AUTHOR Laura Tolomei

FACEBOOK THREADS: Laura Tolomei Horror Side

GENRE: Erotic Romance , GLBTQIA, Historical, Holiday, Menage, COMING SOON

ISBN: 978-1-4874-3172-3

Estimated Publish Date: December 25, 2020

PAGES# 309

WORDS# 90.558

HEAT: 4 flames

PUBLISHER: eXtasy Books


Tags: Adult, Erotic Romance, GLBT, Historical, Menage, Holyday, Sugar plantation, West Indies, Antilles, Sugar canes, Caribbean sea


Three people, three different destinies, a common deadline. Will Christmas of 1855 prove to be their downfall or the way forward to a new union and everlasting happiness?

Count Mathew de la Roche feels trapped. To keep La Belle Dame, the sugar plantation in Martinique he inherited at his uncle’s death, he must enter into a stable relationship and provide for a viable heir of his own by Christmas of 1855. Problem is—he likes variety in his bed and doesn’t want to be tied down to a single person.

Amandine Duvalier is the Creole daughter of a slave and a marquis, the master of the now-abandoned Cantrell plantation. Impossible for her to inherit her father’s estate, she’s about to be kicked out of the place where she was born, and she has only until Christmas of 1855 to find new accommodation. Problem is—she’s a certified witch, so no one’s going to offer her a roof over her head.

Kabir Sayed is an Indian prince from one of those obscure reigns tolerated by the British. He stands to inherit the throne, but he’s not sure he wants it. His brother would be better suited for this job, and Kabir has left home to learn more of the world surrounding him. Now, he’s working as an indentured laborer on La Belle Dame, cutting up sugar canes by the hundreds, and he has until Christmas 1855 to make up his mind about the succession. Problem is—Johannes Van Dyke has it in for him, and he might’ve just killed him after that severe beating.

As their paths cross in unexpected ways, the Christmas deadline looms on the horizon. What hasn’t entered the equation so far is the magnetic attraction they feel for one another. Will it be enough to overcome their prejudices and lead them to true union and everlasting happiness?


Who’s that magnificent creature?

(PG Excerpt)

“I’ll leave you to your duties.” Glad to have an extra excuse for fleeing, Mathew bowed and strode to the door, crossing the threshold in a hurry like he was being chased by an entire army. The front entrance loomed at the horizon. Every step brought him closer until something distracted his attention, and he slowed down.

No, he practically stopped in his tracks.

The sight of a woman entering a side room was the cause of it.

Tall, slender, creamy Creole skin, with inky-black hair, a body oozing seduction with every move, an ass worth killing for, from which he couldn’t tear his gaze away. It had glued to those splendidly round, firm cheeks below the waist that her plain cotton dress did nothing to hide.

Good heavens, who’s that magnificent creature?

Just then, the servant who had interrupted his farewells came out of the drawing-room and followed the tantalizing female.

“Amandine,” she addressed the object of his desires. “Madame says she’ll be with you in a moment.”

The woman’s response was inaudible due to the closing of the door. Still, he had a name, and he couldn’t wait to find out who she was.