He gestured at the two couches facing each other across a low table. “We might as well be comfortable while we wait for James.”
“Are you sure?”
“Fuck, no!” Too late to follow his own advice, Duncan grabbed Chris and pinned him to the wall, attacking his erection with a hungry growl that stuck it almost to his throat. By the gods, he had missed the thick firmness pounding his mouth with a decisive hip swing and demanding immediate release. And the intoxicating taste, along with the awareness his angel was back, almost got the shaft’s wish. Yet however much he wanted to forget about everything else, he could not let it overwhelm him like an adolescent at his first day of the phase. “Naughty angel.” Leaving Chris’s erection in the cold, the throaty whisper made it twitch. “Sorry.” Before things became too hot, the prince went to the window and pretended to stare out, hoping the distraction would ease the pressure. “It seems we have no choice, even if it’ll be hard to make small talk while all I want is to fuck…” He turned back to Chris who had not moved an inch. “Because you make me so hard all I think about is to stick my cock inside you.” Frustrated, he swung back to look outside, a better alternative than gaze at his tempting angel.
“All right, we’ll play it your way.” Returning the thick shaft to the safety of his pants, Chris embraced him from behind, quickly taking possession of the tightness between the prince’s legs. “But it’s not going to be easy.” Since Duncan did not stop him, he continued the sensual massage on the raw skin. “I missed you so fucking much I thought I was going crazy.” Stroking and rubbing, his palms moved expertly over the entire length stretching under his avid grasp. “And now I can’t wait to feel you again in the flesh, not that energy stuff that always left me wanting more.”
“Yeah, me, too.” With a firm hold, he placed his hands over Chris’s to block further dangerous seductions. “And you’re not helping any now.” Reluctantly, he closed his cock into the pants. “After what I had to go through with your absence—”
“Hey, you sent me away, remember?”
MM (412 contemporary blowjob)
“Wait, Angel.” Duncan pulled back slightly, a wry smile crossing his lips. “I wanted to do this nice and slow, but if you keep touching me like this, I’m going to come while my pants are still on.”
“I don’t see anything wrong with it.” Grinning, Chris clutched the erection more forcefully. “And just for the record, it’s exactly how I feel, too.” Taking Duncan’s hand, he crunched it on his own rigid equipment. “Which means neither of us will last long right now.”
Prince Caldwell’s nimble fingers traced the overgrown shape. “So you’re suggesting we—”
“Exactly, lover.” Abruptly, Chris pushed Duncan to the bed, straddling him with a sudden jump, his hand already working to free the cock. “Let me suck you dry now, then we can take our time in doing everything else, without rushing through it, just like you wanted.”
“Sounds good to me, except…” Destabilizing Chris, Duncan flipped him over on his back, the prince’s bulge now bearing down on his face. “You’ve been gone so long I can’t wait to have you again.” His mouth dug Chris’s crotch, the hot breath driving him wild with his lover’s same hunger.
But there was no time to dwell over it as he clutched the naked erection and brought it to his warm cavity, wide open to engulf it in one single greedy swallow, tongue circling the bulging head already pushing down his throat. So it choked him, but he would have gladly suffocated. Duncan’s taste was worth it, the unspeakable sensation of being filled, mouth and nose clogged by his flavor and piercing smell, running like a hot wave of pleasure straight to his cock, ready to make it burst into a million pieces. Chris knew he could not hold back much longer, not when the prince’s avid mouth was sucking him to the hilt, pampering him with luscious tongue laps that squeezed the rigid sides, sliding them rhythmically at an increasing pace.
To last a second longer, Chris focused on the thickness stuffing his mouth, lavishing his wettest licks on it, opening wider to draw it deeper and matching the prince’s rhythmical shoving down that made it seem like he was fucking his mouth. But when the tempo accelerated, Chris lost it to the unmistakable twitch that told him Duncan was about to come. Stepping up his own hip swing, they climaxed together, flooding each other’s mouths in a rush of hot fluids that almost gagged Chris.
MM (527 Harbor Town mad at Ylianor can continue)
“Can you fucking believe her?”
“Hush or you’ll wake her.”
“And who fucking cares?” Shoving the prince back inside the room, Chris pinned him to a wall. “I wouldn’t let her sleep at all after what she said.”
“She probably didn’t mean it. She’s ill, remember?”
“Sick my ass!” Pressing his palm on Duncan’s crotch, he squeezed the visible bulge. “She was making you hot simply by being her usual bitchy self.”
“So I missed her.” Aroused more than he cared to admit, Prince Caldwell threw Chris off, then with a quick turnaround, managed to crush his face against the wall. “What’s your excuse?” No question about it, Chris’s cock had stirred to attention just as much as his, if not more. So he fingered the growing erection from the clothes.
“Damn her and that charade about the kiss!” He spat as though disgusted by his reaction.
“You’re just mad ’cause she made a great show of it.” Rubbing his crotch against Chris’s ass made his shaft as hard as a rock.
“Pretending she’s depleted of energy while playing us like fools! But she’s fooled me one time too many.” Thrusting back his ass, he dug it into the prince’s crotch. “Next time she’ll have to grovel just to get my attention.”
“She doesn’t need to, not when you’re as hard as right now.” After untying his pants, they dropped to the floor, allowing Duncan to clutch the naked thickness he had been teasing, which grew firmer.
“This is for you, lover. It has nothing to do with her.”
“Sure it doesn’t.” Grinning, Duncan’s free hand ran down his angel’s butt, finding the tight hole he sought to possess. “As if I didn’t know you enough to tell the difference.” He rimmed with wet fingers before sliding them inside, in a steady tease that only increased his desire to break through.
