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Virtus Sex

Virtus Sex, The Sex: Author’s Cut, Virtus Saga #1

The Sex

AUTHOR: Laura Tolomei

SERIES: Virtus Saga, Book 1


GENRE: Erotica, Gay LGBT, Ménage à Trois, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Series, m/m, m/m/f

ISBN# 9781554875160


PAGES# 308

WORDS# 89.724

HEAT: 4 flames

RELEASE: 15 March 2010

PUBLISHER: eXtasy Books

COVER ARTIST: Angela Waters



If Sendar stood a chance perhaps it would be thanks to the arbitrary twists and turns of a blind destiny. Or maybe someone would discover the truth about the ancient ways and compromise our peaceful existence forever. Either way, people needed a hero to shed new light on the age-old mysteries. And he was just about to answer their prayers.


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The World

Sex, sex and more sex without limits or boundaries—not in numbers, not in gender, whether it’s the phase, the pledge or the heat—such is Sendar’s very foundation, an apparently peaceful planet, without the usual pestilences associated with mankind, wars, hunger, violence. But is it really so?


The story

Unknown to most, powerful forces dominate Sendar’s feudal-like society, the ability to wield destructive energy so strong in some people, it’s threatening to devastate their world. But to reach a new balance you have to learn, grow, blend with the world from which you come, then go beyond it before the world collapses into chaos. And that’s what the prince, his lover and his woman must learn to do if sex, power, magic, passion and jealousy won’t stand in their way.

The prince, his lover, his woman, the three sides of the pyramid whose importance they’ll discover if sex, passion and jealousy won’t stand in their way.


The prince, his lover, his woman…three like the sides of the pyramid…Virtus…but only if sex, passion and jealousy won’t stand in their way.



“I give it 4 stars. Between the amazing world building, plentiful sex, great characters, and well-developed plot, this book is the start of something special.” TRR rated it 4 Stars


“Ms. Tolomei has penned a riveting story that will take the reader through a myriad of emotions that range from anger to sorrow to unbridled passion. Any book that can accomplish such a feat is FREAK-IN-FANTASTIC in my opinion. The characters are well-developed and three-dimensional, the dialogue is refreshing and bold, the emotions are raw and untamed, the world building is amazing and intriguing, and the sex is explosive and uninhibited. I simply couldn’t get enough of this well-crafted story and read it in one sitting.” Blackraven’s Reviews rated it 5 Ravens and a Recommended Read


“Take the Sex Pledge!” AR The Alternative Read Mrs. T. Newton “Sassy Brit” 


“The Sex: Virtus Saga: Book 1 by Laura Tolomei is the first in a series of novels that describes a three-way relationship and the problems each of the three characters encounter on the way. It gives the reader an idea of what can happen in a fantasy novel that deals with too many different emotions, hatred, fear, love, and most of all in this story, jealousy and the impact it has on a three-sided relationship. As a beginning, it has what the reader wants, to be lured into a well thought out story where the characters have been given many facets to their personality, mainly Christopher whose jealousy knows no bounds. Many will see Christopher as one of the most interesting characters in the story whose actions are to get him into a lot of trouble with his lover. Each remembers his own part, and two of the three have to deal with their foibles and come to terms with them before they can let love blossom in its place. The Sex: Virtus Saga: Book 1 is the perfect read as it tantalises, teases and creates great intrigue and explores the inner nature of humanity. Their intricacies, unusual nature, and what turns them on will also serve to turn you on too as there is no shortage of excellent sex scenes in this novel. Go and get your copy at eXtasy Books and enter into a new series of novels that will go far to open your mind.” Romance at Heart


“Now, with a title like THE SEX, I’m sure that most people would be expecting a lot of it. All types of ways with a variety of partners. This also seems to be very important to our main characters as it unleashes powers and makes connections that they were not aware of. The sex scenes are quite descriptive and erotic, and they are always in the flow of the story. I felt like some of the treatment of Ylianor was horrible, but it is explained away later when the secrets of the main characters are revealed.” TRR rated it 4 Stars


The book that starts it all—the love, the passion, the fiery sex, the intricate relationship, but mostly the unique connection followed by the unknown violence—as Prince Duncan Caldwell and his lover, Christopher Templeton, have to deal with the insufferably sexy and irresistible intruder, Ylianor Meyer.


EPIC 2011 Awards FINALIST Fantasy Erotic Romance Category



Erotic Romance with an Edge, Laura Tolomei, Author Laura Tolomei, LallaGatta, Lalla Gatta, literary, reading, writing, author, ebook, e-book, fiction, erotic, erotica, paranormal, dark fantasy, men-love, man-man, men-men, gay, LGBT, gay LGBT, romance, romantica, romantic, ménage, multiple partners, MM, MMF, horror, series, BDSM, Prince Duncan Caldwell, Lord Christopher Templeton, Ylianor Meyer, David Smith, Lady Cecilia Hurst, Lord Arthur Fairchild, Arthur, Chris, Duncan, Ylianor, David, Cecilia, Caldwell, Templeton, Prince, Princess, sleeping beauty, lover, Leader, Angel, masters, slave, sub, doms, dom, master, bondage, soulmate, soul-mate, soul mate, knife play, Virtus, Virts, Sendar, The Sex, The Game, The Festival, The Leader, The Pledge, The Heat, The Princess, The Lord, Not In The Game, Deleted Scenes, eXtasy Books, book trailer, Nephis Valley, three-sided pyramid, Virtus the Saga



When Prince Duncan Caldwell loses his way home and knocks to get shelter, he doesn’t know his life is about to change forever. Not because he can’t tear his gaze away from the beautiful woman who opens that door. More because she’s a stranger, yet he can’t shake the feeling she belongs to him. And that’s merely the beginning of the Virtus Saga, where nothing is what it seems. Not since soul-mates Prince Duncan Caldwell and Lord Christopher Templeton share a love that is unrivaled, until that fateful knock on Ylianor Meyer’s dilapidated shack.

This book starts it all—the love and the passion, but also the fiery sex and the intricate three-way relationship. Mostly the unique connection laced with a load of jealousy and violence that is unknown to their world. Because this isn’t just another erotic dark fantasy series. This is the making of a trio. The story of three remarkable characters that have to overcome their uncontrollable lust to face the truth about themselves and their planet, in order to defeat the darkness about to devour them. To be as one whilst three! That’s their real challenge. Because, if they can’t learn to share power and love in equal measures, how will they be able to ensure their world’s survival?

