Most of us have heard of a media kit. I mean what reader hasn’t gone to her favorite big-name author’s website and looked at the media kit? I’ll bet you have! Here’s the thing, though. Publishing has changed drastically in the last five years and much of what we do as authors is virtually. It’s no different for your media kit. Every author’s website should have one, even if you have only published one book. Media kits make it super easy when you’re doing blog tours to have all of your information in one place and ready to send to blogs. This is especially helpful when you’re doing an Author Spotlight or Book Spotlight tour.

So just what should be in your virtual media kit?

1. Your author photo.
Got mine right HERE!

2. Your latest book covers in 200×300 size.

Got them all, but the latest are The Princess and The Lord, Book

7 and 8 of the Virtus Saga, and you can download them by clicking on the titles.

3. Your author bio.
I definitely have that, just click HERE to read it.

4. An excerpt from your latest release.
Uh, I got plenty of those! From the individual book pages, you can find excerpts all over. Here’s a list from The Princess and The Lord, my latest releases:
Chris needs a lesson!, Ylianor is back! Erotic MMF, Meet Mistress Ylianor! Erotic, Amazing Amazon, Download Pdf First ChaptersIt’s just a fuck sleeping beauty, Erotic MMF Chapter One, Ylianor steals the show, From now on, you are a slave PG, Proud to be your slave, This was so Chris! PG, Erotic BDSM Multiple Partners, Shall we tell our infuriating angel-demon what he means to both of us? Erotic MMF, Amazing Amazon, Download Pdf First Chapter

5. An excerpt or two from reviews for your latest release.
[image:image-0]Every one of my books has a review section that readers can check out for themselves. Click HERE to see the one for Bondage Slave For Hire, my latest Halloween BDSM release.

6. Graphics suitable for social media that contain photos and short quotes from your latest release.
Got plenty of those, too, and you can find them in every book’s webpage  like Virtus Saga banner,ReScue Series banner, Virtus Saga wallpaper and bookmarks, plus all the covers. As for the quotes, they’re kind of all over my website, together with blurbs, log lines and reviews. Check out the ones from The Leader, The Pledge, The Heat, The Princess and The Lord, for instance. In addition, the main quote readers can use is taken from The Lord, Book 8,, and it sums up the entire Virtus Saga like nothing else I wrote about it: “Because us is sex.” Lord Christopher Templeton.

7. A printable backlist of your books if you have published other books.
Got this, too! Just click on the print-preview icon that is on many pages of my web site.

Your virtual media kit should be available as a download on your website. You can add everything to a zip file. This makes it easy for anyone to download and share your virtual
media kit, but it also makes it easy for you to send out to blogs that you’re touring with!

Extra Tips:
Make sure that you have a page on your website labeled “media kit” and that you have a list there showing what is in the zip file as well as the link to download it.

I also suggest that in case of images such as the social media ready images that you have those visibly on your website so that readers can right click and save them to their computer to share on their own social media. Readers aren’t always looking for your entire media kit but this still makes it easy for them to help support and share your books!

Creating a virtual media kit is easier than you might think and will make your job of promoting your own books much easier!