“Just stick your goddamn cock inside and quit talking about her.” Jerking back, Chris ground his buttocks against the leader’s twitching shaft. “Or I might lose it.”
Thick erection poking the tempting hole, Prince Caldwell did not wait for a second call, pushing the tip through the narrow entrance that immediately gave up its tightness to welcome him. As usual, scorching heat enveloped him, melting his senses in Chris’s unique magic, like plunging into liquid fire. This time it felt hotter than ever, somehow his angel’s rage firing the explosive mix he harbored within, probably made stronger by lack of any external constraints—best to focus on the tautness, the cramped squeeze of the flesh crunching his cock to a spasm as if it wanted to flatten it.
Duncan shoved harder, sucked inside until only the balls remained out. His entire long length fitting snugly in the space that seemed to widen simply to allow more of him deeper, his hand never stopped the sensual sliding on the rigid stem he still held possessively, the rhythm following the one of his hips pumping from behind. Pleasure built up on the bulging head, one point specifically, and since it threatened to bring him overboard with the next thrust, Duncan stopped and forced Chris down to his knees.
MMF (1.383 lallagatta)
“I need some serious fucking tonight.”
Letting the bridles fall, not one look in Ylianor’s direction, the leader followed immediately. Chris hurried inside, up the stairs, his desire now completely out of control, going crazy if he did not have a rigid cock to nurse within seconds. Duncan’s equipment was exactly what he needed, already hard as he entered the bedroom and claimed it from by avid hands rubbing above the clothes. Unable to resist further, he dropped to his knees to replace them with his mouth, impatient for the taste of something real, not Ylianor’s witchcraft. The erection was just as he wanted it—pungent smell, acrid taste, huge size growing bigger with each tongue stroke rushing to cover it all, however impossible the task. He sucked it to the throat anyway, hoping for a rapid come.
“Oh, no, I’m not going to make it easy for you.” Evidently reading his intentions, Prince Caldwell dragged him to the bed. “Not since you’ve decided to deprive me of my…no, of our slave.”
“Oh, come on.” Lying on his back, Chris raised his legs to help Duncan take off his pants. “I know you love her—”
“Wrong, Angel.” Pants on the floor, the prince elevated the naked legs until the thick shaft aimed directly at Chris’s butt hole. “It has nothing to do with love…” Then he shoved his way inside, forceful. “All to do with sex.”
“Hey…” Chris had to pause, the thrust having cut off his breath and not because of pleasure alone. “You already broke her every fucking hole—”
“Wrong again, Angel.” Bending to reach his ear while adjusting the fit, Duncan’s breath tickled. “I left her best piece to you, knowing how much you’d like to take it yourself.”
“You mean…” Chris’s shaft spammed all together. “You didn’t touch her…” Shifting position, he let the leader’s cock slide to the hilt and screwed it firmly inside.
“Yeah, I left that magnificent ass of hers to you, ungrateful bastard.” Finding a rhythm, Duncan pumped repeatedly. “And it was the damnest, hardest concession of my life ‘cause it’s so fucking tempting. If her cramped cunt was any indication, I got hard just imagining how tight her ass would be after no one’s used it for so long.”
“Robbie probably did.” Enlarging the narrow space, Chris moved to match the tempo.
“The fool didn’t touch it.” Another slam and the erection dug into Chris’s ass. “And neither did I ‘cause I wanted you to have it first.” He straightened to change rhythm while planting the cock deeper with each ramming. “It must be delicious to ravage it—”
“Don’t remind me, lover. I can almost taste it.” To prove how excited he was at the mere thought, he accelerated their dance. “It’s a damn generous offer of yours.”
“Generosity has nothing to do with it.” Again, Duncan bent to whisper the words, his stomach pressing on Chris’s swollen piece. “Unlike you, nothing turns me on—besides fucking you, I mean—more than sharing her with you.” He highlighted the concept with a powerful thrust that made Chris wonder whether it would come out of his throat. “Sure, I like her to myself from time to time, but you never got it into your thick head the game’s always between you and me, never between me and her.” The hip swing increased and for a moment, Chris thought he would lose it, words melting in Duncan’s sensual ass fuck that rubbed their flesh together in a fiery friction, getting hotter with every bang. “That’s why I want you to be her master, the same as I, so we can be truly equals.”
“Her ass is part of the deal?”
“From now on, her ass belongs to you.” Long black hair falling on Chris’s shoulders, he did not pull up, simply stayed half-lying down so that the hammerings coincided with a firm slide of Chris’s cock. Similar to a hand job, only faster, their bodies coming together created a snug spot, hot and irresistible. “Which means I’ll have to ask for your permission every time I want to use it.”
Then Chris lost it for real, the sperm shooting spasmodically from the uncontrollably jerking shaft. But true pleasure was yet to come. “Wait up.” Recovering, he slid back, unplugging the erection still screwing his ass. “I’ll bring her right over.” Then he shuffled out the room, stopping in front of the door.
Lit candle in hand, Ylianor was coming up the stairs with a determined look on her face that warned she would not take no for an answer.
“Ready to get fucked?” Well, lucky for her, he had no objections now. “There are two starving cocks demanding your attention.” He got closer. “And they’ve almost ran out of time.”
“One certainly has.” Repressing a giggle, she glanced at the mess on his stomach, glowing in the half-darkness.
“Which requires careful cleaning.” Picking her up was no effort, so thin he could have carried her single-handedly.
“So now I’ve become a useful tongue?” She snuggled to his chest, making the tide rise dangerously.
