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ReScue Series
You’re an impossible case, sweetie!
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Remember me now, sweetie? Book Page
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Your bliss nad your torture
Meet Leon Sterling, SDM’s new Project Division CEO Book Page
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There’s a very thin line between pain and pleasure
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Through consecutive lifetimes, the hunter and his prey play a seemingly endless game of sex and blood, seductively chasing after possession, surrender and long release.
Consecutive lifetimes locked in a passionate hunt of blood and sex, but what if the prey wants more?
Only one rule: never fall in love. But sex and blood are too good to pass up. So what to do?
“A fascinatingly, if at times disturbingly, erotic affair. Lifetimes of disappointment, desire and death has done one good thing for the prey, it has become as ruthless as its hunter. The final coupling makes the whole story come together and readies the reader for more.” CTR
“Re-Scue was a rollercoaster ride into a world that is breathtaking, unpredictable, and never quite what it seems! Ms. Tolomei writes a passionate tale that catches the reader first assumes is going to be a passé romance centered on a woman’s ennui, then turns everything upside down with a passionate flair that causes one to gasp! Brilliant, erotic, chaotic, and filled with passion, Re-Scue is an unpredictable ride into lust and adventure!” 5 STARS @Your Fingertips by Tamela Quijas
“RE-SCUE is a more intense and startlingly horrific than most titles I’ve read. Now that being said I was actually fascinated by how Ms. Tolomei was able to jump genres so frequently within one book and still have it all make perfect sense. The whole theme of the story is a simple one – falling in love can destroy you, but with time and effort love could ultimately save you. If you’re faint of heart or strongly opposed to the more shocking fetishes then you might want to steer clear of this one but if you’re more adventurous (at least in your choice of reading material) then pick up a copy, sit back and prepare yourself for a heck of a wild ride.” RJR
“For him it’s all about the blood, sex and domination. Nowhere does love enter into the equation.” RJR
“Brilliantly unpredictable!” Rose
Too many lives…too much blood…too much sex…too much love gone astray…yet they still haven’t learned!
“You two aren’t any casual acquaintances. You didn’t drift together because life just happened to throw you on the same path. And it’s certainly not just sex that keeps you tied. Whatever connects you two has a power of its own that goes well beyond sex and time, apparently, as if you were able to replicate it in more than one life. And more amazing—or scary, depending on how you like to look at it—you’re both aware of it, though the gods only know how that could be possible.
“It’s funny, actually. You deny emotions, believing they’d tie you down, but in most cases, they last only a lifetime. Instead, yours drive you to seek the same person over and over again. So how would you call a connection that goes beyond time and space to pull two people together no matter what their shapes? If that’s not a limit, I don’t know what is. Sean knows that even if you don’t call it love, you’ll always be his because you’re bound hands and feet, Mr. Sterling. In fact, if I were you, I’d be careful. You’re the never changing element in your relationship while your lover has managed at least to change sex. And believe me, that’s no small feat by reincarnation standards. Does that mean he’s getting ready to outrun you?”
Re-Scue – However you lived your past, today you’re the key to changing your future
SERIES: ReScue Book 1
AUTHOR: Laura Tolomei
FACEBOOK: ReScue Series
GOODREADS: ReScue Series
GENRE: Erotic Fiction
CATEGORY: Erotica, Gay LGBT, Male-Male, Multiple Partners, BDSM, Contemporary, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Time Travel, Horror, Shapeshifter, Fetish, Series, m/m, f/m/f
ISBN# 9781934446898
HEAT LEVEL: 5 flames
PAGES: 340
WORD COUNT: 94.200
RELEASEDE: 4 November 2011
PUBLISHER: Romance Divine LLC
COVER ARTIST: Josephine Piraneo
Read more about Re-Scue on my website
Only one rule: never fall in love. But the sex and blood is just too good to pass up. So what to do? Blood and sex are the only fair game he, the hunter, allows me, his prey, to have in our passionate chase through time and space. And for his sake, I’ve had more lives than I care to count. From one life to the next, I played his savage game, hungering for him in a way no amount of blood or sex could ever satisfy me. But not anymore! So how to beat him at his own game and get away with it?
Don’t miss the exciting prequel to Tasting Leon’s Mark!
Through lives, there’s a lot of mistakes.
The only bond between time and lives is destiny. Sometimes, you can recognize your changes and your mistakes…even your destiny.
Erotic Romance with an Edge, Laura Tolomei, Author Laura Tolomei, LallaGatta, Lalla Gatta, literary, reading, writing, author, ebook, e-book, fiction, erotic, erotica, paranormal, dark fantasy, men-love, man-man, men-men, gay, LGBT, gay LGBT, contemporary, time travel, shapeshifter, shapeshifter, multiple lives, multiple partners, reincarnation, sex, blood, knife, passion, hunter, prey, sci-fi, fetish, BDSM, slave, sub, dom, master, Leon Sterling, Sean Davis, Janet Ramsey, Romance Divine, WCPT, Whiskey Creek Press Torrid, free read, soulmate, soul mate, soul-mate, Tasting Leon’s Mark, The Enslavement Of Janet, destiny, fate, Awe-reness, Re-Scue The Audio Book, audio book, book trailer, dungeon, bondage, ReScue Series, borderline, borderline story
Sex, seduction, sadism, torture, pain, pleasure, game, insane, prey, victim, hunter, blood, lust, bleeding, knife, cuts, slash, life, death, lifetimes, repeat, reincarnation, future, past, present, emotions, passion, love, hate, struggle, fantasy, sci-fi, contemporary, gay, bisexual
Original borderline story at the edge of accepted conventions, Re-Scue spans four different lifetimes connected by an insane passion for sex and blood. The players—a hunter with his prey—change shapes and sexes, but their sensually seductive game is as exciting as the first time. The rules are simple. Sex without emotions is what the hunter wants, but the prey seems unwilling to give, refusing to play by this incomprehensible rule. Didri and Tylean begin the sadistic ritual on Byoldar, a futuristic world where he teaches her about pain and pleasure. The game continues with Aural and Rhodri on Thuly, a fantasy medieval-style world. Together, they will break new boundaries in passion without emotions, leaving it to Leon and Sean to end the game on 21st century Earth.
As I said, Re-Scue is an original borderline story, at the edge of accepted conventions, which spans four different lifetimes, each set in a world of its own, where the main characters take various shapes and sexes. The connecting line between each lifetime is a sensually seductive game of sex and blood, played by a hunter with his prey, which ends in tragedy most of the times. Only in the last tale will the prey outsmart his hunter, forcing him to accept new terms for their never-ending game. The romantic developments are also unique as the characters change sex and shapes during the lifetimes, even assuming animal forms in one of the stories, while their relationship remains basically the same. The resolution is achieved when both characters learn to accept their responsibilities within the game’s parameters, which is simply their way of disguising their own life. In short, the tag line could be:
Through consecutive lifetimes, the hunter and his prey play a seemingly endless game of sex and blood, seductively chasing after possession, surrender and long release.
And the game continues in Tasting Leon’s mark, with a different setting, a different relationship, but no end to their incomprehension’s. True, the lifetimes have taught them not to destroy one another, but can they also learn to trust each other with their deepest feelings?
Also look out for Chapter Three of the series: Travelling Through Souls.
The novel has 8 chapters, each one containing a separate story, but as per your instruction guidelines, I enclose only the first 20 pages to the nearest break in RTF format.
PG (894 Leon & Sean)
“I think it’s our destiny to try and find each other.”
“Still, I wonder why, especially since it’s never such a great ending between us. We’ve lived more tragedies than anything else.”
“That’s because you have trouble with following rules, sweetie.”
“Rules you established without ever consulting me.”
“It wasn’t your decision to make,” Leon observed coldly. “Besides, they weren’t hard to follow.”
“Really?” Sean raised his head. “Then, let’s make it that you fall in love with me for a change, so that I can leave you…or worse.”
Leon toppled him with his weight, pinning him down on the bed. “Listen, sweetie, this time we’re two men, so it’ll be easier to put aside the limited heterosexual logic. We can finally have fun without commitments, ties or bullshits like love.”
Sean felt a little hurt. He valued his emotions as his most precious assets. Still, he knew Leon would not take kindly an argument on this subject, so he pretended to agree. “As you say, lover.”
“Glad you agree, sweetie. You’ll see, it will be better than all the other times.”
“Yeah…maybe.” Sean sighed and stretched luxuriously, feeling the burning sensation from the raw cuts. ”One thing I’m going to miss is your magical healing potion that worked miracles on those wounds.”
“Actually, I’ve got it this time as well.” Leon got up and rummaged through his briefcase. “Here it is,” he said, taking a round container. “Directly from India.” He opened it and rubbed delicately Sean’s back.
“India? What were you doing in India?”
“Looking for you, as a matter of fact.”
“And where did you go look?”
“I started from the cities, then worked my way into insignificant villages. Wherever I went, though, I didn’t live the rich man’s life, but made the streets my home.”
“Thought you’d find me in the gutters?”
“No, I knew we’d be equal somehow just like all the other times. Besides the obvious reason of looking for you, going to India had to be a spiritual journey, which did not include luxuries or rich man’s paradises. Many times, I had to sleep under the stars, living off people’s charity like the beggars that are so common there. In the end, I went hungry most of the times—“
“Didn’t you bring money with you?” Sean asked, appalled at the scene Leon described.
“Not a lot. I told you. I wanted to experience the people and the place. I wasn’t about to be the usual rich guy who goes to India thinking he’ll find a new consciousness while in fact he only wastes India’s precious resources. I was looking for a guru, a spiritual guide. I wanted someone who would tell me I wasn’t going insane because you really existed and I’d find you soon enough.”
“If you were so sure we’d meet eventually, why did you need a guru?”
