Virtus Sex (Erotica) by Laura Tolomei - Author's Cut: Book 1 Virtus Saga
When Prince Duncan Caldwell loses his way home and knocks on a stranger’s door, looking to find shelter, he doesn’t know his life is about to change forever. Not because he can’t tear his gaze away from the beautiful woman who opens that door, but more so because she’s a stranger yet he can’t shake the feeling she belongs to him. And discovering she’s been banned from his home can’t stop the vortex of his feelings nor the truth of his world from crashing down on him.
This is just the beginning of the Virtus Saga, where nothing is as it seems. Not the world, since its all- pervading sex drive hides a scary lack of violence. Not the people, since soul mates Prince Duncan Caldwell and Lord Christopher Templeton share a love that is unrivaled until that fateful knock on Ylianor Meyer’s dilapidated shack.
This book starts the love and the passion that entwines fiery sex into this intricate three-way relationship. It’s a unique connection, laced with jealousy and violence that are unknown to their world. This is not just another erotic dark fantasy series.
This is the making of a trio. Of three remarkable characters that must overcome their uncontrollable lust to face the truth about themselves and their planet if they want to defeat the darkness about to devour them. To be as one whilst three! To share power and love in equal measures. This is their real challenge, the lesson they must learn.
Otherwise, how will their world survive?
Book Viral recommends it: "A wholly enthralling erotic paranormal fantasy which is sure to be well- received Virtus Sex, The Sex: Author's Cut, proves a strong start to the Virtus Saga series and is highly recommended."
"Riveting from the start. Sensational sex and its consequences make for a genuine page-turner in a genre which more often than not suffers from a lack of originality. Written in vibrant prose that vividly capture Tolomei's evocative settings, she doesn't pump up her the plot with recycled manufactured thrills. Adding tension through the devices of smart dialogue and clever plot twists which repeatedly succeed in hijacking readers expectations whilst a heady sense of eroticism writhes on every page. The sex is graphic, the suspense bordering on unbearable at times with the mood further augmented by the strength of her characters." Review by Book Viral
"Far too many erotic fantasy novels get off to a nice start before becoming entangled in convoluted and invariably uninteresting plot machinations. But through her principal characters Prince Duncan Caldwell, Lord Christopher Templeton and Ylianor we get a real sense of the power conveyed through the act of sex. Added to which are their fascinating backstories which are threaded through Tolomei's narrative as Duncan, Chris and Ylianor come to fully understand the nature of the sex and magic that binds them together." Review by Book Viral
Product Details:
Paperback: 518 Pages
Author's Cut: Book 1 Virtus Saga
- Book Marketing Global Network: Global Library: Erotica (Action and Adventure)
- Book Marketing Global Network: Global Library: Erotica (General)
- Book Marketing Global Network: Global Library: Fantasy (Paranormal)
Amazon Purchase Link:
About Laura Tolomei: If you really want to know, I was born in 1965 in Rome, Italy, but soon started my travelling career. At the age of five, my parents took me to Lagos, Nigeria, where I grew up free and hot like I've never been since. I loved it there and still think of it with nostalgia. Anyway, it was also where I learned English.
After my African experience, I was ready to tackle the US. I lived in Atlanta, GA, five teen-age years, attending the Crestwood High School, where I started my writing career by publishing a short story Nostalgia on the Crestwood Journal. Very thrilled about discovering my new talent, I went ahead during college, writing for the Emory University journal The Phoenix. Three articles mark my first-and last-steps in journalism, "The peace Corps", "WAMM, Women Against Military Madness," and "Lesbism".
After my American experience, I moved back to Rome, but still kept living from time to time abroad, spending several months in Mumbay India, a country I always felt very close to me in more ways than one.
Today, I write both in Italian and English, mostly fiction of various genres, from fantasy erotica, to mysteries up to plain ordinary life stories.
For those of you who read Italian, you can simply visit the Italian sections of my website, but if you feel particularly lazy, here's a short summary:
I have a short story on line Incontro Metropolitano (Meeting at the Subway) and two books:
- *Piccolo Crocevia a Cinque (Little Five Points, for those who know Atlanta it's a spot near Emory University), printed by Editing Edizioni, to be released December 2008.
- *L'Investigatto (loosely translated The Cat Detective), publisher Ennepil Libri, 2009
In English, I write erotica in various genres, mostly fantasy, sci-fi and #paranormal, sometimes trespassing into contemporary. Some of my current and upcoming titles include:
- *Trespassing All Hallows Eve
- *Divinitas
- *Sacrificial Sex
- *Roman Seduction
- *Re-Scue
- *Spying the Alcove
- *Blood Shadows on Passion
- *To Seduce a Soulmate.
- *Virtus the series: Erotic Empowerment
- *Virtus the series: Erotic Control
- *Tasting leon's Mark
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Review Author’s Cut: Virtus Sex 5 Star Review: Author Laura Tolomei takes her book, Virtus Sex (Erotic Dark Fantasy Paranormal) to a new level of imagination. In the opening scene, Prince Duncan Caldwell is traveling on his horse named Fuzeon through familiar territory, but as …