“No, your best feature is still your ass.” Returning inside the room he lay the candle on a nightstand, then dropped her on the bed, right next to Duncan’s sprawled form, so fucking exciting with the long hair scattered on the sheets, black eyes blazing and shaft still erect. Unable to resist, Chris kissed him full on the mouth. “Our slave’s here, Reverend Leader.”
“About time.” Stretching, Prince Caldwell grabbed Ylianor and brought her close, right between them. “Since someone’s got to clean you off first…” Holding her neck, he guided her to Chris’s stomach as her obedient tongue removed the seed traces. “Then me…” Evidently judging she was done, he swung her head around and pressed it on his cock.
“What I want is one thing alone.” But before propping up her ass to his convenience, Chris watched her tongue slide down the base of the erection that twitched in pleasure, lips soon following to engulf it completely, or at least trying. If it was nearly impossible for him, it was definitely out of the question for her smaller mouth however commendable her efforts that got Chris hard again as he set about rimming the narrow hole. Off the intriguing dress—he appreciated it, had to admit—she was completely naked underneath and already wet. He could smell it, no need to thrust his fingers in her cunt, which he did anyway to bring some of the juice to the rear where it was most needed, sticking it inside also to test just how tight she was.
“Angel, don’t distract my slave,” Duncan teased at Ylianor’s moan with consequent throwing back of her butt, holding her neck as to avoid any unwanted breaks.
“Sorry, lover, but this ass is way tighter than you prospected.” Another decisive finger shove, then Chris bent and replaced it with his tongue, gentler for sure with its luscious laps around the edge. Tip enflaming the desire he knew Ylianor would not resist long, he drenched it to prevent problems, his naturally, certainly not hers.
She seemed to accept his assessment, or maybe the prince kept her too busy sucking the erection that strangled her at times, judging from the loud coughs and abrupt setbacks despite Duncan’s clutch. Still she wriggled her ass so delightfully, Chris knew he could not waste a second more, just had to have it on the spot without further delays, ready to aim—
“I have a better position in mind.” Prince Caldwell stopped him. “Take her face up…” Rising, he reached Chris. “So I can use a piece of ass, too.” The tongue traced his ear. “Since I didn’t get to finish my business before.”
“But…” Won’t it hurt her more? Strange as it was—Duncan wanting to cause pain to his beloved princess, something he would never willingly consent to ordinarily—the thought did not go into words because Chris caught Ylianor’s surprised glance that told him the two of them discussed it sometime before, not right at the moment. In fact. Chris was sure they had not head-talked since leaving the Turner’s, his mind free of their familiar background rumble.
“Since when do you worry about her pain?”
MMF (738 give me her ass)
Light-hearted at the prospect, he glanced at Ylianor’s plate. “Princess, aren’t you going to eat something else?” He leaned closer to get her a wheat cake, and it was his undoing. Her lemony smell hit his nose with a wave of desire that made him lift her up from her chair and bring her to sit on his knees.
“Are you sure eating is what you have in mind, lover?” Changing seats, Chris took the chair next to him. “That position could be put to better uses…”
As if they had agreed on it, Ylianor shifted until her ass was directly on his crotch, then leaned across the table, pretending to reach for the teacup.
“You got to stretch more, if you want it.” Chuckling, Chris moved the mug closer to him so that Ylianor’s ass now rested exactly on Duncan’s cock. The more she wriggled it, the harder the equipment swelled. But she was too dressed for his tastes, something Chris took care of by removing her clothes with surprising nimbleness, before settling her back in the same exact position.
“Yes, I want it.” She heaved as if it were too great an effort—the skewing that was driving him crazy.
“I’m sure he’ll have no problem giving it to you.” Pulling down the prince’s pants, Chris maneuvered what promised to be a stone-like erection.
Thus it became with the angel’s expert slides that lasted just until he dropped to his knees and replaced the hand with a wet tongue wrapping around the long stem to spin Duncan’s fiery craving out of control. Well, not quite as much as when the tongue left the hungry shaft to rim Ylianor’s ass hole, just inches away.
Jerking his now thick piece, Prince Caldwell watched fascinated for a moment before returning the angel to his original task. Pushing the cock in the hot cavity for more extensive pampering, Chris obliged immediately, sucking the bulging head to his throat in rhythm with Prince Caldwell’s hand slides on the stem. He also darted the tongue tip on the sensitive spots he alone knew so well to increase desire to a fever pitch, but did not linger, straying again to Ylianor’s ass. Shoving the whole length of his tongue inside, he pulled out to start once more, sometimes focusing only on the edges, others going as far deep as he could.
Still Duncan wanted the wet mouth to himself. Hips lurching forward, his angel caught the rigid piece before it touched the narrow hole he was working on. Cock drawn almost to the throat, the prince shoved to dig his way further, unable to get very far. Not entirely his fault, though. If the weight on his knees partly prevented it, bastard Chris was making it impossible for him to move.
“That’s right, lover. It’s my call this time.” A satisfied smug on his face, Chris made a deliberate show of sticking two fingers in Duncan’s mouth, before jabbing them in Ylianor’s butt. “And my ass.” Enlarging the narrow entrance all together, he drenched it by pulling in and out at an increasing speed. “Which we agreed you’d use only if I gave you permission.” He pumped a little harder.
“So you won’t let me have it—”
“Not until I say so.”
Ylianor moaned as if she, too, was ready for him, but of course, both Chris and Duncan ignored her. Slaves had no rights except to satisfy their masters’ whims…or so Prince Caldwell liked to think. In reality, he as much as his angel were enslaved to her, the thin line of who commanded whom always more in her favor despite their shows.