“At the age of thirty-two, when nothing had happened, I began to have some doubts. That’s why I needed someone to tell me I wasn’t crazy.”
“I guess you found him at last.”
“I traveled around India for a year, going from city to city, small villages to tiny settlements, visiting hundreds of ashrams, without finding what I sought. There were plenty of gurus, naturally, so I dutifully stopped with everyone, but none seemed to understand what I wanted. Finally, when I had almost lost hope, I came across an ashram, set in the middle of nowhere. It was off the usual routes, a tiny community living off the goodness of the nearby farmers. I remember being tired, weary, sick of my useless journey. Then, as if I’d called him, the guru came out to meet me. He was a shriveled old man, so tiny I could have broken him in half with my bare hands. But he wasn’t afraid of me.”
* * * *
“The one you seek exists,” the guru told him. “It’s your missing half that calls you.”
“Master,” a disbelieving Leon was about to fall on his knees, “what are you saying?”
“You’ll find your missing half, one day, when you’re ready.”
“I’m ready now. I’ve been searching all my life.”
“Even more than that,” the guru assured. “But each time you’ve ruined your chances for true happiness.”
“I don’t understand, Master.”
“I’ll make you remember, but it will be only the beginning. Your journey so far has been to seek what’s old. From now on, you must move forward. The new awaits you, but only if you’re ready for real change. Remember: however you lived your past, today you’re the key to changing your future.”
PG (176 Myla POV – game explanation – Janet to get him)
Aural was his chosen, and the sanguinary ritual enabled him to bind and bring her along from one life to the next, controlling and trapping her at every level—physical, mental, not to mention spiritual—in a never ending cycle of life, death and rebirth. Defined by apparently fixed roles as hunter and prey, the game served to establish the rules of conduct and help them recognize one another each time they met anew, which of course only reinforced the connection to the point no amount of love, not just Myla’s but anyone else’s, too, would ever change this pattern. In the past, Myla had fought against the unfairness of it all, getting nowhere nearer his heart than she was today, fortified by the experience of countless lives that had taught her to accept the gods’ bidding however painful it could be. Maybe it was simply a matter of time—evidently, hers was yet to come—the same he spent searching for the damn creature he could not live without, always managing to find her somehow.
“Is the boss…”
“Oh, he’s around here somewhere, but I think he was busy on something else entirely.” Jaymien winked maliciously. “At least that was my impression.” Opening a half hidden closet behind the door, he took out a jacket and wore it. “Well, have a good night.”
Alone, Didri went to check on the machines. Everything was in order as Jaymien said, except for her heart’s erratic beats, if not outright skips, which she was powerless to control, particularly after her co-worker’s mysterious comment.
With nothing better to do, besides wishing he returned sooner rather than later, she leaned on one of the extrusion mechanisms to watch it carefully. Naturally, she saw the hamper in the pill-flow that required her assistance for a few minutes, twisting and turning the nozzle until it set back to normal. Satisfied, she made sure it would not clog again, then moved off to her desk, a sorry-looking white thing placed next to the office. But something caught her eye, making her stop in front of the window instead. Now ajar, the blinds were a compelling pull Didri could not resist, going nearer to take a peek, only to jump back with a start.
A woman, completely naked, sprawled on Tylean’s desk thrashed under his furious pumping, fast deliberate thrusts in a steady rhythm, one hand crushing her breast, the other dipping to the cunt whenever their movements allowed.
Didri froze. The scene itself was nothing new. She had seen it countless times in the clubs, even getting aroused if she happened to like the man, or men, involved. What was unusual, no upsetting, was this specific setting—actually, not that much considering her very recent experience. Maybe it was recognizing the woman, had seen her around the Distribution Section, even though no name came to mind. Then again, Tylean did not need one as long as he called her sweetie and kept it as a one-nightstand. It was all that could be expected. Anything more would have been simply stupid, and Didri could have kicked herself for being so naïve. Disgusted with herself, she was about to turn away, leaving the workstation all together, only her eyes refused to move, glued as they were to the scene behind the window. Drawn against her will to the woman screwing without being aware of the attention purposefully drawn to her, it made Didri wonder whether it might be something else entirely she was supposed to witness. What if it’s a twisted game Tylean is playing with me?
At this new thought, disgust turned to fascination as she drowned in the sensuality of the two bodies moving steadily on the cluttered desk, the same Tylean had not bothered to clear for what’s her name. Not that she minded the inconvenience, for she opposed no resistance when he flipped her on her belly and pulled up the round ass, propping it to his convenience.
Practically holding her breath, Didri swayed as a wave of intense desire traveled in an instant from the pit of her stomach up to her brain, wetting her cunt with the fierce hope he would take advantage of the position and slam into the tiny hole like he had with hers. Instead, he crashed inside the drenched slit almost as if to spite her. And finally catching Tylean’s gaze, she knew it was true, the nagging sensation the show was all for her benefit, to trap her in his web. For an endless second, everything stopped until a sardonic smile curved his lips, daring her to see his inevitable come without offering any release to her painfully heated craving. And however much she hated his cruel play, she had no choice but rise to the challenge and stay despite her body screaming for a piece of the action.
To her surprise, he had no trouble reading her determination, cocking an admiring eyebrow as if he had not expected she would have the guts to stand up to him. Clutching the firm buttocks, he resumed ramming the woman’s pussy.
After stirring vigorously whatever was inside the kettle, the witch poured hot liquid into a cup and handed it to the hunter. “Here is a full dose of the herbs.”
“More powerful than the mix you gave me last time?” Taking the cup from her hands, Rhodri brought it to his lips, but stopped before drinking, smelling it instead.
“This is twice more effective.”
“All right, let’s see how it goes this time.” He took a sip, then looked at Myla again. “Shouldn’t there be someone else drinking this, too?”
With an annoyed expression, Myla filled another cup and almost threw it at Aural. “Drink!” Then the woman returned next to Rhodri. “But remember the potion doesn’t work miracles, not if you can’t release the mind from the body’s prison so that it can expand in other dimensions.” Edging closer to him, she began rubbing his chest, soon moving further down. “Physical reality tends to keep us trapped in the present, and we forget about past experiences.”
“How do you suggest we reach these other dimensions?” And in taking another sip, the hunter slid toward.
“Oh, it’s real easy.” Rising, she went to stand in front of the fire, swaying slightly. “Sex is the best way to distract the body and free the mind.”
“If you’re not too distracted by what the body’s doing.” He grinned broadly.
“That depends…” Turning, she picked up some herbs, then flung them into the fire, creating a mist. “On how much you value your body, as opposed to your mind.”
With an elegant move, she took off her top and straightened her shoulders to reveal her exquisite breasts. Small and pointy tips already swollen with desire, the fire brightened their naked skin, making it glow. Her slim hips swayed sensually in concentric circles that called to Rhodri the closer she danced to him, unlatching at the same time her pants, which fell to her ankles. Underneath, she was completely naked, no underwear to hide the view of her cunt swirling in front of Rhodri’s hungry gaze and commanding his entire attention.
Damn! She’s really beautiful. Staring at Myla’s gleaming lean yet curvy body, Aural’s mind went blank, maybe a collateral effect from the panther’s intoxicating sexual turn-on, if not the result of the drug she had swallowed in one gulp, or of the foggy, pungent air suffocating her with every breath. Whatever the cause, she was falling deeper into Myla’s seductive game, which naturally had nothing to do with her. She’s in love with him! The awareness hit her apparently from nowhere. But she doesn’t have the guts…or the stupidity to tell him. And she could not help feeling sorry for her.
Aural was unsure whether to stay or leave. One thing seemed very clear—the two had played before, evidently had been for a long time considering the ease with which their bodies moved, attracting one another at an animal level. It was the most exciting thing she had ever seen, a part of her envious knowing she could never compete with the black panther, not in beauty, certainly not in skill. But if last night’s sex seemed mere child’s play, something that could not have possibly satisfied , anoth¬er part of her held stubbornly to the idea he was putting up the show for her benefit alone. And this conviction kept her rooted to the ground, afraid to move or even breathe lest he did not slam his incredibly big erection into Myla, her mouth-watering tight ass preferably, hurting her, just to increase Aural’s pleasure, the same she was already seeking as her hand slipped between her legs to rub the drenched cloth covering the throbbing swell begging for release.
“I still can’t believe you chased me through time and space.” Raising his head from Leon’s chest, Sean gazed at him. “And for all those lifetimes.”
Lying naked on the bed, Leon’s tension, the same that had steadily mounted since seeing Sean, finally eased—his urges quenched for the first time in his life—driven away by hours of sex and blood. And now in the dead of the night, sprawled on satin sheet next to his prey, clean and refreshed after a luxurious shower washed off the red traces from his body, he felt at home. “What’s hard to believe?” With a firm grip, Leon rolled Sean over, relishing the sensation of pressing weight on him. “I only came to take what’s mine.” With playful bites, he nibbled his prey’s neck. “Because that’s what you are, sweetie.”
Actually, the hunter was still shaken by the discovery however hard he worked at pretending otherwise, which it was not for after one look at Sean—blond and beautiful with the elegance and unmistakable sensuality of a feline—he had known he was in trouble and not because unexpectedly his prey was a man nor because it was as attractive as him. Oh, sure, the striking man was exactly what the hunter had sought for a lifetime—his marked and sealed, no doubt about it for Leon recognized the look in the dazzling dark-blue eyes just like the guru said it would—yet he was too damn gorgeous…no, even more, he was stunning and polarized attention like a shiny beacon in a dark night, a one of a kind, person, and nobody better than Leon knew it, having reveled in beauty since he was born. Thus they were on equal grounds at least as far as the outer shell, gender included, so Leon’s only advantage was being one step ahead, not too effectively though considering how badly he wanted to fuck the blond beauty, which also was another bad sign.
