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I loved it!

I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a good noir with a modern twist to it.

The most amazing aspect of this book wasn't the disappearance of Adèle Bedeau.

It was everything else!

From the setting to the characters, from the plot to the investigative techniques, this book smells and tastes like the great French noir classics but reads with the pace and beat of a modern book. This is probably the reason why I was plunged into another time and place from page one without any resistance on my part. And I enjoyed every minute of it!

Even more fascinating, there seems to be no clear-cut line between the policeman and the villain, as though one was the mirror image of the other. Both men appear to have the same quirks and insecurities, so that it's hard for readers to identify with one but not the other. And that's quite a unique experience for me who have read several crime novels in my 50+ years, also because it adds to the intrigues uncovered in the novel.

Check it out on Amazon

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