Pressing on Chris’s neck, Duncan made him swallow his erection in one gulp. “I suggest you don’t play me for much longer, or you might just choke.” Thrusting up, he reached Chris’s throat immediately. “Literally.”
With a firm tongue curl, the angel blocked the fat crown’s dangerous slide, then slipped down the stem in greedy laps before pulling away. “I just wanted to make sure you were ready.” And since his fingers had never left her ass, he drew Duncan’s attention to it by plunging a third one that disappeared inside just as easily as the previous two.
“Give me her ass.” It sounded more like a growl than a command, but it fit perfectly the starving knot in his stomach.
“All right, no need to get aggressive.”
MMF (448 give me her ass take 2)
Taking Ylianor’s hips, Chris slid them backward. When the tight hole nudged the hard tip, he had no trouble in screwing her on it in such a way Ylianor had no control over the drill.
She yelped, tightening the space all together. Naturally, Chris always liked it rougher, at least until Duncan’s stroking of the throbbing clit, convinced her to relax.
“You’re always too good to her.” Chris scoffed.
“Only because it makes her ass more enjoyable.” Slipping down on the chair, Prince Caldwell managed to ram harder, pumping in continuous thrusts. “But maybe it’s not right I have all the fun.” Stopping, he pulled out and got on his feet. “Not when there’s an idle mouth around.”
“Couldn’t agree more.” Immediately catching on to what the prince had in mind, the angel returned to his seat as Duncan steered Ylianor’s mouth to Chris’s aroused cock still inside his pants.
As Duncan made her bend over to have her ass easily available, she spread her legs wide for greater stability. At the same time, Chris pressed her head down to have her swallow his now naked cock to the balls, which she did, coughing until he eased the pressure, but only slightly.
“Choking the slave now, Angel, doesn’t seem such a great idea.” Adjusting his aim, Duncan poked the hole, pressuring it to open once more. “At least not until I’m through with it.”
“Just take her ass and be quick about it.” Again, Chris pushed her head down. “I want it, too.”
“That’s hardly news. It’s all you want of her.” Taking his time, Prince Caldwell shoved again until the tight walls wrapped around him snugly. Then he set the pace to his pounding, the same Chris made her follow in the blowjob, too, head bobbing at his command. The fact he wanted to dominate her completely was an understatement and soon the leader noticed Chris had grabbed both her hands, one of which she had neared to her cunt, wrapping them around his stem. “We don’t want her to come now, do we, lover?”
“You’re in a good mood today.”
“I think she deserves a little payback for all the show she put on at Harbor Town.”
His cock squeezed in the tight space, the prince was not sure he could handle a conversation, but on her first contraction, he could not help smirking. “I don’t think you can stop her.”
A fraction of a second later, Ylianor came, contracting all muscles spasmodically, skin creased by the intensity of the waves. There was no way to resist her tide, which swept through him, too. In rapid bursts of hot fluid, their connection pulled them together inevitably.
MMF (328 give me her ass take 3)
“Fuck!” Chris cursed angrily. “She wasn’t supposed to come, not yet.”
“Think of the bright side, Angel.” Duncan’s limp cock flopped out of the snug hole. “At least now her ass is free.”
“Oh, I’ll take it. Don’t worry. Only not like this.” Picking her up, he brought her to the small couch. “Help me screw her, lover.”
Knowing what he wanted, Prince Caldwell took her from his arms and flipped her to face him.
Her green eyes blazed in satisfaction.
Princess, you really love to make him mad.
It’s the best fun to date.
“Yeah, all she needs is you telling her how good she’s been.” Annoyed, the blue-gray gaze flashed at Duncan. “Instead, you should be warning her to widen her ass ‘cause I’m going to break it.”
He’s all talk. Curved in an ironic grin, her lips were too tempting to resist, Duncan having to taste them. His tongue claiming the warm cavity in rapid stokes, he brought her down on the greedy erection that shoved its way inside, ramming immediately to a frenzied beat. Prince Caldwell would have left it at that, if the mouthwatering kiss had not stirred his shaft into a rigid stance that demanded immediate satisfaction. And her cunt was dripping juice as he stuck his fingers inside, the moistness clinging to them the further he penetrated—
“If you want to take her, too, hurry, lover.”
It always got too exciting in the end, so Duncan did not waste more time. Straddling Chris, he possessed the slit, then adjusted to his lover’s rhythm. Slowed at first, it picked up as soon as they found their coordination in pumping her together. Not too long though, the ride cut short by Ylianor’s scream accelerating everything, sucking their cocks and minds into her vortex. All barriers down, their physical joining transformed into a mental one, the connection so strong it bonded every loose end and swept them away like there would be no return.
BDSM MF (555 do you Christopher templeton want to pledge to)
“So what is your answer?” Yanking her hair, he gazed down at her beautiful green eyes, reading her disappointment.
“What’s the question?” Rising, she leveled with him.
“Do I have to ask it formally?”
“Humor me, Demon. I like to hear you grovel.”
Instinct suggested an appropriate punishment, but he restrained himself. “Will you pledge to me?”
“That’s the wrong question.”
“Then enlighten me on the right one.”
“Do you, Christopher Templeton, want to pledge to Ylianor Caldwell?”
“And what’s the correct answer?” Sarcastic, he took a step forward.