Ordinarily, men were not his primary sexual choices despite a consistent share of his girlfriend’s gay boyfriends finding their way into his bed during college, all turning out too jealous and possessive for his tastes. Sean appeared different also from the gay cliché, which was all to his advantage, and to Leon’s undoing. Still, he could hardly complain to fate about his great fortune, so during the interview, he had managed to control the leap in his heart, the crunching of his stomach, the blood racing in his ears by pretending to study the file he had already memorized simply to buy himself time.
“How did you know where to look for me every time?” Sean creased his forehead. “I mean the world’s a big place.”
“That has never stopped me or you for that matter.” With a delicate touch, Leon fingered Sean’s incisions. “Tell me, instead, didn’t you felt like something was missing in your life?”
Sean nodded. “Too many to count.”
“I think it’s our destiny to try and find each other.” Leon deepened the touch, but Sean did not complain.
“And I wonder why we go to all the trouble after all our miserable endings.” His lips curved in a snarl. “We’ve lived more tragedies than anything else it seems.”
“That’s because you never followed rules.”
Taking advantage of the opportunity, Sean lowered his voice and leaned closer to Leon, almost burying his face in the broad chest counting on the screen’s protection. “Listen, lover, if you think you can fuck me until five—”
“Actually, it was four.”
“Well, whatever…and expect me to be fully functional by eleven—”
“Actually, it’s noon.”
“Well, whatever…you’ve got me all wrong. I’m not like you. I can’t sleep just a few hours at night and have my brain running at top speed at this ungodly hour of the day.”
“Would late afternoon be more to your convenience?” Leon grinned, openly teasing him. “Actually, sweetie, I don’t pretend you have your act together, simply ask for a bit more organization on your part.”
“Well, sorry, I can’t handle it.” Then hearing Keith’s voice on a descending tone, Sean straightened his shoulders, but the pain from the newest incisions made him wince. Not the balm’s fault however ineffective it seemed of late, more the hunter’s repeated carving.
Delicately, uncaring if Keith noticed, Leon traced the scarred skin from above the clothes. “I’m sorry it hurts.”
Sean shrugged. “Not your fault, just maybe we’ve been carried away with the game lately, doing it too often for my skin’s taste…” Practically every night since we met, lover. Then Keith hung up, and the time for privacy was over.
“I still can’t believe you chased me through time and space.” Raising his head from the hunter’s chest, Sean gazed at him. “And for all those lives.”
“What’s hard to believe?” That now you’re the most amazing piece of ass I ever saw in my life? One look at Sean and he had known he was in deep trouble with a prey as attractive as him—blond and beautiful with the elegance and unmistakable sensuality of a feline in a tall and well-shaped muscular frame without the bodybuilding look, regular features and deep blue eyes ready to sparkle. He was too damn gorgeous…no, even more, he was stunning and polarized attention, like a shiny beacon in a dark night, a one-of-a-kind person. And nobody better than Leon Sterling knew it, having reveled in beauty since the day he was born. “That you’re my prey?” Oh, yes, the striking creature was exactly what the hunter had sought for a lifetime, no question about it after recognizing the look in the dazzling dark-blue eyes just like the guru said he would. “That now you’re a man?” Not as much as women, but thank God I like them, too! Someone had kept her side of the bargain, a possibility that had not crossed his mind, not until he saw Sean standing in his office and remembered a promise from a lifetime ago. “That now we’re equals?” Not gonna help you any, sweetie. It would be only more challenging, having to stay one step ahead, hard as it would prove to be considering how badly he wanted to fuck the blond beauty, which in itself was another bad sign. “That now we’ll work together?” Another lucky break, since the interview helped disguise the leap in his heart and the crunch in his stomach while buying him time by pretending to study a file he had memorized long before.
“Yeah, all of the above if not more.”
“There’s just one thing that’s never going to change between us.” His urges quenched for the first time in his life, tension finally eased, driven away by hours of sex and blood. “One thing that shouldn’t surprise you.” Now in the dead of the night, sprawled naked on satin sheet next to his prey, clean and refreshed after a luxurious shower washed off the red streaks, he felt at home. “That I came to take what’s mine.” With a firm grip, he rolled Sean over, relishing the sensation of pressing weight on him. “Because that’s what you are, sweetie.” His, marked and sealed! With playful bites, he nibbled Sean’s neck.
“How did you know where to find me every time?” Sean creased his forehead. “I mean…the world’s a big place.”
“That has never stopped me, or you for that matter.” With a delicate touch, Leon fingered Sean’s incisions. “Don’t you always feel like something’s missing in your life?” Bending, he traced a clean one with his tongue. “How many times did it happen in this life, too?”
“Too many to count.”
“I think it’s our destiny to try and find each other.” Leon deepened the touch, but Sean did not complain.
“And I wonder why we go to all the trouble after all our miserable endings.” His lips curved in a snarl. “We’ve lived more tragedies than an Italian opera it seems.”
“That’s because you never followed rules.”
“How could I?” Heating up as if suddenly remembering a forgotten yet still painful quarrel, Sean threw Leon off him, then sat on his knees. “They were your rules, which you enforced without ever consulting me.”
“It wasn’t your call.” Leon regarded him coldly. God, he’s even more beautiful when he’s angry. But it was beside the point. “In any case, they weren’t hard to follow.”
“Really?” Raising his gaze, Sean defied him openly. “Then let’s make it that you fall in love with me for a change, so you’ll know how much it hurts when I leave…or kill you.”
“We hardly met, and already you’re talking about love?” Using his greater weight, Leon toppled and pinned him on the bed. That Sean would be a challenge, the hunter had guessed by reading his file and listening to the opinions, many and varied, the execs disclosed during their preliminary briefings. Not a bad thing in itself to be honest, he had looked forward to it since five years of managing human resources led him to presume he had dealt with most of the problematic profiles. Mr. Davis, however, seemed to defy categories, and after seeing him, Leon had no trouble believing everything he had read and heard about him, if not more. And to have him in his bed, too…well, it would prove even more exciting than he dared hope. “Listen, sweetie, and listen good ‘cause you know I don’t like to repeat myself.” Bending on the exposed neck, he bit it hard just to remind him who was the master. “This time we’re two men, so it’ll be easier to put the limited heterosexual logic aside and finally have fun with our game, without commitments, bonds or any of the other crap that ties emotions to sex as if they were one and the same, which they aren’t.”
Clearly not convinced, his prey did not agree immediately, something the hunter put down to his nature, defiant of authority by default. Eventually, though, he saw reason.
“As you wish, lover,” Sean breathed at least in spite of his glazed expression.
“Glad you’re on board.” After one last searching look to make sure his prey would live up to his agreement, Leon ran a hand through Sean’s short but very thick hair, a pleasure for the touch. “You’ll see. If you stick to them, it’ll be better than it has ever been.”
“Yeah…sure…” Stretching luxuriously, Sean winced, then curled on himself. “One thing I’ll certainly miss is your magical healing potion that worked miracles on my skin.”
“Actually, I’ve got it this time, too.” Rising, Leon rummaged through his briefcase until he hit the small flagon he always carried with him. “Here it is.” Triumphant, he held out the round container. “Directly from India.” Returning to the bed, he sat next to the blond beauty’s tempting body—yes, even now that he had consumed the passion of a lifetime in a few brief hours, he still wanted him, which to his sinking heart was only another warning of the danger he was treading on. Turning Sean on his stomach, he rubbed a small dose of the green lotion delicately on the battered flesh crossed by raw red lines in an almost geometrical pattern.
“India?” Sean looked puzzled. “It’s the second time tonight you mention it. What were you doing there?”
“Looking for you, as a matter of fact.”
“Thought I’d be an oriental BDSM concubine?” He chuckled. “Or a geisha perhaps?”
“Maybe both.” Still massaging the tender skin, Leon suppressed a grin, imagining Sean impersonating either. “Actually, it’s a long story.”
“I’ve got nothing better to do.”
“Mmmm…” Leon eyed him skeptically. “Shouldn’t you catch up on your beauty sleep?”
“I’d be late for work anyway, no matter what time I go to sleep.” The irony was unmistakable.
Leaning forward, Leon reached Sean’s ear. “And what will your new boss have to say about it?” he whispered huskily.
“Somehow, I’m sure he’ll be very understanding.” Sean grinned.
“Maybe this time, but not as a rule.”
“Don’t worry.” Again, the bright teasing curve of the lips went straight to crunch Leon’s stomach. “I know all about his rules and I’ve already promised to abide by them.”
“Very well.” Straightening up, Leon gave the finishing touches on his prey’s back while recalling an experience he had never revealed to anyone in its full extent. “If you really want to know—”
“Oh, I do and start at the beginning like what was it that drove you there? I mean what kind of life would—”
“Getting curious, eh?” He closed the jar, screwing the lid tightly. “But I suppose it wouldn’t make much sense otherwise.” Putting it aside, he lay down again, pulling Sean closer, still stroking him in a slow movement he found strangely arousing. “I come from a wealthy family up north—Boston like I told you—that gave me everything except the one thing I really wanted.”
Upon seeing her, Myla had been appalled by the bitch he dared bring along for the revelation. Hoping against all hopes he was mistaken, she studied the blondish woman while pretending to ignore her until she could no longer deceive herself. With a sinking heart, she realized the connection was there and strong, too—How can anyone miss it?—too damn strong for anyone, least of all Myla, to sever it. Aural was his chosen, and the sanguinary ritual enabled him to bind and bring her along from one life to the next, controlling and trapping her at every level—physical, mental, not to mention spiritual—in a never ending cycle of life, death and rebirth. Defined by apparently fixed roles as hunter and prey, the game served to establish the rules of conduct and help them recognize one another each time they met anew, which of course only reinforced the connection to the point no amount of love, not just Myla’s but anyone else’s, too, would ever change thispattern. In the past, Myla had fought against the unfairness of it all, getting nowhere nearer his heart than she was today, fortified by the experience of countless lives that had taught her to accept the gods’ bidding however painful it could be.
