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Big push boundaries novel!

Title: Sacrificial Sex

Author: Laura Tolomei
Publisher: eXtasy Books
ISBN: 9781554872435
Released: March 2009
Format: Ebook
Price: $5.15
Length: 129 Pages
Genre: Horror Romance, Erotica, Gay LGBTQA+, Ménage à Trois, Dark Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Paranormal
Reviewer Name: Elisa Rolle
Reviewer: My Reviews & Ramblings


This is not a review and it's the first time I do something like that. This is an admission of guilt, I wasn't able to finish this book. But not since the book wasn't good, or well-written, I think that, if you are a fan of gothic fantasy, very dark gothic fantasy, and of a well-crafted setting, and if you have a very open mind, Sacrificial Sex is a good book for you. But for me it's too much; I can arrive to some extension, but even I have my limit. Human blood sacrifice, multiple partners, using of sex as a weapon to control people... and basically men without moral boundaries, sorry not for me. I know, and this is the reason why I post, that to some readers these things are not a "no, no" like for me, but instead something they search. I repeat, I think that the author's style is good, the world she created complex and original, and I think this is a big push boundaries novel. I arrived to more than half the novel, since when I was just there to let it go, the writing always kept me, but then I had to stop, it was too troubling for me going on. But if you want to give it a try, here it's:

Sacrificial Sex by Laura Tolomei: A young man thrown into a primitive world where blood and sex are sacrificed to sanguinary gods in a vicious ritual, tries to stop the sorcerer from satisfying his own blood lust and sexual cravings on innocent virgins. An intended victim himself, the handsome stranger will use sexual persuasion to gain his trust without revealing the truth behind the sacrifices or its virgin offerings. But in his dangerous quest to save the virgins, Rowen will get more blood, sex and cruelty than he has bargained for.


My Reviews & Ramblings

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