“Hey, I’m not the one asking the damn question.” She inched forward. “I’m not the one whose father expects to see his son pledge at all costs.” Her eyes blazed. “I’m not the one who’ll use the pledge to get to another. I’m not—”
“All right, enough!” He threw her on the bed, crashing on top of her, his weight so hard she gulped for air. “Now you listen to me.” Excited and frustrated, her body swayed against his, the start of another dangerous arousal. “I don’t give a damn about my father’s wishes.” With a commanding gesture, he spread her legs wide apart. “Or about pledging to you if you weren’t so fucking like him I don’t have to shut my eyes to imagine I’m with him every time I’ll be alone with you,” he whispered huskily, his cock turning to stone by her heated rub. “Nor would I ever ask you if you weren’t the only one, man or woman, who dared defy my power, and you were merely seven years old at the time. Or if you didn’t have the guts, like no one else I know, to jump in my fire without any protection.” Sticking two fingers in her mouth, he waited until she wet them. “Or wanting to be my slave in pain.” With deliberate harshness, he shoved her ass hole, her quiver telling him it was not a pleasure. “And being so damn good at playing my bloody game.” He ground the fingers in the narrow entrance until it gave in, her body arching to signal the switch from one sensation to another. “If you really want me to admit it, the connection is what’s driving me crazy about you.” Now she was ready for him. Raising her legs, he barely noticed the drenched cunt before thrusting hard, gaining an inch at a time. And there she did it again—the switch from woman to man he had already noticed in Harbor Town. More than a physical thing, it was a matter of reactions that increased his perception of her as a different gender, despite her hand reaching down between her legs. “No, you don’t.” Grabbing both arms, he raised them above her head. “There’ll be no pleasure for you until I say so.” And the deeper he slid, the farther away she got from it, considering his less than gentle screwing of the throbbing erection in the cramped space.
Not that she uttered a word to stop him. In fact, she hovered between the two opposite sensations, though her impossibility to touch was making things more difficult.
“You might consider begging if you don’t want me to hurt you more.”
“What’s the use?” Stubbornly, she held on. “You’re not going to show the slightest mercy anyway.”
“Try me.”
MMF (1.050 congratulate extasy)
At the second knock, he got up and opened the door, already knowing whom it was. And their flushed faces and tingling bodies told him everything he needed to know. “Do I have to congratulate you?”
“I…” The blond angel looked at Ylianor.
“Yes, I accepted.” A sweet smile lit her beautiful face.
Of your own free will? You know you don’t have to do it, if you don’t want.
I want it. He proved he has a space for me, even if buried deep inside, and that’s enough.
“Hey, lover, I didn’t coerce her,” Chris’s annoyed tone broke in. “She accepted of her own free will, so quit asking her.”
“Merely checking, Angel.”
“No need.” Chris came up against Duncan. “I took your advice and fucked her, until she said yes.”
“Must’ve been some hard fuck.” Then he caught the look she sent the blond angel, and everything made sense. Falling in love, Princess?
I…Blushing deeply, she faltered. I’m not sure. But evidently she could not deny it any longer. Oh, damn! She scoffed, angry mostly with herself. So maybe I am, but don’t you dare tell him. Straightening her shoulders, she flashed defiant green eyes at him. He could be the perfect lover, if only I could let go completely. But an inner voice warns me against giving in to your angel-demon lover and his charming ways lest his old, spiteful self comes out from around the corner to get back at me.
“You should’ve been there, lover.”
He can be unpredictable. The prince drew her close.
Unpredictable doesn’t even cover the half of it.
“Maybe I should have…” Cupping one of her breasts, Duncan teased a swollen nipple mercilessly. “Since the princess doesn’t feel too satisfied.” Oddly, he could not keep a cold edge off his voice.
“If you two stop talking behind my back, I could explain why she’s in this state.”
Because you weren’t good enough. Where the thought came from he had no idea, if not from the nagging feeling that had ticked him off ever since learning the pledge would actually go through. Not that he was jealous of them—been there, done that during a spiteful fuck with Chris. Still he could not help feeling left out and to have to perform the ceremony, like Chris had warned…well, maybe it was a bit too much to ask.
“If you’ve got a problem with it, let’s skip the woman and deal with it between us men.” Evidently pissed off as though he had read his thought, Chris could barely control his voices.
But before Prince Caldwell could reply, Ylianor was between them. “Why don’t we concentrate on celebrating the event, instead?” Her ass grinding seductively on his crotch, her hands played with the angel’s cock, while her husky voice tried to cool things down. “And do things my way, for a change?”
“What are you suggesting?” Excited, Duncan dipped to bite her tempting neck, holding her hips against him.
“That you, my love, lie down on the bed.”
“What about me?” Also Chris wanted to play along.
“Demon, you’re always too impatient.” Reaching the bed, Ylianor straddled the prince, her cunt rubbing the aroused cock without allowing it to penetrate. Then she challenged Chris. “I believe there’s something here that requires your immediate attention.” Grinning seductively, she pressed her palm around the hardened stem, sliding the skin up and down, until the angel claimed it entirely with his fiery mouth.
Duncan gasped, the shock at the sudden pleasure surging like a repressed wave. Yes, maybe the princess was right to take control before they let things go out of hand. So he surrendered to the angel’s expert sucks, his luscious tongue wrapping around the bulging head to draw it deep down his throat, struggling to maintain his hold without choking, unable to avoid it in his greedy haste to swallow him whole.
That Chris adored cocks was no mystery, his in particular, but this time Ylianor made it more interesting, Edging closer to the hungry mouth, she pushed her cunt at it, forcing Chris to focus on two different targets at a time, licking now one, now the other in tune with her swinging rotations. Duncan’s shaft twitched in avid approval of the sensual dance, the way she arched her hips forward, slightly raised so Chris’s tongue tip could reach the swell without any particular strain before returning to man his erection, when she did not block his head between her legs.