“Cold and insensitive beast,” Sean teased, but his heart felt as heavy as stone. That’s because you don’t value your emotions, lover, while to me, they’re my most precious assets, however much you’d disagree. “You’re still wrong, and since you strive so hard to be a good manager, which you are by the way, you should consider their feelings more. That’s what should come first, especially if they work for you, and you want them to be their most efficient. Take me for instance.”
“You’re an impossible case, sweetie.” Despite the light tone, Sean was not convinced he was teasing. “No good, not even as an example.”
“Oh, come on.” Piqued in spite of himself, Sean snapped. “I’m sure you’ve met worse.” The hunter’s skeptical glance told him maybe he had not. “Anyway, I can’t give my best to people who don’t mean anything to me. It would be like wasting my time if I didn’t get an emotional feedback, so why should I?”
“For your sake alone. Isn’t work a big part of your life? And if so, shouldn’t it repay you for the time you put into it?”
“Unlike you, lover, working is not a choice.” Because I don’t have a rich family covering my ass, even if you have a problem with it. “And unlike you, it doesn’t define me or who I am.” Sean’s lips curved in an ironic snarl. “Like your guru said the secret of life is to be, not to do, which is my philosophy, too. I am, and I know who I am.” And that’s a hell of a lot more than you can say for yourself, Indian teachings notwithstanding. “Therefore I don’t need to do anything to prove it.”
“This attitude isn’t going to get you anywhere.”
“And I’m not planning on going anywhere…” Except under your skin. “At least not as far as work is concerned.”
“Then what’s your real ambition?” And the look of suspicion in the dazzling green eyes made Sean wonder whether Leon had read his mind. So just in case, he averted his gaze. “For now I’m okay with what I have,” he lied. “Though it would be nice if you could stay over this weekend.” It was not a habit, of course, but at times, the best ones to date, Leon stayed from Fridays to late Sundays, giving Sean the rare opportunity to watch him asleep, powerful naked frame stretched out next to him, lean muscles at peace, long dark hair scattered on the pillow, chest softly rising and falling in steady breathing.
“Sorry, sweetie, I can’t.” Leon rolled off. “Have to be with Peg’s parents tomorrow.” Glancing at his watch, he sat up. “In fact, it’s late enough, so I better go.”
Right, he’s fucking married! Sometimes Sean forgot the insistent rumors at work claiming Leon had affairs with his secretaries, each one in turn it seemed, while his wife looked more unhappy each passing day. Then it would come back to him with Suzy’s sad disclaimers and angry requests to know who spread the malicious allegations—wishing they were true, of course—or in alternative, who was the lucky woman. Needless to say, Sean felt a thrill of excitement thinking it was him in fact, Leon’s secret lover, and pursued the game with more energy, making its predictable result during the nightly overtime bloodier and sexier than imaginable. “Oh, no, you don’t.” Grabbing the broad shoulders from behind, Sean wrestled Leon down, then squatted smugly on his crotch. “At least not until I’ve used your wonderful dick one more time.”
M/F (484 Tylean & Didri)
“Blood fascinates me.” Stretched out on the bed, Tylean rolled on a side to look at Didri’s battered flesh next to him, littered with many tiny scars, which he washed clean of the blood with tender care, almost lovingly, applying a miraculous lotion of his own concoction that in due time healed the superficial wounds perfectly.
Her life took a turn for the worst, though Didri hardly noticed, too wrapped up in her fantasy world, a misty land where everything seemed blurred. Only her body’s needs were clear, drowned as they were in a ceaseless blood feasting that became increasingly dangerous. Dissatisfied with superficial cuts, Tylean sliced deeper, taking his slow, sweet time in carving her flesh with intricate patterns that left indelible scars despite copious use of healing lotion afterward, until the balance between pain and pleasure leaned heavily on the former.
Not that he consciously tried to hurt her for most of the times, he appeared indifferent to her feelings, pulling back only at the last moment, wanting to push her limits harder and faster beyond the edge. Yet, it made for better sex, as he stated more than once, his cock stiffening from the second the blade touched her skin up to his convulsive release, usually in her ass, after having torn her to a red pulp.
She never complained however, complying with all his whims, overwhelmed by the erotic vortex that made her senses spin out of the mind’s control, which she did her best to ignore by shutting out rationality all together unable to stop craving he take her—any piece of her would do—for his own pleasure being her favorite agony until nothing made sense except his powerful frame pounding hers incessantly. Accepting to be his slave, the obedient servant to his cruel play was enough to feel as if he cared, wanting to mistake his burning touch, whether with a cold metallic blade or with a fiery possessive clutch made little difference, for something she knew it was not. And away from him, nothing changed since Tylean was the only man, the only person, the only thing she could think about, feeling his metal-gray eyes following her wherever she went. Her heart, too, was caught in his game, thumping violently—painfully was more accurate—every time he was near, quickly moving to her cunt until the throb became unbearable.
But what absolutely astonished her was her burning desire to be with him alone every breathing moment, asking for nothing except his presence in her life, forever if necessary or until he struck a vital part, whichever came first. So she lived on an intoxicating borderline of sensations for weeks before she found the courage to call it with its right name. And by then it was too late to do anything about it because she had fallen in love.
Didri had not expected it, of course.
M/F (1.440 Tylean + Diddri on machine)
“Is the boss in, Jaymien?” she asked, trying to sound normal, yet unable to disguise the excitement in her voice.
“The engineer? Haven’t seen him all night,” Jaymien confessed. Then, he went to the door. “Have a good shift, Didri.”
“Are you sure, Jaymien?” she asked weakly, watching the man disappear, her tone wavering.
“Of course, he didn’t see me,” the throaty voice confirmed behind her back. “I really couldn’t care less about letting him see me.”
She turned around, slowly, while her heart beat so wildly, she was afraid it would drop down to her stomach or worse. “Hello,” she said tentatively.
“So, you missed me?” he asked, grinning openly.
“No,” she lied, turning a deep shade of red. “I did not.”
“Liar.” With a single stride, he reached her, standing so close his breath caressed her face.
Startled, Didri did not know where to look.
“Look at me, sweetie,” he said softly, tilting her head up. “I have some interesting work planned for you tonight.” His grey eyes traveled slowly on her body, undressing it at leisure.
“Of what kind?” she asked, angry with herself for feeling the attraction yet getting closer despite everything.
“Do I need to spell it out?”
Grabbing her ass, he pushed her against his crotch. She felt his growing desire and she liked it, although he was neither polite nor gentle. She threw back her head and he took possession of her mouth, bruising her soft lips, pushing his tongue deep inside. To her amazement, she responded to his forceful kiss, her tongue battling against his, while her body swayed seductively, tempting him to more action.
“You have a wonderful mouth, sweetie,” he purred, then pushed on her shoulders. “Why don’t you use it where it’s most needed?”
The bulge had grown to a sizable proportion. With trembling fingers, she took it out. Up until then, Didri had not enjoyed that part of the sexual game. Mostly, it bored her, so she considered it unnecessary. Now, she could hardly wait to hold him in her hands, taste him in her mouth, feel him inside her throat and choke on his long length in an effort to swallow him. He moved accordingly, uncaring if he was hurting her, but stopping when she was on the verge of choking.
Then, tired of this game, he picked her up and laid her against a machine, securing her arms through the handles. He quickly unbuttoned her pants and pushed down the cloth around her legs. Wearing no underwear, he immediately appreciated the full view of her firm round ass. With a sigh of satisfaction, he grabbed it with both hands, squeezing the buttocks cruelly at first, then more gently. His fingers trailed the curves, dipping inside the cleft and slipping in and out of the tight hole.
When he judged her ready, he started pushing with his greedy cock, hard and long, aiming for full depth. A gasp escaped Didri’s lips. Her body curled inside around him, her muscles almost in a spasm.
“Relax, sweetie,” he whispered convincingly, leaning on her and stopping his movement. “I won’t hurt you.”
“You already have,” she cried.
“If it’s a burning sensation, I assure you it’ll soon pass.”
“It hurts,” she repeated sternly, in case he had missed the point.
“Oh, sweetie, you may think so, but your body likes it, I can tell.”
“No, please get out. I can’t stand it anymore.”
“Hush, sweetie. Here, let me show you what I mean.”
He reached between her legs, his fingers caressing the wet slippery flesh. In fact, to her intense shame, she was dripping. Her body obviously liked what he was doing to it, despite her reluctance and pain.
“You simply have to cross that boundary,” he resumed when he felt her relax.
“What boundary?”
“The one between pain and pleasure, sweetie.”
Another HOT excerpt from another one of the tales. This time, it’s Rhodri, the hunter, and Aural’s turn to play the game, though it’s with a new guest.
F/M/F (867 Rhodri Aural Myla)
Damn! She’s really beautiful. Staring at Myla’s gleaming lean yet curvy body, Aural’s mind went blank, maybe a collateral effect from the panther’s intoxicating sexual turn-on, if not the result of the drug she had swallowed in one gulp, or of the foggy, pungent air suffocating her with every breath. Whatever the cause, she was falling deeper into Myla’s seductive game, which naturally had nothing to do with her. She’s in love with him! The awareness hit her apparently from nowhere. But she doesn’t have the guts…or the stupidity to tell him. And she could not help feeling sorry for her.
Playing by themselves, Myla kneeled to wrap her hands around Rhodri’s firm cock and harden it, increasing its size with each expert slide of the soft skin, before bending and swallowing it whole, her capacious mouth surprisingly big enough to cover it whole. At one point it reappeared again, and Aural seemed hypnotized by the tongue curling around the thick, long stem rising proudly on its own, lapping and licking furiously the rounded edges, then curving to envelop the entire bulging head and drawing it inside for a loud suck. Right after, she slipped down to the balls and began anew with another swallow.