Summoned on a mystical quest Duncan, his lover and Ylianor will discover the truth about themselves and their world where technology turns violence into sex.

A casual meeting it seems that of Prince Duncan Caldwell with Ylianor Meyers, but it will turn out into so much more as the High Council summons the Prince for a delicate mission. But they won’t go alone on a journey that will change their lives forever and the future of the planet itself…


PG (Introduction)

“If Sendar stood a chance perhaps it would be thanks to the arbitrary twists and turns of a blind destiny. Or maybe someone would discover the truth about the ancient ways and compromise our peaceful existence forever. Either way, people needed a hero to shed new light on the age-old mysteries.

But heroes were scarce on a planet ruled by sex, its perception pervading every aspect of our lives, thus making Sendar unique in its kind. Better yet, the concept of using sex to curb violence had no equals in the universe, even if only as the result of an ambitious experiment.

So we sex up our lives without limitations of genders or numbers to spoil our pleasure for the more the better—men, women or both—and no questions asked. Those are our ways, which the phase teaches from early on, training us in the art of loving, the process then completed by the pledge.

The system works wonders for our well-being. Violent impulses, channeled through sex, magically disappear and we avoid all the usual conflicts plaguing humankind since the beginning of time. But today our precious way of life is at risk. I’ll try my best to thwart the danger by guiding Sendar’s new hero, or heroes as this case requires because one man alone won’t be able to stand the tide, yet even if he does, we can all just hope and pray to our gods the world as we know it won’t collapse on us…now or ever.”

Arthur Fairchild


PG recognition Chris (347)

All my father’s fault anyway, for wanting to send me, his third and youngest son, to the Caldwell’s to broaden my horizons, or so he claimed. Clinging to his two brothers, eight-years-old Chris had wanted to tell James Templeton it was a useless attempt for his convictions would never change no matter how far he went, but his young age had prevented any serious argument. Still, he was old enough to know what he wanted from life and women were definitely not on the list, in spite of what his father said or did.

Alas, nothing stopped the tragic—or rather blessed, as he later came to see it—chain of events. Exiled from his home, Fair Haven, little Chris had set out on a long journey, for which he had no taste or choice either, cursing the Caldwell’s at every step, along with anyone even remotely connected to them, until destiny had caught up with him at Black Rose’s last bend.

Twisting around the many hills leading up to the estate, he first heard a boy’s happy shout. “Ready or not, here I come.” Another curve and he glimpsed the back of him, dark head lit by Stella’s rays. “It’s no good running, Ylianor.” The boy kept yelling at a little girl. “I’ll catch you.” He seemed all set to go while Chris approached the last bend, but curiously something stopped him and he looked over his shoulder one second before Chris came into full view on the other side of the hill.

With a heart pounding so fast it could’ve dropped out at any moment, Chris had stared at the piercing black eyes transfixed, unmoving, unable to talk, think, breathe or do much else besides recognizing the dark-haired boy, though he had never set eyes on him before in his life. And that the other boy knew him, too, Chris read it clearly in the inquisitive gaze. So it happened, impossibility becoming reality as the unconscious tried to shed light on age-old connections that obviously neither had ever forgotten, though they seemed incomprehensible at present.


Having witnessed the incredible experience, memory played it back in slow motion, frame by agonizing frame, still unexplainably fresh after all this time. Incredible as it seemed, Ylianor was sure Duncan had felt Chris’s presence a fraction of a second before their eyes ever met.

Time had stood still while they stared at one another and Ylianor saw them discover a prior connection so strong it was virtually impossible to unlink. Destined to be as one in the spiritual realm, the two souls had met again, under different names, shapes and circumstances, for one more journey together in the material dimension, their paths inextricably entwined since the beginning of time. When exactly they had forged their bond seemed impossible to tell and even if the conscious level had no recollection of the previous lifetimes, their souls called out in recognition and full acceptance of their destiny.



In time, he had learned to adjust to this foreign world, so different from his original one, although the lack of control grated on his nerves more than he cared to admit. And the nightmares…those he really could not stand.

When they began, he was not sure, though they closely followed the music and the lights to plague him with their horrible visions of violence, destructions, rapes, dismemberments, mutilations, tortures, murders, carnages, massacres. People always screamed in pain or terror, begging for mercy, before dying in atrocious sufferings. And even if the scenarios sometimes changed, the pitiful end never did.

He hated these unwanted invasions controlling his mind, the plunge into a bottomless black pit no amount of soothing music or colorful light could make tolerable. As before, he had no choice, powerless to stop the images however foul and terrifying.

He became afraid to close his eyes, terrorized by each visit, even trying to refrain from sleeping altogether, but there would come a time his eyes would close despite his conscious effort to keep them open to carry him into a journey of darkness, ugliness, despair, fear and dread.

There would be no getting used to the nightmares, though he could have endured them if fate had not decided otherwise. Or maybe he simply learned to seize control. Either way, he changed from the cowering, frightened spectator to become the maker of destinies, the killer, the rapist, the destroyer looking for young victims to brutalize unmercifully.

If before their cries had dismayed him, now they excited his senses, awakening a completely new pleasure that egged him to continue on his violent ways, the bloodlust soon spinning out of control as the land plunged into hell itself.



Her breath caught in her throat as she turned around to answer. Like the first time she had seen him, he gave the impression of being too big for the available space, his magnificent body more attractive than ever with the long black strands dripping tiny streaks of water on a bare chest that displayed an impressive set of muscles before narrowing to the waist, wrapped by the blanket. She also could not help feeling his heat, but even if temptation to touch him seemed irresistible, she knew better. “Much.” Then she turned to face the fire, so she would not have to look at him. “This whole situation is funny. Here I am with a person I thought I’d never see again for the rest of my life, forced to spend another night together.” The hint of a smile curved her lips. “I guess, when you’re back in a girl’s life, you make sure she notices it…even if she’d rather have nothing to do with you.” She made it sound like an afterthought, though her stomach crunched painfully at the obvious lie.

He regarded her coolly, then called her bluff. “My dear, you’re not a prisoner, you know. You’re free to leave whenever you want.”

“Right!” She quipped hotly. “As if I’d ride out in the middle of a storm.”