If Chris’s cock, just inches away from him, had grown triple the size it was nothing compared to Ylianor’s next order. “Demon, I can’t stand seeing you so neglected while my prince’s mouth is idle.” She smiled mischievously. “Why don’t you take advantage of it?”
The throbbing erection plunged in his mouth almost before the words left her lips. Even without sucking, the long length reached his throat, hovering on the edge of the plunge just as Duncan held it firmly to prevent any dangerous maneuvers. As hard as stone, the veins on Chris’s sensitive skin swelled to the spasm at each repeated stroke that made him tense in anticipation.
Well, they could not hold it much longer, not when Ylianor stopped Chris from sucking and took his place over the prince’s rigid erection, then turned a naughty glance on his angel. “What do you think he’d like most?”
“Your ass, no doubt.” Chris licked his lips, watching Ylianor accommodating on top of Duncan’s cock.
“Then help me screw it inside.”
It was almost too much to handle, yet they both managed it, despite the inevitable tightness straightening their already marble equipments. Clutching her hips, Chris pulled her down and began screwing her narrow ass on the hard shaft pushing up on its own.
“Wait, maybe I’m not wet enough.” Pulling up, again she dared Chris with a mischievous gleam. “Why don’t you check?”
“Oh, you’re wet all right…” Once more it was difficult to maintain control, yet his angel seemed to manage. “Only not in the right place.” Reaching over, his fingers played with Ylianor’s cunt, gliding on the moist tender folds to spread it to the back entrance, then shoved inside to drench it thoroughly. The rhythmical strokes continued until Chris gripped her hips again to pull her on Duncan’s piece. More forceful than before, the angel slid the shaft inside all at once it seemed.
Suddenly deep in her, Prince Caldwell growled in spite of Chris’s cock occupying his mouth, forcing its bulging head down his throat.
MMF (931 after James swoons)
“Get naked.”
Scrambling to her feet, she moved to the fireplace so that the flames could play on her skin and hide none of her show. Chris was her main target and since he accused her of impersonating a man, tonight she would do it consciously. That was all he wanted after all, so that was what he would get from her. Concentrating, she conjured the craving to be a man and have the choice women had not—to give or take as they pleased, brandishing their hard equipment at will. Nothing she could achieve in the physical sense of it, but her Virt of working with aura supplied her with a few extra tricks. It was all in the mind anyway where she modeled her body to the demon’s tastes, losing all softness and straightening her curves, replacing them with hard edges. Then she worked on the mind, getting that male feel she had caught from Duncan the few times she had switched with him. In the end, it was simply a matter of projecting the right image, believing in it without hesitations until others found it believable, too.
She was particularly good at it as she turned to place her hands on the fireplace, pushing out the backside. The heat was delightful, and she swayed, letting her hair fall now on one side, now on the other, while her ass moved to the rhythm of the fire’s crackle. She knew she had their complete attention by now, so she stood up to unclasp the many tiny latches that divided the dress into two separate halves, until it crumpled to the floor. And since Chris had forgotten to bring her clean underwear, she remained naked to await further instructions.
“Get the fuck here.” It was Chris’s thick voice commanding her. “And fast, too.” His cock already half-out and hard as stone, he did not wait for her to get settled before forcing her head on it. “Suck.” She had no need for the detailing, but obviously he did. “And make it good.” Then shoving again, he gagged her with the huge fat head reaching her throat in one second and cutting off her air.
Luckily, Duncan chose a gentler approach, fingers gliding on her wet cunt, penetrating the slit and ass before heading on the pounding knot, screaming for pleasure that did not seem forthcoming given the demon’s propensity to monopolize her.
“Don’t forget there are two of us.” Taking her neck from under Chris’s grasp, Prince Caldwell directed her to his cock, equally rigid and demanding. So she had no choice except to swallow it whole.
“But don’t neglect one for the other.” Chris spat, returning her head over his.
Hard pressed to tend to both, she bobbed from one to the other, drawing them deep with luscious tongue laps that wrapped around their sturdy stems, having to leave them after a few brief sucks to get to the other, grown cold in the meantime despite the in-between jerks.
Prince Caldwell slipping down between her legs, tongue already flicking on the clit did not help her concentration either. He was exceptional in hitting the spot that most begged for release, brushing it repeatedly with careful strokes wile jamming also his fingers in the enflamed slit. She was too hot anyway and one more stroke would surely—
“Stop, lover! Don’t make her come.”
MMF (301 Chris & Ylianor touching)
“Don’t you think it’s time to get over our fears and allow me to be physically close at times? I swear I won’t take advantage of it—”
“It’s not something I can control that easily.” Wrapping his arms around her, he forced her back down on the bed, crushing her to the mattress with his sheer weight. “But the way you touch me is something completely different from anyone else.” With his knees he pried her legs open, and she spread them wide open. “Yours is a hot and cold sensation, one following the other like a sort of tide going on and off my skin, like sea waves washing over me.” Slowly, he began rubbing his cock, already aroused, on her cunt. “It’s both irritating and pleasurable to the point I never know whether to stop your hands or make them go on forever.” The erection grown in length and thickness, he shoved forward, plunging straight in her wet trap that opened up entirely to receive him. “But I’ll make the extra effort, if you keep screwing like you do.” And with the next decisive slam, he buried his head in her neck.
Ready to surrender, she started to let go of her rational hold—
Not so fast, Princess, we have one last item to discuss. Behind Chris, he was about to take the demon’s ass. In case you’ve forgotten, I already have a man in my bed and don’t care for another. A few thrusts and he penetrated. I like you as a woman, and the angel’s as much of a man as I desire.