Myla’s head bobbed on top of the erection, tongue flicking briefly, focused mainly on gulping the huge organ down her throat and almost gagging on it a few times. The harder she pushed, the more she tried to get it all in, or at least as much as the considerable length allowed. Following the rhythmical slide Rhodri was bound to find irresistible, he held her head and increased the tempo, forcing her to take more in than she probably expected, judging from the choking gurgles that escaped her lips. But he obviously wanted more, for taking her by the shoulders, he pushed her down on the worn carpet and sat on her.
Aural was unsure whether to stay or leave. One thing seemed very clear—the two had played before, evidently had been for a long time considering the ease with which their bodies moved, attracting one another at an animal level. It was the most exciting thing she had ever seen, a part of her envious knowing she could never compete with the black panther, not in beauty, certainly not in skill. But if last night’s sex seemed mere child’s play, something that could not have possibly satisfied, another part of her held stubbornly to the idea he was putting up the show for her benefit alone. And this conviction kept her rooted to the ground, afraid to move or even breathe lest he did not slam his incredibly big erection into Myla, her mouth-watering tight ass preferably, hurting her, just to increase Aural’s pleasure, the same she was already seeking as her hand slipped between her legs to rub the drenched cloth covering the throbbing swell begging for release.
In that same moment, raising his head, he seemed to remember she existed. Their eyes locked and Aural froze on the spot. With a malicious gleam in the blue eyes, he flipped Myla on her stomach and ran his hand on her back, lingering on the ass, slipping first one finger, then two, three into the narrow hole pushing up to receive whatever share he saw fit. And he took advantage of the offer, licking his fingers and dipping three at a time in the narrow opening while holding Aural’s gaze trapped as if he knew he was enflaming her craving, too. But the ass fuck was not in his plans, not the immediate ones anyway, because after sending a malicious flash in Aural’s direction, he spread Myla’s legs apart and shoved his stone-like cock into the silky trap. And as the witch raised her hips to accommodate him better, Aural also noticed her hands slipping under her stomach to stroke what would have been scorching for the panther, too, and would very probably burst at any moment from the hunter’s upbeat pumping, ramming with increasingly powerful thrusts that must have penetrated to her throat since he literally disappeared inside, all the way to the hilt.
Fascinated and surprised at her reaction, Aural stared, unable to take her gaze off, never having seen two people screwing before, wanting to participate, were she not afraid they would push her away if she dared to move a muscle. So she did not, Rhodri probably better off with Myla anyway since she did not seem to spark his bloody instinct, rather roused him to pleasure, blending apparently without efforts in his erotic magic. Evidently, there was something wrong with her—Aural—that made the hunter go crazy for her blood. With Myla, instead, he could be his normal self and enjoy straight sex—no pain, no cuts, nothing harmful to stand in the way of his satisfaction, obviously not a problem when it came to other woman.
Myla’s body tensed all together, then relaxed. If she had climaxed, Aural had no means of knowing, but Rhodri evidently thought so, for he pulled out of the sticky pussy he had been pounding and flipped her around. “What do you say we let her play, too?”
MM (462 Rhodri & Troydan)
Troydan had no trouble recognizing him. His blond friend had only turned into the most handsome man he had ever laid eyes on, still with the same dazzling blue eyes and a body the counselor could not stop craving.
Rhodri had been neither surprised nor revolted like he always knew and accepted it like he had everything else about Troydan in the past. In fact, in the first few minutes of hugging and touching base, it seemed the years had hardly passed at all, still kids playing around except the game was more adult now. So Rhodri asked no questions, simply took him by a hand and brought him home. And the casual stroke on Troydan’s crotch could have been a mistake or a trick of the counselor’s overexcited imagination, if the erotic massage had not deepened the second they stepped through the front door. Too aroused to question what Rhodri was doing, Troydan swung his hips forward, silently praying the hunter would take out his already hard shaft pressing against the confining clothes, and once he did, one brief jerk was enough for the counselor to burst the semen in a series of wild, convulsive spurts that flooded Rhodri’s hand.
“I’m…sorry…” Ashamed like never before in his entire life, Troydan took a step back, his now limp cock hanging out of his trousers like a repented thief in contrition.
“About what?” Blue eyes dancing, the hunter grinned widely.
“You mean…you knew?” Surprise and relief mingled in a heady sensation that went straight to his head and cock, already stirring at the news.
“Of course, it wasn’t hard to read the signs.”
“Then…you…I…I mean…we…”
One jump and Rhodri was crushing him to the wall. “Isn’t that why you came to find me?” With the sticky hand, he tilted up Troydan’s chin. “For the sex?”
“Well, if you put it this way, maybe it is.”
“Then get to it.”
“Hem…doing what?”
“Sucking.” And sticking his wet fingers in Troydan’s mouth, Rhodri made him clean them from his own fluid before pressing on his shoulders. “Now my cock.”
If that marked the beginning of a perfect affair, the counselor grew to depend on the hunter’s captivating master style, the only times he could truly be himself without the burden of disguise. Rhodri was a demanding and harsh lover, yet he also knew the secrets of the male body, the same Troydan had feared to learn on his own. Now, instead, he took pride in them and in fucking men, not women, which of course comforted his idea the former were superior to the latter. Too bad the attraction tuned into obsession, and the counselor could not help falling in love hard and deep, not daring to breathe a word of it to the hunter.
MM (497 Leon & Sean bathroom)
“We gotta make it quick,” was Leon’s outset, glancing at his watch. “I have to meet a client for lunch in half an hour.”
“Not to worry, lover.” And Sean slid down to his knees, already unzipping Leon’s fly and taking out the giant prize he tried to keep concealed, not effectively considering its swelling. “The state you’re in, it’s more than enough time.”
“All your damn fault, sweetie.”
“Serves you right for having me slave at such an outrageous hour.” Rolling the firm stem between his palms, he relished its round shape, this one in particular being one of the most exceptional specimens he had tasted in his long career. So he was as much in love with it as with its owner, however little he could show it to the latter. To the former, instead, he devoted his most lavish pampering since at least it appreciated and responded beautifully to his many styles of making love to it.
“Remind me to transfer you to the night shift.”
“Funny.” Sliding the soft skin up and down, breathing deeply of the pungent scent that never failed to intoxicate him, Sean admired the bulging head jutting out to demand the wet cavity’s territory for its own. “I thought I was already assigned to it, even doing the overtime—”
“Shut up and suck.” Leon pushed Sean’s head against his crotch. “The clock’s ticking…”
“That’s why I never wear a watch.” But he did not need reminders. Wasting no other precious second, he obeyed without qualms, opening his mouth and drawing the twitching organ in as far and deep as his throat allowed. With time, and a lot of practice, he had learned to swallow it whole and hold it, not for long of course, the one second it took men to lose control over it, or at least most of them. With Leon, it did not always work. The hunter had greater resistance than Sean was used to, so a blowjob seldom satisfied him however much he liked it. No, there was no mistaking the sheer pleasure Leon’s cock felt every time Sean’s tongue lapped the long length, curling around it to keep it prisoner and avoid a sudden lurch that would gag him for sure given the hunter’s forward hip swing to fuck the prey’s mouth as if it were his ass. Accommodating him as much as possible, Sean never gave the hunter full command of the intake, using his hands, tongue and cheeks to block dangerous treads. He adjusted his head bobs to Leon’s rhythm, yes, but swallowed more as a way of teasing his lover than to make him come, which was the only way the hunter yielded control, the few times it had happened, and flooded his mouth with hot sperm.
“Hell, sweetie, you’re so damn good!” Grabbing Sean’s head, Leon held it still as he increased the pumping and got as far down as he wished since the prey was unable to move.
MM (472 bathroom part 2)
The prey opened wider, using his tongue at times to fend off the fat head’s dangerous plunge, while sucking it avidly to make it feel snug and squeezed as Leon liked it. Enough to climax, Sean hoped, using a technique he had perfected in his unquenchable hunger for a taste of him. But this time, and despite how good it was turning out to be, he soon realized Leon craved something else entirely.
“Damn you!” Evidently coming to the same conclusion, Leon pulled Sean up and unzipped his fly. “For making me want you so bad—”
“Me? Hey, you did it all by yourself, remember?” Pushed against the sink, Sean felt Leon’s hurried clutches to drop down pants and underwear in one single sweep. “I wasn’t the one waiting for you this morning with coffee and everything.”
“And at a fine hour you showed up.”
“Still your fault for fucking me till five in the morning.”
“It was four.” A wet finger probed Sean’s ass, rimming the hole’s tight edges in a circular motion that drove him wild, before the tip of the erection nudged it, demanding an immediate entry.
“Makes no difference to my metabolism.” The hard shove took his breath away as Leon thrust forward to gain his position inside. Sliding against him, Sean opened wider, to facilitate the penetration and soon it was all inside, balls excluded.
“Not my fault you can’t get enough of my dick slamming up your ass or down your throat even in the dead of the night.” Having conquered the territory, the hunter pumped harder, drowning deeper into the narrow space making room for him.
“Not my fault either you’ve got exactly what I need.” A slight initial pain, mostly due to the cramped position, combined with the heated rub of a hard dick shaping his ass to its convenience and filling it completely with the sensual swing in and out. Sensations were so strong, the prey knew his resistance was wearing down, partly because the rush had excited him more than ever, mostly because he wanted to release the pressure buildup from the phone call. So he went to grab his cock, but Leon beat him to it, taking charge of the stick by wrapping a palm around it.
With a firm clutch, the hunter flicked the soft skin along the thick stem, covering the fat head with it at first until he picked up the same tempo ramming the ass, and everything whirled together in a seductive blur. Their faster flesh rub, the pliant butt squeeze and the frantic jerk off burst unavoidably, shooting semen all over the sink and the mirror. And Leon came the instant after with a loud groan and a final powerful shove of his throbbing cock, convulsing spasmodically in waves probably from a combination of both their comes.