He chuckled. “I meant when the weather calms down, but I’d be surprised if you did. It must’ve taken a lot of guts—”

“I’d call it stupidity.”

“I’m sorry.” Raising his head, he looked at her apologetically. “I don’t know you or what your life has been like. I shouldn’t have asked.”

“No, forgive me. I shouldn’t have answered like that. I’m glad for the opportunity to do something with my life, really. I’d have wandered aimlessly in search of…” She shrugged as her voice trailed off. “Something, and it’s not as bad as it seems. We’ve been friends before, so I don’t see why we can’t be again.” She turned to him, but her confidence vanished upon realizing how much she wanted to touch him. Yeah, sure as if I could ever be friends with someone who turns my stomach upside down simply by looking at him! Her heart was racing, her thighs tingled and a strange throb between her legs did not make things any easier.

“I’m not sure I can think of you as a friend,” was his cold reply.

Of course not. What a stupid fool to think even—

“Damn!” Grabbing her shoulders, he cursed again. “I might regret this for the rest of my life, but the gods know I want more, much more.”

Closing his mouth on hers, Prince Caldwell took their conversation to a completely different level, drawing her closer while his tongue carefully explored the warm opening, making her head spin and her body heat out of control.



Only when dawn broke after repeated comes, did they find it necessary to talk, lying spent on a carpet in front of the fireplace, Chris’s head leaning on Duncan’s chest. “By the gods, I missed you so fucking much.” The blond angel caressed the prince lovingly. “I was so angry with you, I wished more than once I’d never see you again in my life, but am I glad no god cared to listen or I’d have missed this glorious night.” His gaze sparkled mischievously as if already reliving the incredible sex.

“I’m sorry, but I thought I needed the space to know women better and perhaps make my mother happy by pledging to one. I had to break away because…” Duncan sighed. “I love you.” He spelled out clearly, relieved he could finally utter the words that had lain on his heart heavy as stone until awareness had lifted the weight altogether. “Even if I tried denying it for so long.” Long hair flying around, the prince shook his head. “But it was no use. You’re all I think about, Angel, the one thought before I close eyes and the first when I open them again.” He tousled the blond hair. “And this power you have over me allowed for no other distraction but you, no one to take your place, no matter how hard I convinced myself that, if I didn’t see you, I’d have a better chance of finding the right woman.”

“So what stopped you?”

Gazing at the fire, Prince Caldwell thought the question over. “You, I guess. Or perhaps I was looking for you in every woman I met. And I met quite a few.”

The blue-gray eyes flashed maliciously. “I know. People love to gossip so they kept me up to date about your…experiments. It hurt every time I heard of a new affair, but then I’d rejoice when it didn’t work out.”

“So it was really you.” Amused, Duncan faked a punch at Chris’s arm. “You bastard!”

The blond angel caught his fist and kissed it. “I love you, Duncan. I told you before, but you didn’t believe me then. I hope tonight I’ve proven the depth of my feelings once and for all.”



The words died in his throat the moment Chris captured his gaze, blue-gray eyes staring straight at him from across the room. In a rush of uncontrollable excitement, Duncan’s mouth went dry as he heard a piece of heart pounding in his ears while the rest plummeted with a heavy thud to his stomach.

Unable to tear his gaze away, he felt the world fade and time turn back to his childhood, at the exact moment he had first laid eyes on his beautiful angel and the flood of long denied emotions was simply too powerful to ignore as they threatened the thin control he tried to maintain.

But it was already too late. Sudden awareness of how much he had missed his blond beauty for the past two years crashed down on Duncan along with every wasted attempt to avoid thinking about him or pretending the world was the same without him.

How foolish to believe, even for one second, my heart could’ve forgotten him. Noticing he looked more beautiful and desirable than ever, the prince hungered only to touch him and make love until he was too exhausted to think straight.

But what if he doesn’t want me anymore? Cold reasoning warned as he remembered how bitter the separation had been, memory taunting him with their last hateful meeting, each bent on hurting the other with a vengeance the prince had regretted soon afterward. Yet, searching his beloved’s face, he could find no trace of rejection in those blue-gray eyes that were still fixed on him—or more correctly, eating him up—while the sensual body was moving closer. “Hello, lover.” The blond angel’s husky voice had breathed, reaching him with a naughty twinkle lighting his face. “Missed me?”

“I can’t even begin to tell you how much.”

“I knew you would.” Chris’s smile of satisfaction brightened his face. Then grabbing his hand, he pulled the prince out of the room. “Come. Let’s go somewhere more private. How about your room?”

Leading him upstairs, Duncan was not surprised to notice many wistful glances in Chris’s direction, his blond angel inevitably attracting attention, apparently now more than ever. Some even attempted to stop him, in spite of his evident lack of interest, Chris having eyes only for Duncan. As in a daze, the prince vaguely remembered reaching his room and closing the world outside.

They did not talk much that night, too concerned in reconnecting at a purely physical level to waste precious time on useless words, which could never describe adequately how Chris filled his senses like no woman had been able to do, satisfying his craving for kisses, touches, strokes, rubs, sucks, slides, shoves, penetrations, releases. The familiar tastes and smells made Duncan feel at home…and not a moment too soon, he realized.


EXCERPT PG sex creates bonds (127)

The blue-gray gaze fixed steadily on Lord Fairchild. “But why use sex to awaken his gift?”

The leader grinned. “Sex is a powerful exchange of energy, a deep sharing at all levels where physical intimacy often leads to mind bondage faster than any other method.”

“A training ground so to speak?” Duncan mused to no one in particular, but with the black eyes flashing in understanding.

“Exactly, Prince. It can and should be that, too.” Lord Fairchild glanced fondly at Chris, the ghost of a smile creasing his lips. “It’s a pity very few people realize what they’re really doing during sex.”

Chris grinned ironic. “I think we’re well aware of what we do in bed.”

“Only since Ylianor came along.” Arthur chided.


PG (630 Chris+Elizabeth+Mother)

“But, Mother, Chris is Duncan’s best friend, almost like a brother, so who better than him to make your son come to his senses?”

Suddenly interested, Chris brightened. “What happened?”

Sophia Caldwell’s hesitation lasted a fraction of a second before plunging into the story. “Well…it seems my son had the bad taste of employing a woman as a stable keeper and of course, we aren’t very happy about it.”