But he—
He’ll always prefer men to women. That’s a fight you can’t win with illusions during sex. It doesn’t last enough anyway to make him believe it. He set the pace, pumping from behind to increase Chris’s rhythmic slides into her pussy. When you’re alone with him, you can impersonate whomever you like, but with me, you’re a woman. Are we clear?
Crystal clear.
Then words got lost in the tempo of their frantic dance, their bodies rebounding at the prince’s commanding slams, carrying her away for the rest of the night.
MMF (512 quick come)
“Getting tired of women already?” Duncan teased, continuing his game with Ylianor by pressing what was becoming harder on her stomach.
“I’m tired of their wanting to discuss this pledge in great details. I’ve had to fend off…” He frowned perplexed. “Oh, I can’t even begin to count them, from the Ellis sisters—both of them separately, together and with their mother—to Isabella, Rowena, Cecilia, your sister and…well, the list could go on, but why bother?”
“Luckily, you’re pledging to just one.”
“Yes, and it’s more than enough.” As Chris came nearer, the prince spotted it immediately—the sizable bulge that told him the angel was hot for her, too. “And you’re keeping her right where she should be.”
“Because it’s the only position you think you can dominate them, insufferable demon,” Ylianor mocked, wriggling now to get free from the leader’s hold. “So it’s best if I go.”
“Not so fast, Princess.” Sliding up her dress, he rubbed his crotch on her almost naked skin, cock and cunt separated only by thin flimsy fabric. “Remember what we talked of last night, about avoiding tensions?” Grabbing her hands, he placed one on Chris’s stirring erection, the other on his hungry piece. “Right now you’ve got two very…tense situations on your hands.”
“Here?” She looked at the door. “Someone could enter—”
“All the more exciting.” Slipping her from under his lover’s weight, Chris held Ylianor up to allow the prince to remove her underwear. “And the reason to be quick about it.” After waiting for Duncan to bring out the now huge cock, he screwed her over it.
At the shock of sudden pleasure tightening his shaft plunging in her wet trap, Prince Caldwell almost lost it. Still it was nothing compared to the crunching of his angel claiming her ass from behind, entering easily and reducing the slit’s space in an instant as Ylianor gave in at once to his pressure. She was theirs once more, crushed between them by frantic ramming aimed at immediate release…well, maybe a bit too fast for his princess’s tastes. Not that she disliked it. She did, considering the increased moisture smearing his crotch, only needed more time than either he or Chris had at their disposal. But without her, there could be no true release. Princess, if you don’t hurry up and come—
“We’re going to leave you behind, sleeping beauty, and that wouldn’t be fair, not even for a worthless slave like you.”
Whether the angel actually read his mind or simply wanted to bring her along, he did the trick. As Duncan realized he was not in his room, Chris yanked her hair to press her mouth to the prince who possessed it before her swells started. The scream echoing in his head alone swept him away with the sheer force of her come. Nothing holding him back anymore, his cock jerked uncontrollably to the last drop into her pussy, the same way Chris’s was flooding her ass.
“Better, much better.” With a satisfied grin, the angel drew back, closing his fly.
MMMM (280 orgy)
All of them shared a past as Arthur’s boys, like the Hall had christened the rowdy crowd of young men keeping company to the former leader with their orgies before he chose one or two for the night. Tyrell had been among the lucky few selected for more than one occasion on account of his good looks and big cock, at least until Chris came along and replaced most of them in Arthur’s bed.
Knowing the old leader’s tastes, whenever picked to start the game, Chris would go straight to Tyrell, slide down his pants and suck him in front of the excited group gathered in the attic. From there on, Arthur would call on someone else to fuck Chris, preferably without any rimming. More than once, it had been Emilyan’s great pleasure to service him. With one swift pull, he bared the ass, then shoved a huge erection in it, not stopping for the necessary adjustments, pumping fast instead.
It was the way Arthur loved it best, so Chris never complained, only relaxed the initially tight muscle while increasing the sucking, which usually did not last long. At the scene, Tyrell would come with an explosive burst, immediately replaced by another cock pushing into Chris’s avid mouth.
As the pressure in his ass hole increased, warm palms grabbed his own hungry shaft, squeezing it or offering it to a hot mouth, until Arthur’s breath tickled his neck before biting it, the same way Ylianor had, to tell him to save his energy for the coming night alone with him.
MMMM (340)
“My leader.” Bending his head, Chris made a show of it before stepping aside to let the other two inside. “I brought them as you requested.”
“Leader…” Both Tyrell and Emilyan bowed deeply, lower than Chris if possible.
“Let me see them.” The black eyes twinkled as Duncan suppressed a grin.
Without wasting any time, Chris untied their pants, exposing their huge cocks for Prince Caldwell’s inspection.
“You were right, Angel. They do possess some interesting arguments.”
“The best, I’d say.” Chris pushed them forward. “And they’re very willing to serve.” Gesturing, he made them drop on their knees before eyeing Duncan again. “Right, men?”
Nodding in agreement, they reached for Prince Caldwell’s crotch where Chris clearly saw the beginning of an arousal and for a moment, he wished he were in either man’s shoes. That he and Duncan would not touch during this game was something they both knew instinctively without any prior arrangement. This would eventually spiral their heat to a height Chris already expected to become unbearable. But right now he simply restrained the urge to help Tyrell and Emilyan free the magnificent prize beneath the clothes.
