Book Brew Sparks:

Roman Seduction
AUTHOR: Laura Tolomei
Series: Trespassing, Book 1
FACEBOOK THREADS: Historical, Novellas
GENRE: Erotica, Gay LGBT, Ménage à Trois, Adventure, Historical, Romance, Romantica, Novella, m/m, m/m/m
WORDS# 10.000
HEAT: 4 flames
RELEASE: 1 June 2009
PUBLISHER: eXtasy Books
COVER ARTIST: Martine Jardin
Alexandria, Egypt, hot sun melts the senses and rushes blood in heated passion, the same unquenchable desire Aurelius feels for Attilio. Before Brighit and Celtic England, Aurelius is sure his destiny is the blond Roman soldier…or is he? Don’t miss the sensually hot prequel to TRESPASSING ALL HALLOWS EVE that will tie three people’s destinies forever.
One night, hurrying home, Aurelius thought he heard someone following him. Turning to search the darkness, he saw nothing. Unsettled, he quickened his pace, but cutting a corner, strong hands grabbed his shoulders, shoving his face to a wall.
“Well, it seems we meet again despite your reluctance.”
Feeling Attilio’s warm body pressing against him, Aurelius’s stomach caved in. “I—”
“Shut up. I’m not interested in your lies. Listen to me instead. We’re pulling out in a few days, moving to Carthage. Will you come with me?”
For a moment, Aurelius did not believe his ears.
“You heard me right, Pullus,” Attilio confirmed softly as if hearing his doubts. “I want you to join the army and come with me.”
“But you don’t want me,” Aurelius blurted out.
Attilio turned him around, this time pressing his shoulders to the wall. “I never said so.”
“You didn’t have to, Attilio. You made it more than clear that night at Vittore.”
Attilio grinned. “That was only a test, Pullus. Do you think I’d ask another man to keep me company while I fuck a slave?”
Aurelius swallowed hard. “You don’t understand, Attilio,” he said, staring straight into the mocking blue gaze. “I want you, not as a game and not as a one-time affair. But I know you’d get bored eventually of having me around so—“
“You’d rather play coward and take the easy way out?”
“I’m not a coward,” Aurelius spat hotly. “I know this will make you laugh, but ever since childhood, I’ve had the feeling I was born to meet someone special.” He lowered his gaze for a second, ashamed to admit such a private thing. “When I first saw you, I thought it might be you.” He raised his head again. “This is what scares me the most and after that night, I couldn’t pretend anymore you were just a casual acquaintance. So I avoided you…to play it safe.”
“One thing the army taught me, Pullus, is that there’s no playing it safe. Life is a never-ending challenge that calls us to battle every single day. We can act as cowards or take our responsibilities and be men.” He eased his pressure. “The choice is yours, Pullus, and I’m not going to force you into anything you don’t—”
AR Alternative Read
CTR 5 Cups
FAR 4 Angels
Joyfully Reviewed
Literary Nymphs Reviews 2.5 nymphs
RRU Reviews R US – 5 Stars
Sensual Reads
TTL Talking Two Lips – 4 lips
Elisa Rolle blog
AXP Absolute X Press blog
Annie Alvarez Blog
“There’s no such thing as playing it safe.” Excellent line!
I do wonder, though, why your Roman era guy is wearing what look like striped boxer shorts on your cover. Oh well, he’s hot anyway!
As you know, Lisabet, I write the stories while an artist does the covers, which is often more complicated than the writing itself. I never complain because they usually look awesome and perfectly adapted to the storyline…stripped boxers notwithstanding 🙂
@LallaGatta #LauraTolomei #LallaGatta #Historical #Romance #MM
Very interesting start to the story
I agree, Jane. It sets the rhythm to this fast-paced novella set in Ancient Roman times. It’s Roman Seduction like the title suggests.
@LallaGatta #LauraTolomei #LallaGatta #Historical #Romance #MM
M/M, ancient Rome. Just bought a copy. This sounds great!
Thanks, Kate! I’m sure Roman Seduction won’t disappoint you!
@LallaGatta #LauraTolomei #LallaGatta #Historical #Romance #MM