“Mother, if Chris is to help Duncan, he must know the truth.” She turned to him, eyes alight with barely suppressed emotions. “You see, this woman is the daughter of my father’s mistress, a servant he had the misfortune of…fancying.” She frowned as if recollecting something. “I think you may have known her, too. She used to play with Duncan when they were still children.”

Ylianor Meyer! How could I forget? “Vaguely.”

“Anyway, when Father died, Mother banished this…creature from the house. Now Duncan has brought her back.”

Chris turned to Lady Caldwell. “You really banished her?”

“Of course, I did.” Sophia spat. “To have to suffer her presence after Charles died would’ve been intolerable.”

“So it happened after your mate died in…” He creased his forehead in an effort to remember dates.

“About ten years ago,” Elizabeth supplied.

“And you’ve had no contact with her in all this time?”

“None whatsoever.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Not even Duncan?”

Elizabeth shrugged. “If he had, he made no mention of it. But I really don’t think so.”

“Then how did he find her?” And more importantly, how did he manage to remember her?

“We…” Elizabeth faltered and looked at her mother. “We don’t know.”

“I’m not interested in how he found her.” Lady Caldwell scoffed. “I want him to kick her out again.”

Elizabeth shook her head sadly. “Unfortunately, he offered her the position her father once held as stable keeper.”

“Yeah, I remember her father worked here.” Using a cautious tone, he pretended memories were returning to him.

“Yes, well…” Elizabeth looked uncomfortable as if debating whether to include more information or not. Then she made up her mind. “Actually, there are gossips going around about her origins. Malicious lies, for sure, but—”

“My mate is not that creature’s father.” Sophia Caldwell almost shouted.

“Mother, calm down!” Elizabeth turned to look at Chris apologetically. “Please, forgive her. It’s still a touchy subject for her and she tends to get very upset about it.”

“Of course, I understand.”

“Naturally, we know she’s no blood relation.” Elizabeth’s tone was firm as if wanting to dispel any residual doubts. “It’s ridiculous even to think it, but people can be very cruel sometimes, especially if they can talk bad about someone.”

“That servant had the baby when pledged to John Meyer, our stable keeper,” Sophia explained in a gentler tone. “Charles never pledged to her and as you well know, Lord Templeton, that’s essential before you can have any children.”

Chris nodded in agreement.

“John Meyer is her father.” Elizabeth set the record straight once and for all. “Or rather was. He died just recently.”

Chris frowned skeptically. “And this made Duncan want to replace him with his daughter?”

“I don’t think—”

“It has nothing to do with John’s death.” Lady Caldwell was quick to end her daughter’s sentence. “That woman, just like her mother, is a witch and she used witchcraft to seduce and enslave Duncan into bringing her back here. That’s exactly how her mother worked her way into my poor mate’s heart.”

“Come now, Mother, they’re just women.” Elizabeth tried to argue persuasively. “That’s all. Can you really see Duncan fall prey to witchcraft?” She looked steadily at Chris. “Maybe you can find out why he insists on keeping her on the premises.”

He shrugged annoyed. “If I ever get to see him.”


PG KNIFE (620)

Grinning coldly, Chris took out a pocketknife, then went to the fireplace to heat up the blade over the flames.

Obviously seeing what Chris was holding Duncan moved. “Angel, what are you doing?”

The demon shrugged nonchalantly. “Nothing, just a simple lesson.” He checked the knife, then placed it back on the fire. “Don’t worry.”

At the last words, Ylianor felt some strange energy flow from the demon to the prince, something powerful that fell on Duncan as if it were a fine web to hold him captive. She wanted to help him get out of it, but young Templeton was already on top of her, pinning her to the ground and waving the scalding blade in front of her face. “You see, dearie, my gift is to hurt people.” His voice was coldly detached as if it were another person speaking. “I get this urge to cause someone intense pain and I can’t even begin to tell you how much pleasure I get from cutting a person bit by tiny bit.” Lowering the blade, he trailed it on her flesh. “Piece by little piece.” Hypnotically, his voice abated any attempt at resistance. “Just like this.” Without further ado, he knifed her thigh.

Searing hot pain burned her, then blood spilled on her pants. As if in a drugged trance, Ylianor watched while Chris took them off, together with her shirt, to stare in rapture at the cut. Then he made another incision next to it, tracing with his finger the mingling blood from the two wounds.


She heard Duncan’s voice as if it came from another world.

“I think we understand now, so you can stop—”

“No, you don’t.” Chris cut him off with one more vicious slash, this time on Ylianor’s arm. “Believe me. I’ve tried telling you countless times before.” His attention shifted all to the prince, his gaze fixed on the black eyes, pleading for something Ylianor knew Duncan must have denied in the past, while the blade kept working, slicing through her soft flesh. “You never wanted to know what I need to do in order to survive. This is what I do, what I’ve been doing ever since we started our phase, and it’s nothing over which I seem to have any choice or control. When I get this craving—and I get it a lot—I can’t rest until I carve someone to piece.”

“But then you heal them back.” Ylianor supplied, suddenly aware of what the demon’s power was all about.

“I do more than that, dearie.” Contemptuously, he sliced another straight, bloody red line down her arm. “I erase their memory, too, once I’ve healed them. The mechanism is very simple.” Again, he focused on Prince Caldwell alone, interested only to have his complete attention, as the blade seemed to move by itself on Ylianor’s battered flesh. “After I’ve selected a victim, I may or may not fuck it—that all depends on how needy I am—but for sure I cut its delicious body to a pulp and only when my bloodlust has been satisfied, do I heal them and erase the memory of what happened.” A bitter grin curved his lips. “And the fool loves it! First, he’s just a whimpering coward, begging for mercy and crying over the slightest pain.” Probably want to prove his point on Ylianor, too, he dug deeper, but she did not give him the satisfaction despite the sharp laceration penetrating her mind. “Then, after I erase his memory, he thinks it’s the best sex of his pitiful life.”

“But with Duncan, it’s different.”



Grinning coldly, Chris took out a pocketknife, then went to the fireplace to heat up the blade over the flames.

Obviously seeing what Chris was holding Duncan moved. “Angel, what are you doing?”

The demon shrugged nonchalantly. “Nothing, just a simple lesson.” He checked the knife, then placed it back on the fire. “Don’t worry.”