Initially, Chris watched their mouths contending the stirring piece, tongues flicking the increasing dimensions to wrap around the bulging head or the stem, whatever came first. Their bare backs offered quite a show in itself as anticipation of plunging his own rigid equipment into one of the available ass holes crunched his stomach and swelled his erection. In the end, he chose one and aimed for it, the tight entrance immediately giving up to his pressure as though it wanted nothing else. Chris was more than happy to oblige it, slamming his shaft to the balls in a series of thrusts that dug in the taut flesh he had just penetrated. The pumping followed the head bobs over the prince’s cock, now a giant thickness Tyrell and Emilyan fought over with vicious tongue lashes that deprived one mouth to fill the other in a continuous play of lips and sucks.
MMMMF (704)
“I say we let the men have their fun now.” Gesturing at Tyrell to get closer, he turned to Emilyan. “Like taking her together.”
“And slam that tight little ass of hers?” Emilyan’s eyes widened in pleasure.
“It’s all yours.” Duncan pulled away.
“And don’t bother being gentle.” Chris had to add with a nasty smile curving his lips. “She’s a well trained slave.”
Before Prince Caldwell could object, the two men had already picked her up.
“The only thing to decide, Leader, is who gets it.” Chris chuckled. “If I can make a suggestion—”
“I know you want the bigger cock to shove up her ass.” The prince examined the two men’s equipment, both huge—Tyrell’s thicker, Emilyan’s longer. “So I’d choose Tyrell.”
“Quite agree.” Reaching over, Chris grabbed the firm piece as though testing its consistency. “It’ll make for a better show.” After making Tyrell lie down, he instructed Emilyan. “Screw her on him.” But when the man approached, Chris realized he wanted to see a very particular scene, which required a change in the way Emilyan was holding her. “No, turn her around so she faces you.”
The man complied, then resumed his approach.
“Great, now stick that cock in her ass.” Holding it upright to ease Emilyan’s task, Chris centered her hole immediately. “Now push her down.”
That the slide downward was more painful than it would have warranted was an understatement, but Chris did not give Duncan time to intervene, urging Emilyan to claim her wide-open slit. Intrigued, he watched the same scene he had played many times before, in spite of Tyrell and Emilyan’s inexperience making now one, now the other fall out of the snug holes they were supposed to ram. Of course, they lacked his and Duncan’s marvelous understanding, each knowing precisely when the other would pull out in order to drive in and vice versa, something that could not be helped if not with years of fucking together.
Eventually, though, Tyrell and Emilyan learned, going slow at first then increasing the pumping the more confident they grew with their position and movement. And raising his gaze, Chris read the same fascination in Duncan’s eyes, he, too, appreciating the sight of what he had lived countless times before. But watching was hardly satisfying.
“What will you take, my leader?” Chris’s mocking voice broke the silence. “An ass or a mouth?”
“A mouth will do just fine.” Prince Caldwell shifted to the three sprawled on the floor. “But first, I want them to switch positions. I don’t see why one should have all the fun in her ass.”
Nodding in agreement, Emilyan pulled out of her slit and unscrewed her butt from Tyrell’s thick cock. Flipping her around, he impaled the dripping pussy on the same shaft that had ravaged her ass, then possessed the tinier hole for himself. Again, the new position caused a few minutes of adjustment, the erections not always sticking to their assigned places, until the three seemed to move as one.
As the first to join them, Chris spread Emilyan’s buttocks apart and shoved through the enlarged space. Then it was Duncan’s turn, filling Emilyan’s mouth with his own twitching rigidity. By the gods! It felt blissful, to pump Ylianor’s ass through Emilyan, the body between them increasing the force of his blows and making it all the more exciting, something it would have never been had he fucked the man alone. So the sensation swept him away. There was no fighting it, no stopping the immense pleasure he felt with his lovers alone, even if he was nowhere near touching either physically. Just the knowledge they were one body away was enough to make him lose all awareness and come with the most explosive orgasm he could recall. Before he had time to realize it, she grabbed his mind to pull him away from the attic, from the Hall as he felt her waves of pleasure setting the rhythm of their flight, Duncan driving them forward with the force of his climax.
Yes, however odd it seemed, the three of them had come together, as though they were fucking only among themselves. And by the gods, it felt deliciously powerful!
The Leader is the fourth chapter of the Virtus Saga and picks up from where Book 3, The Festival, left off, with Duncan Caldwell, Christopher Templeton and Ylianor Caldwell separating. The book starts with Chris’s return home to Fair Haven and his making peace with his family after an estrangement lasted for several years. Then he and his father, James, return to the Hall where Templeton Sr. will announce his retirement to leave his seat to his son. On reuniting with Duncan, Chris realize the leader is ready to acknowledge his love for Ylianor, a feeling he had harbored for a while without being able to give it the proper name. Chris also reveals that he erased the prince’s memory of all traces of Ylianor when teenagers. The revelation is all the more upsetting since Duncan is not under Virtus’s control anymore. Ylianor, instead, has not returned to the Hall. The night Chris returns, Duncan has a dream in which he searches for her without being able to find her. On waking up, he knows he has to run to Harbor Town and save her because she’s in grave danger. With Chris, he runs to her to find her prisoner of Virtus. After he rescues her, he declares his love for her and promises to wait until she’s fully recovered before taking her back to the Hall. The three of them need to return together. Duncan has to be fitted as leader in the ritual ceremony known as the Fitting. Chris and Ylianor are to be sworn in the High Council as its two new members. But relations are strained, and they will continue to be so until Chris accepts Duncan’s love for Ylianor and moves his first tentative steps toward establishing a deeper connection with her. But upon returning to the Hall and discovering that the Fitting also requires a pledge, things for the fiery angel become extremely complicated.
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