M/M (1.560 Leon & Sean feelings)
“I never promised anyone everlasting love or a long-term relationship for that matter. If they had expectations, it was entirely their problem, not mine. To me, it meant nothing besides fun in bed and some extra excitement during the business hours, nothing more.” His eyes flashed. “I certainly wouldn’t get all emotional and weak over something so trivial.”
“Cold and insensitive beast,” Sean teased, but his heart felt as heavy as stone. That’s because you don’t value your emotions, lover, while to me, they’re my most precious assets, however much you’d disagree. “You’re still wrong, and since you strive so hard to be a good manager, which you are by the way, you should consider their feelings more. That’s what should come first, especially if they work for you, and you want them to be their most efficient. Take me for instance.”
“You’re an impossible case, sweetie.” Despite the light tone, Sean was not convinced he was teasing. “No good, not even as an example.”
“Oh, come on.” Piqued in spite of himself, Sean snapped. “I’m sure you’ve met worse.” The hunter’s skeptical glance told him maybe he had not. “Anyway, I can’t give my best to people who don’t mean anything to me. It would be like wasting my time if I didn’t get an emotional feedback, so why should I?”
“For your sake alone. Isn’t work a big part of your life? And if so, shouldn’t it repay you for the time you put into it?”
“Unlike you, lover, working is not a choice.” Because I don’t have a rich family covering my ass, even if you have a problem with it. “And unlike you, it doesn’t define me or who I am.” Sean’s lips curved in an ironic snarl. “Like your guru said the secret of life is to be, not to do, which is my philosophy, too. I am, and I know who I am.” And that’s a hell of a lot more than you can say for yourself, Indian teachings notwithstanding. “Therefore I don’t need to do anything to prove it.”
“This attitude isn’t going to get you anywhere.”
“And I’m not planning on going anywhere…” Except under your skin. “At least not as far as work is concerned.”
“Then what’s your real ambition?” And the look of suspicion in the dazzling green eyes made Sean wonder whether Leon had read his mind. So just in case, he averted his gaze.
“For now I’m okay with what I have,” he lied. “Though it would be nice if you could stay over this weekend.” It was not a habit, of course, but at times, the best ones to date, Leon stayed from Fridays to late Sundays, giving Sean the rare opportunity to watch him asleep, powerful naked frame stretched out next to him, lean muscles at peace, long dark hair scattered on the pillow, chest softly rising and falling in steady breathing.
“Sorry, sweetie, I can’t.” Leon rolled off. “Have to be with Peg’s parents tomorrow.” Glancing at his watch, he sat up. “In fact, it’s late enough, so I better go.”
Right, he’s fucking married! Sometimes Sean forgot the insistent rumors at work claiming Leon had affairs with his secretaries, each one in turn it seemed, while his wife looked more unhappy each passing day. Then it would come back to him with Suzy’s sad disclaimers and angry requests to know who spread the malicious allegations—wishing they were true, of course—or in alternative, who was the lucky woman. Needless to say, Sean felt a thrill of excitement thinking it was him in fact, Leon’s secret lover, and pursued the game with more energy, making its predictable result during the nightly overtime bloodier and sexier than imaginable. “Oh, no, you don’t.” Grabbing the broad shoulders from behind, Sean wrestled Leon down, then squatted smugly on his crotch. “At least not until I’ve used your wonderful dick one more time.” And swaying his ass seductively on the limp organ, he felt it becoming alert.
“Damn!” Leon pushed up his hips, attempting to unsaddle Sean, obtaining only the exact reaction his prey wanted, the forward thrusts hardening the cock. “Sweetie…”
As the tone turned deeper and huskier—the shaft’s fault, no doubt—Sean’s arousal grew to a sizable erection, too. The endearment, whatever the language or the voice, was the hunter’s own call, and its possessive undertone always made Sean lose control with the awareness he belonged to Leon…in or out of bed, in or out of time and space.
“Come on. Stop…”
Well, he sounded anything but convinced, not with a cock as thick as his had become. “Is that what you really want?” With a smug grin, the prey continued the sensual rub between his ass and the bulging head now pushing up to enter, not throw him off anymore. Since it was his same aim, Sean spread his buttocks apart to make it easier for the shaft to get what it wanted. His narrow hole was large enough anyway after Leon’s repeated poundings, so the dick slipped inside without any effort. Soon filling the available space to its fullest, it strained for more, only the balls could not follow, however deep Leon shoved to get them inside, helped also by Sean having to clasp his hands to keep from falling off. And the drilling burned his butt with a fiery heat that crunched his balls from the sheer pressure of the semen throbbing to come out. To help him resist, the not-so-comfortable position worked great, forced to rely on the hunter’s firm hold to allow his legs to press the ass down every time the hunter thrust upward. “Just say the word, and I’ll end it right now.”
“And miss all this?” Swinging his hips, the hunter penetrated so far inside Sean thought the tip of the erection would come out from his throat. “How the hell do you manage to convince me every time?”
“Because you can’t get enough of me.” Squeezing the hard screw in his butt, his own thick dick twitched in agreement, and the prey was afraid he would lose it right there and then.
“Oh, no, you don’t!” With an elegant rollover, Leon flipped Sean beneath him, gaining the upper hand and impaling his lover deeper since the new position, with the prey lying on his back, allowed for greater pumping.
But Sean was close to the edge, the dangerous one of spilling his feelings, a mistake the hunter would inevitably catch and the prey would regret for the rest of his life. It was the same reason he had chosen a strenuous position that required much physical effort and distracted his mind. Lying down, instead, with Leon’s hair brushing now his face, now his shoulders or chest, he could have kicked himself for falling once again under the hunter’s spell like in every past life. The sole difference this time he accepted it, even encouraged his falling deeper in love since any other alternative was a useless battle, a total waste of time according to his age-old experience.
No, he did not want to repeat the experience. It was high time for a change. To alter the endless pattern, even against Leon’s adamant resistance, to devise a new strategy, a different way to play the game in order to turn the tables and bring the hunter at the prey’s mercy. How exactly to beat his lover’s stupid rules, Sean still had no idea, but looking at him, the prey fantasized of a long-term relationship, convinced that allowing feelings inside the game would only enhance it, a seemingly impossible dream considering the past’s high failure rate. Then again, Leon was well worth another attempt…always had been, though his prey had so far lacked the skill to accomplish it. Well, maybe not now that he was a man with the experience of the women’s wasted lives and the opportunity to redeem them.
In Leon’s arms, ass ravaged by the frenzied hammering, he wanted to prove his point—however remote the possibility the hunter had not yet guessed it, in view of his trained eyes and ears that in other lives had sniffed it out even before the prey had. Wrapping his neck, Sean pulled Leon down, blindly seeking the full lips, then opening his mouth wide the moment he felt the tongue’s nudge, sucking it inside to mix with his flavor, melting and surrendering everything he had to the only one who ever meant anything to him.
As if sensing Sean’s mood, Leon increased the sensual sweeps, almost reaching the throat both with his tongue and shaft, the tempo of one matching that of the other, until the prey knew he had him right where he wanted him. At the verge of an explosive come, the uncontrollable spasms in his butt were not surprising given the amount of emotions spicing the plain sex into a more elaborate plate than the hunter was prepared to handle. Then before Leon had the chance to recover, Sean rolled him over and jerked off while straddling him, the feeling of the cock cramping his ass still strong in spite of its going limper by the second, the sensations tearing his soul apart more than enough to push his desire to the tip of his erection and flood the hunter’s chest with powerful jets of hot, seedy fluid.
FIRST SEX LEON & SEAN – The following is taken from the 4th story. After many other unsuccessful lives, our couple has reincarnated in Leon and Sean. And of course, everyone knows there’s no way around Destiny.
1. EROTIC M/M (677)
Up the lift, Sean could not keep his hands off Leon, touching the tense muscle underneath the elegant suit.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better,” Leon observed, “but do you think it’s a good idea to take me in here?” He grinned seductively.
They stumbled in Sean’s apartment, pushing blindly against one other, each wanting to gain the upper hand in the first stage of the game. They were playing around, at least until Leon managed to push Sean against a wall and hold him in place. Then, he bent his head on Sean’s neck and sank his teeth into the soft flesh.
Sean wanted to push Leon back, but intense pain triggered a forgotten memory that made him stop cold. New images flashed randomly, this time connected to a sequenced storyline, showing places and people he had never seen before, yet somehow knew intimately. The connections, however, only made sense when he felt the knife at his ribs.
“Remember me now, sweetie?” The green eyes taunted him.
/How could I have ever forgotten?/ That was the real question. In the space of seconds, he saw many different places, times and people, yet they were all the same. Leon and he had gone through life, several lives, changing forms, shapes, sexes, but repeating the same scenario over and over again. Apparently, tragic endings were their specialty.
“Yes,” Sean sighed at last. “I remember.”
“This is even better than I dared hope, sweetie.”
This time, though, the situation was a bit different. For the first time, Sean was Leon’s equal, no sex disparity to change the odds in the hunter’s favor. “I wouldn’t bet on it, honey.” Sean shoved his shoulders against Leon’s chest and they fell on the blue carpet. The struggle turned violent, Leon fighting to hold down Sean, while the blond beauty tried to corner his opponent.
Finally, Leon pushed Sean to the floor, pressing his face to the carpet. His knee on Sean’s back. Leon gained control of the situation. “It’s no use, sweetie. You always end up losing.”
Sean struggled to rise, but Leon’s greater strength kept him down.
“I said,” Leon’s knife slashed at the blonde’s back, “you lose.” The blade cut through the elegant fabric. “And I’m really sorry about your Gucci suit.” Having done with cloth, the blade arrived at the flesh. “It really suited you, sweetie.” The blade moved across Sean’s bare back unhampered, its cutting-edge razor sharp.