At the last words, Ylianor felt some strange energy flow from the demon to the prince, something powerful that fell on Duncan as if it were a fine web to hold him captive. She wanted to help him get out of it, but young Templeton was already on top of her, pinning her to the ground and waving the scalding blade in front of her face. “You see, dearie, my gift is to hurt people.” His voice was coldly detached as if it were another person speaking. “I get this urge to cause someone intense pain and I can’t even begin to tell you how much pleasure I get from cutting a person bit by tiny bit.” Lowering the blade, he trailed it on her flesh. “Piece by little piece.” Hypnotically, his voice abated any attempt at resistance. “Just like this.” Without further ado, he knifed her thigh.

Searing hot pain burned her, then blood spilled on her pants. As if in a drugged trance, Ylianor watched while Chris took them off, together with her shirt, to stare in rapture at the cut. Then he made another incision next to it, tracing with his finger the mingling blood from the two wounds.


She heard Duncan’s voice as if it came from another world.

“I think we understand now, so you can stop—”

“No, you don’t.” Chris cut him off with one more vicious slash, this time on Ylianor’s arm. “Believe me. I’ve tried telling you countless times before.” His attention shifted all to the prince, his gaze fixed on the black eyes, pleading for something Ylianor knew Duncan must have denied in the past, while the blade kept working, slicing through her soft flesh. “You never wanted to know what I need to do in order to survive. This is what I do, what I’ve been doing ever since we started our phase, and it’s nothing over which I seem to have any choice or control. When I get this craving—and I get it a lot—I can’t rest until I carve someone to piece.”

“But then you heal them back.” Ylianor supplied, suddenly aware of what the demon’s power was all about.

“I do more than that, dearie.” Contemptuously, he sliced another straight, bloody red line down her arm. “I erase their memory, too, once I’ve healed them. The mechanism is very simple.” Again, he focused on Prince Caldwell alone, interested only to have his complete attention, as the blade seemed to move by itself on Ylianor’s battered flesh. “After I’ve selected a victim, I may or may not fuck it—that all depends on how needy I am—but for sure I cut its delicious body to a pulp and only when my bloodlust has been satisfied, do I heal them and erase the memory of what happened.” A bitter grin curved his lips. “And the fool loves it! First, he’s just a whimpering coward, begging for mercy and crying over the slightest pain.” Probably want to prove his point on Ylianor, too, he dug deeper, but she did not give him the satisfaction despite the sharp laceration penetrating her mind. “Then, after I erase his memory, he thinks it’s the best sex of his pitiful life.”

“But with Duncan, it’s different.” Ylianor wanted him to talk, hoping it would slow down his cutting.

“That’s what I thought until a smart ass tells me I just recharge my energy as if our love meant nothing.” Chris was getting angry now as he slit another piece of flesh. “You see, lover, we don’t really love each other, just use our bodies for refills. Do you like this explanation to all we shared through the years?” The biting knife tip stung Ylianor again. “Personally, it makes me furious.”


M/F EROTIC (eXtasy 1.100)

But what if he doesn’t want me anymore? Cold reasoning warned as he remembered how bitter the separation had been, memory taunting him with their last hateful meeting, each bent on hurting the other with a vengeance the prince had regretted soon afterward. Yet, searching his beloved’s face, he could find no trace of rejection in those blue-gray eyes that were still fixed on him—or more correctly, eating him up—while the sensual body was moving closer. “Hello, lover.” The blond angel’s husky voice had breathed, reaching him with a naughty twinkle lighting his face. “Missed me?”

“I can’t even begin to tell you how much.”

“I knew you would.” Chris’s smile of satisfaction brightened his face. Then grabbing his hand, he pulled the prince out of the room. “Come. Let’s go somewhere more private. How about your room?”

Leading him upstairs, Duncan was not surprised to notice many wistful glances in Chris’s direction, his blond angel inevitably attracting attention, apparently now more than ever. Some even attempted to stop him, in spite of his evident lack of interest, Chris having eyes only for Duncan. As in a daze, the prince vaguely remembered reaching his room and closing the world outside.

They did not talk much that night, too concerned in reconnecting at a purely physical level to waste precious time on useless words, which could never describe adequately how Chris filled his senses like no woman had been able to do, satisfying his craving for kisses, touches, strokes, rubs, sucks, slides, shoves, penetrations, releases. The familiar tastes and smells made Duncan feel at home…and not a moment too soon, he realized, gripping the firm cock that had caused so much pleasure in the past. In rapture, he pressed a warm palm on the long stem, twitching under his skillful touch as if it recognized its true master, before reaching the shiny head first with his tongue, then wrapping his mouth around it and sucking it deep inside.

With a swift plunge, Chris pushed into his yielding opening, the erection straining in the tight confines, as it demanded more space. The prince’s lips ran all the way down to the base, his wet flickers on every bumpy vein increasing its size to great proportions, rubbing the soft skin lovingly and lavishly while the blond angel groaned under every lap.

At the same time, his fingers slipped to the perineum, tracing the distance between Chris’s balls and his ass, the tender hole opening up the second he circled its edges.

“Oh, lover, I’d almost forgotten how good it feels with you.” The blond angel’s mumble was a sure sign he did not know whether he liked the play on his ass more than the one on his cock.

“Liar.” Duncan challenged. “As if I didn’t know this is all you thought about.”

Chris grinned. “Maybe it’s not such a great idea to get back with someone who knows me so well.” Clutching the prince’s hard shaft, he stroked it forcefully. “Or has such a great big piece of scrumptious flesh.”

Duncan squeezed Chris’s rigid thickness harder. “If that’s the way you want to play it, come and get it.” Amused, he lay on his back.

“Thought you’d never ask.” Moving elegantly, the blond angel covered Prince Caldwell, head raised over the tip of the prince’s erection, his cock aimed at the warm mouth underneath.

The game became definitely more interesting as Duncan resumed his ass tease, fingers rimming the borders in tighter circles before shoving inside, while his mouth drew in the whole of Chris’s hard bulge in repeated sucks that brought the tip close to his throat. At the same time, the blond angel’s mouth worked miracles on his avid organ, his insuperable skills a trait he had sorely missed throughout the entire two years of unexciting separation. That his blond angel loved cocks was no surprise as was the discovery he had perfected the art of sucking to a point Duncan did not think he could resist another sharp intake into the fiery cavity, squeezed by the avid lips and bathed in the tongue’s lavish laps.

