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A well written mix of romance, history, mystique and horror!

Title: Visionquest
Author: Laura Tolomei
Publisher: eXtasy Books
ISBN: 9781554877249
Released: November 2010
Format: Ebook
Price: $5.00
Length: 118 Pages
Genre: Horror Romane, Erotica, Gay LGBTQA+, Ménage à Trois/Quatre, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Shape-shifter
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewer Name: Mommaduck Q


As always, I love a tale told in first person. There's a particular voyeurism allowed when the reader has an opportunity to delve into a world that seems more like a diary, allowing them a sudden step into a person's inner thoughts and dreams.

Ms. Tolomei's Visionquest is not the normal shape shifter tale. Set in a medieval world, a beast roams the streets, killing everything in its path. Ilenio, a young peasant, is tormented by nightmares of the murders, and the problems that plague his family. The use of first person allows the reader to delve more deeply into the horror of the murders, and the extent of the brutality inflicted on the victims, as well as the illness suffered by Ilenio's sister.

Times are hard for Ilenio's family and, when the mysterious Lord Brahany purchases Ilenio as a servant and seer for his home, the family problems seem to be solved.

However, the new lord has plans for Ilenio, which can only be developed to their fullest while they explore each other's bodies.

Visionquest is a well-written mixture of romance, history, mystique, and horror. The encounters between the characters are breathless moments of rough sex that are a crucial development theme to the story.

Visionquest will pull at the senses, and draws the reader into a magnificent world of fantasy!
Mommaduck Q

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