Sean sighed. The razor cuts burned his back, going deeper inside than mere superficial flesh. The wounds stung at a superficial level, yet were seductively powerful. Red brilliant blood rushed out and Sean felt Leon’s thrill. He was also getting more excited than he could remember. He had almost forgotten the unique sensation of hovering on the threshold between pain and pleasure. To cross the thin line was an exquisite pleasure in itself. Now, Sean realized what had been missing in his life all along, what he had been looking for all this time. Blissfully, he surrendered to Leon’s rhythmical cuts, drowning in the magic he weaved.
“Oh, sweetie, I had almost forgotten how good it felt.” Leon bent down, his long hair brushing Sean’s back. With a slow movement, his tongue traveled on Sean’s back, stopping at every wound, sucking off the blood, enjoying its bittersweet taste, his fingers playing with it, tracing the trickles until they formed one red spot.
Sean was completely lost in the blood ritual, his back arching up to allow Leon a closer contact, offering more flesh to cut or use as he pleased. His ass moved at its own special rhythm, which Leon could not ignore for much longer. But first, he bent further down and reached Sean’s mouth, which opened up to receive his tongue.
The taste of blood was strong, yet Sean did not mind. Their tongues battled for control, challenging one another in silent battle. They lost themselves in the kiss, their senses already aroused, became impossible to control.
“Please, take me,” Sean begged at last, when he managed to pull away.
2. EROTIC M/M (585 bloody shorter)
“Remember me now, sweetie?”
How could I have ever forgotten? That was the real question, and what he recalled mostly was the sweet, agonizing, all-encompassing love, like a mark engraved with a scalding poker directly on his heart, whether animal or human seemed to make no difference for he could never be free however many tragedies or lifecycles it took, the craving for it driving him back for more in spite of the hurt. And this life seemed no exception for he had the certainty it would take no effort, none at all, to fall in love with Leon, had already started in fact from the moment he had laid eyes on him and recognized him for the man who alone could give him what he had sought all his life, everything besides the one truly important thing. But do I want to pay the price this time, too? “Yes, I fucking remember now.”
Leon licked his lips. “This is even better than I dared hope.” And the cold sharp edge trailed back to Sean’s throat, forcing his face to tilt up.
“Oh, I wouldn’t bet on it, lover!” Because for once, Sean was Leon’s equal, no gender disparity to tip the scale in the hunter’s favor as it had in the past, and he would use whatever advantage to avoid the heavy tolls he paid in every previous lifetime. “Luckily, things change.” Shoving hard against the broad chest, they fell on the blue carpet, and the struggle turned violent with Leon fighting to hold him down in spite of his wild thrashing aimed at cornering his opponent until the dark-haired man managed to push him to the floor, his knee pressed on the back crushing his face to the carpet, and gain control.
“It’s no use, sweetie, not even now that you’re a man.” He chuckled. “Whatever form you take, you’ll always end up losing.”
Now angry, Sean jerked frantically to break the iron hold, but Leon’s superior strength kept him down.
“I said you fucking lose!” With a single sweep, Leon’s knife ripped apart Sean’s elegant suit. “And I’m really sorry about your Dolce & Gabbana ensemble.” Having done with the cloth, the cold blade reached the warm flesh. “It really looked good on you.” Unhampered, the razor sharp edge scratched Sean’s bare back, dipping to rupture the delicate skin, the incisions growing rapidly as Leon became more excited. “Although I prefer you naked.”
After a momentary pause, Sean heard his zip opening and the tip of the erection nudging the narrow hole, which did not hesitate to open wide and let what felt like a huge dick—the exact measurements he had craved for a lifetime, hard, thick and long—slam into him and fill every inch of available space. And even more surprising, Leon also knew his way inside an ass, an art not for all as Sean had learned early on, slipping through firmly but without causing pain, adapting to the hole’s dilation time until it accommodated the whole of him, every shove penetrating deeper, almost to the throat it seemed, as the pressure and pumping accelerated when Sean matched his pace. Then their dance became frantic, the faster the friction the tighter the ass squeeze and the higher the heat that in turn burned the tip of Sean’s erection, already throbbing from the need to come, to the point nothing made sense except Leon’s jerk of pleasure and his own shooting the semen all over his hand and carpet.
3. EROTIC M/M (862)
“Remember me now, sweetie?”
How could I have ever forgotten? That was the real question. Mostly, what he recalled was the sweet, agonizing love, like a mark engraved with a scalding poker directly on his heart, whether animal or human made no difference for he could never be free despite the innumerable tragedies or lifecycles it had cost him already. Each time the craving drove him back for more, and this life seemed no exception for it would take no effort, none at all, to fall in love with Leon, had already started in fact from the moment he laid eyes on him. And how ironic, how fitting in the cruel balance of things, to find again the man who alone could give him what he had sought all his life, everything but the one truly important thing. “Hell, yes, I fucking remember now.”
Leon licked his lips. “This is even better than I dared hope.” And the cold sharp edge trailed back to Sean’s throat, forcing his face to tilt up.
“Oh, I wouldn’t bet on it, lover!” Because for once, Sean was Leon’s equal, no gender disparity to tip the scale in the hunter’s favor as it had in the past, and he would use whatever advantage to avoid the heavy tolls he paid in every previous lifetime. “Luckily, things change.” Shoving hard against the broad chest, he pushed Leon down on the blue carpet and fell on top of him. The struggle turned violent with Leon toppling him, then fighting to hold him down in spite of Sean’s wild thrashing aimed at overthrowing his opponent until the hunter managed to flatten his prey to the floor, his knee pressed on the back crushing his face to the carpet, and gain control. “It’s no use, sweetie, not even now that you’re a man.” He chuckled. “Whatever form you take, you’ll always end up losing.”
Now angry, Sean jerked frantically to break the iron hold, but Leon’s superior strength kept him down.
“I said, you fucking lose!” With a single sweep, Leon’s knife ripped apart Sean’s elegant suit. “And I’m really sorry about your Dolce & Gabbana ensemble.” Having done with the cloth, the cold blade reached the warm flesh. “It really looked good on you.” Unhampered, the razor sharp edge scratched Sean’s bare back, dipping to rupture the delicate skin, the incisions growing rapidly as the hunter became more aroused. “Although I prefer you naked.”
Caught between pain and pleasure, Sean wondered how he had managed to live his thirty-five years without the burning feeling that went far deeper than mere skin level, each sting so sublime his cock was about to burst from sheer excitement alone. And as he hovered on the threshold between the two opposite sensations, to cross the thin line an exquisite bliss in itself, he surrendered to the rhythmical carving—for such was the nature of what had been missing in his life all along.
“Fuck! I almost forgot how good it feels.” Long hair brushing Sean’s back, Leon’s tongue traveled on his back, stopping to suck the blood pooled around each incision, while his fingers played with it, methodically smearing the white skin.
Completely lost in the ritual, Sean’s back arched to allow a closer contact, offering more flesh to slice, raising his head at times to gasp lest the tension blew him to pieces, until Leon caught him on the rebound and stuck his tongue down Sean’s throat, filling his mouth with bitter sweetness as it twisted and rubbed against his cheeks and palate, teasing and challenging at the same time. And the heat became unbearable, particularly since Sean continued to brush his starving ass against Leon’s crotch, loving the feel of the hardness still concealed by the trousers, a steady taunt he was sure the hunter could not ignore for much longer.
And he did not. After a momentary pause, Sean heard the zipper opening and the tip of the erection nudging the enflamed hole, which did not hesitate to open wide and let what felt like a huge dick—the exact measurements he had craved for a lifetime, hard, thick and long—slam into him and fill every inch of available space. And even more surprising, Leon also knew his way inside an ass, an art not for all as Sean had learned early on thanks to past incompetents. The hunter, instead, slipped through firmly but without causing pain, adapting to the hole’s dilation time until it accommodated the whole of him, every shove penetrating deeper, almost to the throat it seemed, with Sean accelerating the pressure and pumping in keeping up with the fast pace. So their dance became frantic, the faster the friction the tighter the ass squeeze and the higher the heat burning the tip of Sean’s erection, already throbbing from the need to come, to the point nothing made sense except Leon’s jerk of pleasure and his own shooting the semen all over his hand and carpet.
4. EROTIC MM (1.370 lallagatta)
The rest of the drive expelled the last of whatever toxin had gotten into his system until he was finally where he had wanted to be since first seeing Leon, at close quarters. During the lift ride, he was unable to keep his hands off the tense muscles rippling beneath the elegant suit and pressing his palm on the bulge that was awakening under his seductive massage coaxing it into a healthy erection.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better.” Leon’s lips curved in an ironic snarl. “But shouldn’t we wait until we’re out of here?” His eyes flashed mischievously.
“Oh, I’d have blown you long before this, in your office or the pub, so might as well take any advantage I get.” He fingered the taut piece from the clothes looking at the lift’s display. “I’m still too late ‘cause we’re at my floor.”
Getting out, they stumbled in his apartment, Leon pushing against him as if wanting to gain the upper hand in the first stage of the game, which worked fine for Sean since they were fooling around, at least until he was shoved against a wall and held in place while a metallic point, appearing out of nowhere, glinted in the semi-darkness. Immediately after, long hair tickled his neck before sharp teeth sank into the soft flesh drawing the first blood. And if his gut reaction was to fend off the unwarranted attack, the pain made it all come back, the same broken images, which moments ago had looked like deranged and senseless visions, re-sequenced into an intelligible tale that froze him on the spot. However incredible it sounded, he and Leon had a history together that went back to times and spaces Sean had not even known existed. And though the people he saw in them seemed complete strangers, they were in fact earlier versions of himself, brought to life by the knife pressing at his ribs. No, there was no mistaking their many reincarnations. He and Leon burned lives like yards of a football match, changing form, shape, and now also gender, in order to satisfy their insatiable bloodlust and repeat the same game until its tragic epilogue made it necessary to start everything over again.