“Stop, Angel.” He had to beg eventually, holding Chris by the blond silky strands. “You’ve gotten too good over the past years—”

“And you’re driving my ass crazy.” Chris retorted, moving to straddle Duncan. “Now all it wants is to feel your cock slam into it.” At these words, his narrow hole came down on the tip of the erection, screwing itself firmly on it.

The impact took the prince’s breath away, his shaft inching inside the accommodating flesh that had no trouble fitting his entire length and thickness. Drowning in familiar territory, Prince Caldwell raised his hips, shoving deeper into the yielding hole, opening it wide to his own necessities, setting the pace for their frenzied dance. Matching every upward thrust with a downward push, Chris adapted to Duncan’s tempo and even when the prince increased it, he shifted to allow the cock to slide in and out at a faster pace.

But Duncan wanted to possess him in every position, hardly satisfied until he had tasted his blond lover’s surrender in more ways than one. With a leg flip, he turned Chris on his back, then pressed him face down on the bed as his stone-like rigidity slipped again inside the hot hole to pump it even harder than before.

The new position allowed for greater leeway so Duncan plunged headfirst into the accommodating flesh that sucked him deeper inside with every shove. And Chris’s ass responded beautifully, rising up whenever the prince pushed down, coming together in the delicious slamming that also rubbed the blond angel’s throbbing cock on the mattress.

His muscles already quivering in anticipation of the release soon to come, Chris accelerated. “I don’t think I can resist much longer.”

Duncan stopped altogether. “Oh no, I forbid you to come until I say so.” With a twinge of regret, he pulled out of the starving ass, then, slipping a hand under the blond angel’s stomach, flipped him on his back before cradling the long legs to his chest.

Having understood what Duncan wanted, Chris raised his ass until it was right in front of the greedy cock, which slid inside effortlessly, the hole’s dimension more than adequately fitting the large thickness.

The dance resumed, but this time the prince could not resist his blond angel’s enchanting ass squeeze that seemed to beg for the hot dense fluid to fill it. Bending his head on the upraised erection, which Chris was jerking off, Duncan wrapped his lips around the bulging



Ylianor’s heart went out to him. “No, forgive me. I shouldn’t have answered like that. I’m glad for the opportunity to do something with my life, really. I’d have wandered aimlessly in search of…” She shrugged as her voice trailed off. “Something,” she added eventually, before a stray thought hit her, spreading an amused smile on her face. “And it’s not as bad as it seems. We’ve been friends before, so I don’t see why we can’t be again.” She turned to him, but her confidence vanished upon realizing how much she wanted to touch him. Yeah, sure as if I could ever be friends with someone who turns my stomach upside down simply by looking at him! Her heart was racing, her thighs tingled and a strange throb between her legs did not make things any easier.

“I’m not sure I can think of you as a friend,” was his cold reply.

Of course not. What a stupid fool to think even—

“Damn!” Grabbing her shoulders, he cursed again. “I might regret this for the rest of my life, but the gods know I want more, much more.”

Closing his mouth on hers, Prince Caldwell took their conversation to a completely different level, drawing her closer while his tongue carefully explored the warm opening, making her head spin and her body heat out of control. The intoxicating feeling became more intense when he pushed her down on the carpet, lying on top of her. Tossing the blanket aside, Duncan caressed the soft skin, teasing the nipples, until his mouth left hers to start a tantalizing descent, nibbling, kissing and tasting along the way while his long strands tickled her flesh. Arching her back, Ylianor pulled him closer so he stroked the moistness between her legs, gently and seductively. The fire inside raged furiously, together with the dull hammering she thought she could not endure a second longer, particularly when his tongue circled one hard nipple. Shocked, Ylianor felt shivers of pleasure radiating from her breast as he deepened the kiss, drawing the tight bud fully in his mouth and sucking it hard. Even his teeth lightly grazing the skin felt pleasurable, so she pressed his head against it, wanting him to swallow her whole. But he had no trouble switching to the other hardened tip, demanding his lavish attention complying generously, licking and lapping avidly, until he decided it was time to resume his sensual journey.



And when Prince Caldwell overcame his resistance, breaking through the warm cavity to sweep it like a conqueror, Chris’s hands flew to his crotch, working fast to free the imprisoned cock, then enfold it in his mouth the moment the tip of the erection slipped out. Groaning with pleasure, the prince pushed further inside, letting his angel have it all, the capacious cavity fitting him to the balls, sucking greedily to have more of it, bringing him close to the edge, the tongue rubbing forcefully on the long stem before wrapping tightly around the bulging head.

At the same time, Duncan opened Chris’s fly, the magnificent cock standing in proud attention and demanding immediate action, which Prince Caldwell was only too glad to provide. His lips sliding to the base, he took it all inside while rubbing the sensitive spot between the balls and the asshole. Young Templeton flung his legs wide open to invite further explorations and the prince did not disappoint him, his fingers tracing the tender hole he felt throbbing from desire.

“Take me.” The angel begged as if reading his mind. “Stick it in now and fuck me until I can’t stand straight anymore.”

“Thought you’d never ask.” The prince grinned, taking Chris’s pants off in a single sweep and making him turn on his back. Admiring the firm buttocks pushing out, Duncan could not suppress a shiver of pure pleasure, at the thought it was his for the taking, before slipping into the tight fit that squeezed him lovingly.

Pumping hard, the sensations only increased as they moved around the cabin in a passionately erotic dance—standing up, lying down, stretching out, on all fours or on their knees, any combination suited them—until the inevitable end with Chris sprawled on a table, legs leaning against Duncan’s chest.


M/M EROTIC (388)

“Good morning, lover.” Chris’s sleepy voice cut through his thoughts.

Duncan returned to bed and kissed him warmly. “Good morning, Angel.” Chris turned on a side, revealing a hard cock, jutting up proudly and the prince could not resist grabbing it. “Were you dreaming of anybody in particular?” He teased, rhythmically folding the skin over the bulging head, then down to the bottom.

Chris grinned playfully. “No one in particular, just someone who can set me on fire with a simple touch.”

Feeling the shaft getting harder, Duncan increased the seductive slide. “Then it must be Arthur.” He teased.

Chris sat up straighter, giving the prince more leeway. “Sure, we have great sex, but nothing comparable to how you make me feel, lover.”