So switching back to the present, it was only natural to see the green eyes taunting him. “Remember me now, sweetie?”
How could I have ever forgotten? That was the real question. Mostly, what he recalled was the sweet, agonizing love, like a mark engraved with a scalding poker directly on his heart. Animal or human never made a difference. He could never be free of it despite the innumerable tragedies or lifecycles it had cost him already. Each time the craving drove him back for more, and this life seemed no exception for it would take no effort, none at all, to fall in love with Leon, had already started in fact from the moment he laid eyes on him. And how ironic, how fitting in the cruel balance of things, to find again the man who alone could give him what he had sought all his life, everything but the one truly important thing. “Hell, yes, I fucking remember.”
Leon licked his lips. “This is even better than I dared hope.” And the cold sharp edge trailed back to Sean’s throat, forcing his face to tilt up.
“Oh, I wouldn’t bet on it, lover!” Because for once, Sean was Leon’s equal, no gender disparity to tip the scale in the hunter’s favor as it had in the past, and he would use whatever advantage to avoid the heavy tolls he paid in every previous lifetime. “Luckily, things change.” Shoving hard against the broad chest, he pushed Leon down on the blue carpet and fell on top of him. The struggle turned violent. Leon toppled him, then fought to hold him down in spite of Sean’s wild thrashing, aimed at overthrowing his opponent, until the hunter managed to flatten his prey to the floor, his knee pressed on the back crushing his face to the carpet.
“It’s no use, sweetie, not even now that you’re a man.” He chuckled. “Whatever form you take, you’ll always end up losing.”
Now angry, Sean jerked frantically to break the iron hold, but Leon’s superior strength kept him down. “I said you fucking lose!” With a single sweep, Leon’s knife ripped apart Sean’s elegant suit. “And I’m really sorry about your Dolce & Gabbana ensemble.” Having done with the cloth, the cold blade reached the warm flesh. “It really looked good on you.” Unhampered, the razor sharp edge scratched Sean’s bare back, dipping to rupture the delicate skin, the incisions growing rapidly as the hunter became more aroused. “Although I prefer you naked.”
Caught between pain and pleasure, Sean wondered how he had managed to live his thirty-five years without the burning feeling that went far deeper than mere skin level, each sting so sublime his cock was about to burst from sheer excitement alone. And as he hovered on the threshold between the two opposite sensations, to cross the thin line an exquisite bliss in itself, he surrendered to the rhythmical carving—for such was the nature of what had been missing in his life all along.
“Fuck! I almost forgot how good it feels.” Long hair brushing Sean, Leon’s tongue traveled on his back, stopping to suck the blood pooled around each incision, while his fingers played with it, methodically smearing the white skin.
Completely lost in the ritual, Sean arched to allow a closer contact, offering more flesh to slice, raising his head at times to gasp, lest the tension blew him to pieces. Then Leon caught him on the rebound and stuck his tongue down Sean’s throat. Filling his mouth with bitter sweetness, it twisted and rubbed against his cheeks and palate, teasing and challenging at the same time. And the heat became unbearable, particularly since Sean continued to brush his starving ass against Leon’s crotch, loving the feel of the hardness still concealed by the trousers, a steady taunt he was sure the hunter could not ignore for much longer.
And he did not. After a momentary pause, Sean heard the zipper opening and the tip of the erection nudging the enflamed hole, which did not hesitate to open wide and let what felt like a huge dick—the exact measurements he had craved for a lifetime, hard, thick and long—slam into him and fill every inch of available space. And even more surprising, Leon also knew his way inside an ass, an art not for all as Sean had learned early on thanks to past incompetents. The hunter, instead, slipped through firmly but without causing pain, adapting to the hole’s dilation time until it accommodated the whole of him. Every shove penetrating deeper, almost to the throat it seemed, Sean accelerated the pressure and pumping in keeping up with the fast pace. So their dance became frantic. The faster the friction the tighter the ass squeeze and the higher the heat burning the tip of Sean’s erection, already throbbing from the need to come, to the point nothing made sense except Leon’s jerk of pleasure and his own shooting the semen all over his hand and carpet.
“Bloody hell, it was the best damn fuck of my…” But the words died in Sean’s throat, killed by a sudden realization. “Damn!” Shoving Leon aside, he flipped around to confront him. “You didn’t even use a fucking rubber!”
“After all the blood I drank, what would’ve been the use?” And the green eyes flashed amused.
“I could be HIV positive or have hepatitis or—”
“A dozen other sexually transmissible diseases, I know.” Leon shrugged, then rolled on an elbow. “The point is that our connection is too strong to let viruses get in the way.”
“Then it’s all true…the lives, the people…the game…”
Four different lifetimes tell the story of a hunter and his prey bound together through time by their passionately seductive game of sex and blood.
In a hi-tech world, Tylean teaches Didri pain and pleasure while slicing tiny cuts on her soft skin. The game, intended only at a physical level, turns into love for Didri, but he forbids emotions, claiming they will spoil the bloody ritual. Following the declaration, Tylean wants to leave, but in a tragic epilogue, Didri’s formally accuses him and authorities execute him. Driven by guilt, she commits suicide.
In the second story, the predator, in the shape of a panther, recognizes the bond with its gazelle/prey, but is unable to stop nature’s call.
In a peaceful farming community, the hunter Rhodri meets Aural and the game begins anew as he makes her explore new boundaries between pain and pleasure, using the same knifing technique. Once again, though, Aural commits the fatal mistake of falling in love with her lover/tormentor. Furious because feelings threaten to ruin his game, in a fit of rage, Rhodri nearly kills her.
Finally, on twenty-first century Earth, Leon and Sean resume their game in a typical American business context. This time, however, the prey devises a new strategy to avoid the fatal endings of the past lifetimes. He manages to trap the hunter into admitting he has intense feelings for his prey and they will plan a new future together.
Synopsis 2: (complete)
The prequel to Tasting Leon’s Mark, the bloody game that started it all with the inter-play of different lifetimes all aiming for the same passionate lust. Divided into 4 books, the story takes place in four different worlds, with eight different protagonists that are the same two souls that keep reincarnating and crossing paths, hunter and prey inevitably liked in a doomed destiny.
Book One – In a hi-tech world, Tylean teaches Didri pain and pleasure while slicing tiny cuts on her soft skin. The game, intended only at a physical level, turns into love for Didri, but he forbids emotions, claiming they will spoil the bloody ritual. Following the declaration, Tylean wants to leave, but in a tragic epilogue, Didri’s formally accuses him and authorities execute him. Driven by guilt, she commits suicide.
Book Two – the predator, in the shape of a panther, recognizes the bond with its gazelle/prey, but is unable to stop nature’s call.
Book Three – In a peaceful farming community, the hunter Rhodri meets Aural and the game begins anew as he makes her explore new boundaries between pain and pleasure, using the same knifing technique. Once again, though, Aural commits the fatal mistake of falling in love with her lover/tormentor. Furious because feelings threaten to ruin his game, in a fit of rage, Rhodri nearly kills her.
Book Four – Finally, on twenty-first century Earth, Leon and Sean resume their game in a typical American business context. This time, however, the prey devises a new strategy to avoid the fatal endings of the past lifetimes. He manages to trap the hunter into admitting he has intense feelings for his prey and they will plan a new future together.
Synopsis 3 – without endings
The prequel to Tasting Leon’s Mark, the bloody game that started it all with the inter-play of different lifetimes all aiming for the same passionate lust. Divided into 4 books, the story takes place in four different worlds, with eight different protagonists that are the same two souls that keep reincarnating and crossing paths, hunter and prey inevitably liked in a doomed destiny.
BOOK One – In a hi-tech world, Tylean teaches Didri pain and pleasure while slicing tiny cuts on her soft skin. The game, intended only at a physical level, turns into love for Didri, but sadly not for him…
Book Two – The predator, in the shape of a panther, recognizes the bond with its gazelle/prey, but will they find a way around nature’s ways?
Book Three -.In a peaceful farming community, the hunter Rhodri meets Aural and the game begins anew. He makes her go beyond her boundaries, hovering between pain and pleasure, trapping her inside the same knifing game he used as Tylean. Once again, though, Aural commits the fatal mistake of falling in love with her lover/tormentor, and consequences will be drastic, to say the least
Book Four – On Twenty-first Century Earth, Leon and Sean resume their game in a typical American business context. This time, however, things are bound to change as the lesson “However you lived your past, today you’re the key to changing your future” sinks in, so much so their story continues in the sequel Tasting Leon’s Mark.
The hunter: Tylean, panther, Rhodri and Leon
He is a dominant Alpha man who loves to cut up with a knife his prey, then drink the blood while having passionate sex. He always expects his prey to live by his rules and play the game without the burden of emotions. When the prey trespasses this stringent limit, the hunter feels compelled to take drastic measures, which result in tragic death or dramatic endings.
The prey: Didri, gazelle, Aural, Sean
She/he accepts the hunter’s rules at first, but inevitably falls in love with him, risking disaster each time until he develops a winning strategy that will change the terms of the game.
Level of sexuality
Definitely heated and unusual for the entire novel is based on the highly erotic game which mixes sex, blood and knife play in a crescendo of pain and pleasure seldom reached by copuples.
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Only one rule: never fall in love. But the sex and blood is too good to passup, blood and sex the only fair game he–the hunter–allows me–his prey. For his sake, I’ve had more lives than I care to count. Don’t miss the prequel to Tasting Leon’s Mark!
@Your Fingertips Tamela Quijas
CTR – 4 Cups
RJR – 3.5 Ribbons
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