Duncan smiled mischievously. “You mean nothing comparable to this?” His mouth closed on the tip of the erection, his lips sliding in one sweep down to the balls.

Young Templeton gasped, his cock twitching in pleasure inside the wet cavity, enfolding it tightly, and Duncan’s shaft reacted immediately, so he stroked it forcefully while sliding his tongue down to Chris’s narrow hole that opened completely to accommodate his probing. Still tender from the other night’s repeated use, the flesh wrapped around the hard tongue tip, but Prince Caldwell’s need to stick something bigger made him flip his blond angel around and shove his huge shaft through the taut opening with a single thrust. And it was like plunging into liquid fire—a sensation Chris alone seemed able to give him—the burning flames feeling as real as if Duncan actually fell into a real fire that inevitably sucked the throbbing cock dry. This time was no exception, for the prince could never resist the fiery pressure, flooding his blond angel with convulsive jets the second before Chris’s own contractions squeezed all the fluid out of him.

“That’s exactly what I meant.” Rolling away from the stickiness clinging to the sheets, young Templeton trapped the prince, kissing him fiercely. “How can I ever dream of anyone else? Lover, you set me on fire constantly and that’s what keeps me alive.” Eyes fixed on Duncan’s face, the blond angel pressed his point. “And if sometimes I need some cooling down…” He shrugged nonchalantly. “Then Arthur, John, Michael or whoever the heck he may be comes in handy.”


M/M/F EROTIC (300)

As usual, Duncan directed them, using the princess as the go-between, knowing it excited the angel to have such control over her. She surrendered immediately to his touch, her legs spreading wide apart, her mouth opening to receive first one, then the other hungry cock, while his hand roamed her flesh to spark more desire. The prince loved to feel her skin crease under his touch, her blood turning into liquid fire and heating every sensitive spot—her entire body it seemed—just as she raised their excitement to a fever pitch.

The blond angel never waited around too much, his rigid shaft demanding more than just a mouth as Duncan knew well. And like most times, he headed straight for her ass, raising her legs to bring the narrow entrance right in front of the tip of his erection, then shoving inside roughly.

Standing at the opposite side of the bed, his cock warmly trapped in her yielding mouth, the prince watched his angel shoving between the tight buttocks, his elegant movements pumping harder as she swayed her hips seductively, her ass screwing more tightly around the stone-like thickness. But wanting to feel both, he ordered his angel to open her legs, then leaning over her sprawled frame, his tongue flicked right below the hairy mound in search of its hidden treasure.

Ylianor moaned, her swings shifting to let him reach his destination faster while apparently sucking more cock into her ass. When his tongue hit the swollen bud, she arched her back, slamming her butt against Chris’s crotch, surrendering more flesh to Duncan’s furious sucks, strokes licks and laps. His fingers traveled to the slit, pushing inside her dripping wetness in time to feel the swells wrecking her body, her scream of pleasure filling his ears, mind, soul.


M/M/F EROTIC (long 1000)

Intercepting her intentions, he moved faster, his hand already insinuating beneath the old blue dress to travel up a smooth leg, when a knock stopped further advances. I guess it’s not surprising he should come now. No, hardly surprised, the prince got up to reach the door, wondering at the same time if he had unconsciously summoned him.

You probably did.

“Lover.” Standing on the threshold, Chris’s voice was almost shaking. “I need to talk to you.”

With a curt nod, Duncan stepped aside to let him through, uncaring about the consequences.

Catching sight of the wrong person, Chris’s eyes turned icy cold. “Am I interrupting something?”

“Not at all, Angel.” Prince Caldwell drew him closer to the couch. “We were just about to get started, but three’s more fun than two.”

Before the blond angel had the chance to complain, Duncan kissed him deep and hard, his tongue challenging, pressing to overcome his surprise, yet demanding at the same time his complete surrender. Together, they had explored sex with a variety of partners, but regardless of what gender was in their bed, the prince had never allowed Chris to kiss him, afraid it would show the depth of his feelings. Now he needed no disguise, free to be himself for the first time, so he increased the pressure to make Chris overcome his initial surprise, wanting only to turn the wet invasion into an exciting new game. And his blond angel responded beautifully, aroused beyond expectations, his body tense, cock hard pressing on Duncan’s stomach in spite of Ylianor’s presence.

“You weren’t kidding, lover.” Young Templeton grinned, pulling slightly back. “You really want to do it now.” The blue-gray eyes flashed in excitement. “But what about her?” Chris did not even look at Ylianor.

“She knows all about us, so there’s no need to worry.” Duncan, too, had eyes only for Chris. “And she’s at our complete service.” He breathed in his ear, his voice thick with desire to overcome his lover’s objection to the person, rather than the situation. “Come on, Angel. We’ve shared women before and it’ll be no different this time.” Then he gripped the stiff bulge, still concealed by the clothes, and slid it seductively.

Even if his looks told otherwise, Chris did not comment, choosing to play the game despite the guest for his cock’s needs seemed to outweigh any argument, so they kept kissing in front of Ylianor. Now firmly grasping the naked skin, Prince Caldwell teased his blond angel’s hard length, throbbing and twitching from pleasure, until, feeling Ylianor’s growing excitement reach critical levels, he knew it was the perfect time to plunge her into his world, full of growing desires in anxious wait of an explosive release.

Pulled from imagination into reality, she stared not at one, but at the two huge cocks demanding imperiously her wet attention, which she lacked the experience to give if it had not been for Prince Caldwell’s apt instructions. Come on, Princess, they need your mouth, so stick them in and swallow. And to make his point clearer, he grabbed her head and pushed it on Chris’s bulging tip. With the prince taking charge, Ylianor had no choice but to comply and her mouth wrapped obediently on the hungry shaft, her tongue darting out to explore its long length while her lips traveled to the bottom.

Now suck hard. Following the command, he pushed her head again to make Chris enter deeper, so she drew it in, fitting as much as she could, until it gagged her. Choking and coughing, Ylianor pulled back, but the prince’s firm hold did not allow her to get too far.

Use your tongue to avoid choking. At the words, she felt a twinge of sympathy that made her double her efforts despite the dangers.

Beginning to get more familiar, Ylianor dipped on the tip of the erection, feeling it twitch every time her tongue wrapped around its bulging head, licking the bumpy surface and teasing the tantalizing foreskin, until it became flaming hot. And what gave her more pleasure than anything else was reading young Templeton’s pleasure, both in his blindingly bright colors as in the stiff shaft that seemed unwilling to leave her mouth, however inexperienced it may have felt. More than that, she realized his quivering every time Duncan pushed her head forward was in fact a sign he was about to lose control and it made her wetter than she thought possible.

Having her same perception, Prince Caldwell increased the tempo, pushing her head faster on the long stem in a rhythmical fashion that would surely bring the demon to a point of no return. As if to accelerate the process, Duncan bent on Chris’s ear. “Go ahead and choke her, Angel.” She clearly heard.

At those words, the first jet reached her throat and like the prince had threatened, she gagged on the fluid, shooting out of the convulsing shaft in a seemingly inexhaustible supply, its bittersweet taste filling her senses.

Prince Caldwell grinned in satisfaction. “Great come, Angel, but don’t relax because we have many other ways to play our game.” All the while, he held Ylianor’s head firmly on his lover’s crotch. “And keep sucking, Princess,” he ordered. “I want him as hard as he was before.”

Not having any choice in the matter, she curled her tongue around the shriveled length, managing to enfold it completely for the first seconds. But it soon grew again, especially as Duncan’s lips flew to the demon’s mouth to draw him in a passionately sensual kiss while she continued lavishing attentions on what by now she could no longer hold entirely in her wet cavity. This time though, the prince’s intentions were quite different and after he managed to pull back from his lover, he carried Ylianor to the bed, shedding her clothes along the way while his tongue replaced Chris’s shaft. At the same time, his fingers traced a possessive trail to her buttocks, demanding total surrender. You were good, but we want more. Reaching the bed, he placed her on all fours. And throw out your ass.


M/M/F EROTIC (645 Christopher POV last in the Valley)

Gone all inhibitions, Chris’s desires ran wild, unsettling his usual self-assured nature until he doubted his lifetime convictions as the craving for Ylianor spiraled to a spasmodic level, wanting her with a fiery intensity that would have shocked him, had he not been under this odd spell. Resisting the urge to have her in ways his rational side had strenuously opposed seemed his only strategy at first, but when it failed, it left him with an unbearable ache only the damned woman could quench.

So when Duncan was pumping the wet cunt of her sprawled frame with legs circling Prince Caldwell’s waist to take his cock deeper, Chris could not resist temptation any longer. After plunging his demanding shaft in her yielding mouth, he watched his lover’s screwing until he could not bear the overwhelming need to taste her—something he had refused to do not just with Ylianor, but with any woman, never having kissed one, not even by mistake, nor stroked the tantalizingly silky skin, solely interest in the two available holes, mouth and ass. Everything else, including the pussy, was superfluous to his way of thinking so never had he felt any particular inclination to explore Ylianor beyond the satisfying pumping of either or both of her cavities. But none of these reminders could stop him from slipping out of her warm mouth as if someone else controlled his body, replacing the thick shaft with his tongue.

Shocked, Ylianor had flung her eyes open, her questioning green gaze staring at him and again, he could not prevent the husky whisper escaping his lips. “The gods help me, I want to taste you all over.” Then he had taken her mouth forcefully, like a conqueror on an expedition to claim the land as his own. His tongue ravished the sweet opening, which Ylianor surrendered immediately to his avid attentions, while his teeth bruised her soft lips as he went farther than mere kisses. In a frenzy, he wanted to swallow her, so he sucked her tongue all the way to his throat, grazing it with his teeth, holding it prisoner to allow him to sweep her at ease. Surprisingly, he loved her taste and wanted to drown in it, filling his senses with it in the hope it would never wash away. And the more he drank, the wider she opened as if sensing he would accept nothing but total compliance with his demands, whatever they would turn out to be.

Well, he had several in mind, even if they all began and ended with Ylianor.

“Feel the need to explore more of her, Angel?”

Almost without realizing it, Chris nodded.

The prince’s rigid shaft slipped out of the sticky trap. “No problem. I’ll find another warm hole to stick it in.”

“Let me help you.” Chris grinned, grabbing Ylianor’s hips to raise them for Duncan’s convenience, spreading her buttocks apart until the narrow hole was at his complete disposal.

The prince grinned back. “You really make it hard to resist, Angel.” He teased, aiming the erection at the tight entrance.

Chris bent his head. “Wait, lover. Let me check if you’re wet enough.” His mouth closing on the stone-like hardness, he tasted Ylianor for the first time, her pungent flavor expanding from his mouth to his nose until all he could smell was her. Yet, it did not disgust him as he had feared, rather the acrid aftertaste excited him more than he dared admit. With luscious laps, he cleaned his lover’s shaft of all her traces, sucking it hard to make sure he had missed nothing, then gripped it firmly and guided it between Ylianor’s buttocks. He would have gone and slammed it inside without pity when the urge overtook him once more, and he had to brush his tongue on the throbbing hole, thrusting inside after rimming its edges carefully.


M/M/F EROTIC (212 Christopher POV last in the Valley)

“Feel the need to explore more of her, Angel?”

Almost without realizing it, Chris nodded.

The prince’s rigid shaft slipped out of the sticky trap. “No problem. I’ll find another warm hole to stick it in.”

“Let me help you.” Chris grinned, grabbing Ylianor’s hips to raise them for Duncan’s convenience, spreading her buttocks apart until the narrow hole was at his complete disposal.

The prince grinned back. “You really make it hard to resist, Angel.” He teased, aiming the erection at the tight entrance.

Chris bent his head. “Wait, lover. Let me check if you’re wet enough.” His mouth closing on the stone-like hardness, he tasted Ylianor for the first time, her pungent flavor expanding from his mouth to his nose until all he could smell was her. Yet, it did not disgust him as he had feared, rather the acrid aftertaste excited him more than he dared admit. With luscious laps, he cleaned his lover’s shaft of all her traces, sucking it hard to make sure he had missed nothing, then gripped it firmly and guided it between Ylianor’s buttocks. He would have gone and slammed it inside without pity when the urge overtook him once more, and he had to brush his tongue on the throbbing hole, thrusting inside after rimming its edges carefully.


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Powerful forces dominate planet Sendar’s feudal-like society, destructive energy so strong in some people it can devastate their world. The prince, his lover and his woman can balance the evil forces, in and out of bed, in and out of the dark secrets…if passion, and jealousy won’t stand in their way.




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